第一句子大全 > 标签 > Looking
满眼都是遗憾的句子|望着自己走进烟雨 走向失落的过往

满眼都是遗憾的句子|望着自己走进烟雨 走向失落的过往

...天早上散步,晚上跑步。Small, warm, just into my mood. Vaguely looking out of the dust, looking into their own smoke and rain, towards the lost pastHu Shuang:I, back in town,One day down, every morning walk, night run.淡淡一天,看着朝夕相处的夕阳,看着桥头的老树,总...

2022-12-31 #经典句子

英语语法系列之表语从句简化 动名词作表语?!不定式作表语?!

英语语法系列之表语从句简化 动名词作表语?!不定式作表语?!

...用!所以只能将looks转变词性!↓词性:looks(动词)→looking(动名词)④此时的句子符合语法↓,而且具有名词性质的表语从句 that she looks after the children 简化成了动名词短语 looking after the children。词性和意思都没有多大变化...

2023-10-15 #经典句子

汽车上的异瞳女粉丝 让Cameron成为凶手(英语故事鉴赏)

汽车上的异瞳女粉丝 让Cameron成为凶手(英语故事鉴赏)

...场寻求帮助,最终和警方达成共识:All that matters is you"re looking for a drug dealer,也就是你找的是一个贩毒者I"m looking for the magician who helped him get away.而我找的是帮他逃走的那个魔术师be looking for something 或者 somebody 正在寻找某事或者...

2023-05-12 #经典句子



...nd I do not wander, sigh, the passing of the unforgettable smoke and rain, looking back; looking for, that suddenly realized dream after turning around still还记得您说过,我的微笑清淡了您的生活,静静地看着我,您的心也变得舒畅而愉快。我心悦诚服地向你倾...

2022-12-21 #经典句子

海外购物说I want… 你知道你得罪人了吗?购物英语了解下…

海外购物说I want… 你知道你得罪人了吗?购物英语了解下…

...咖啡厅或者快餐厅听到,今天需要我帮您拿点啥?Are you looking for something?您在找什么东西么?你可以回答:I"m just looking/browsing.我就是看看;I"m looking for a red dress.我在找红裙子~I"m looking for XX我在找XX。告诉别人你要买的东西,尽...

2023-09-05 #经典句子

常用英语短语学习 网络热词小鲜肉怎么说?果果AI推荐

常用英语短语学习 网络热词小鲜肉怎么说?果果AI推荐

...ng hunk“, 形容词状态为hunky。例句:For this action movie we"re looking for an actor who is both athletic and a hunk.这动作电影,我们正在搜罗一个运动型及高大吸引的猛男参与。A lot of people think Keanu Reeves is hunky, but he actually doesn"t. In fact, he consid...

2009-09-16 #经典句子

朋友圈古风文案 句句倾心!

朋友圈古风文案 句句倾心!

...旧事歇;相思一缕,任风起,凉了长安月。How much sorrow, looking at the sky, the rain urges the old rest; Acacia a wisp, let the wind, cool Changan month.五、遥望长安日,不见长安人。Looking at Chang "an, I could not see the people of Chang "an.六、一纸载春秋,...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

适合留言的温柔治愈句子|手指的年轮 岁月的痕迹

适合留言的温柔治愈句子|手指的年轮 岁月的痕迹

...的身影,又不禁想起了过去的自己。I sat by the night window, looking out of the window at the flowing city, looking at the noisy crowd in the night market, looking at the brightly lit crowd, looking at the endless flow of vehicles coming and going in a hurry, and thinking of myself in ...

2022-12-10 #经典句子



...你更聪明。总有人比你年轻。但他们永远不会是你。三、Looking back makes you smart. Looking forward makes you mature. Looking down makes you wise. Looking up makes you strong.回头看让你变得聪明。向前看让你成熟。向下看会让你变得聪明。向上看让你...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

早安人生感悟精美句子 拥抱阳光 带上热爱和执着 大步向前!

早安人生感悟精美句子 拥抱阳光 带上热爱和执着 大步向前!

