第一句子大全 > 标签 > eager
基于 Tensorflow eager 的文本生成 注意力 图像注释的完整代码

基于 Tensorflow eager 的文本生成 注意