...大、更完整的东西。Life is about moving on, accepting changes and looking forward to what makes you stronger and more complete.七、过去的就应该过去。它可以摧毁未来。生活要为明天所能提供的而活,而不是为昨天所夺去的。The past should be the past. It c...

2022-12-18 #经典句子

句句箴言 很值得一看!

句句箴言 很值得一看!

...你以为看的人,其实是在看风景。The person you think you are looking at the scenery is actually looking at you. The person you think you are looking at is actually looking at the scenery.这世界太大了,千万别看错了,千万别选错了。The world is too big. Don"t make a mi...

2023-08-06 #经典句子



...,都是值得我期待的事情。Tomorrow"s sunrise and you are worth looking forward to.As long as it"s all about you, it"s something I"m looking forward to.我想要去找到你,我想带你去看一看这个世界,想陪你一起热爱生活。风会温柔地吹像你,而我会把糖果...

2023-06-03 #经典句子

浪漫唯美的英文句子 独特有风格 给你好心情

浪漫唯美的英文句子 独特有风格 给你好心情

...光还有裙摆,盼望有个可爱而又充满活力的今天和明天。Looking forward to good news, also looking forward to a blue sky, white clouds, kites, breeze, grass, sunshine and skirt, looking forward to a lovely and vibrant today and tomorrow.阅读多了,表情自然就变了。Readi...

2022-11-16 #经典句子



...hoes鱼口鞋正式进入学习,你准备好了吗?No.1 找鞋子I’m looking for XXX.我想要找一双XXX。I’m looking for a pair of formal shoes.我想找一双正式一点的鞋子。也可以直接说:I’m looking for sandals/high heels/boots我想找一双凉鞋/高跟鞋/靴子。...

2023-05-23 #经典句子

「面试技巧」英文面试难题 怎么回答你的优点缺点和离职原因?

「面试技巧」英文面试难题 怎么回答你的优点缺点和离职原因?

...on my skills will help bring me closer to achieving that goal.When I began looking for a new position, I purposefully sought out companies that are committed to integrity, philanthropy and innovation, and your company ranks at the top of the list.2. Why are you leaving your current job? 为什么你...

2016-08-10 #经典句子

很吸引人的朋友圈逗趣句子 幽默搞笑 活跃气氛很赞

很吸引人的朋友圈逗趣句子 幽默搞笑 活跃气氛很赞

... romantic, but then one day I suddenly found that maybe those who are good-looking are the so-called company, while those who are ugly may be pestering for others!你知道比起一个人去吃海底捞,更让人感到痛心的是什么吗?那就是你一个人根本就没有钱去吃海底捞...

2022-12-14 #经典句子

写给自己的经典励志句子 经典温馨 令人赞不绝口!

写给自己的经典励志句子 经典温馨 令人赞不绝口!

...,在文字中寻找时间,或者在流年中寻找归宿。We"ve been looking for it since the day we were born. Looking forstories in the scenery, looking for time in the text, or looking fora home in the fleeting.青春染指了转瞬即逝的时光,却最终打碎了脸庞,让时光忧伤...

2022-11-23 #经典句子



look at me:盯着我看。Didn"t you fall in love with me? You are looking at me.你是不是爱上我了?你一直在盯着我看!Why are you looking at me?你干吗看我?How can I refuse when you look at me like that?你那样看我,叫我怎么拒绝啊?Don"t look at me; I have not...

2017-08-25 #经典句子

however用法很灵活 用在句首 句中 句尾时标点很多人都用错了

however用法很灵活 用在句首 句中 句尾时标点很多人都用错了

...however, our vicar work up with a start: the clock was striking the hours! Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o"clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. 节选《新概念英语3 Thirteen equals one》第二段。【生词】vicar n.牧师church n.教堂昨日复习提...

2023-06-30 #经典句子

你好帅 你好美 英语夸人还可以怎么说?

你好帅 你好美 英语夸人还可以怎么说?

...。2. gorgeous/stunning/amazing 好看的,优雅的,迷人的比good looking 更日常的表达。You look gorgeous/stunning/amazing! I just cant take my eyes off you.3. good-looking 好看的;貌美的She is good-looking. 她长得真好看。That girl has a good look.这个女孩长得真好...

2016-07-08 #经典句子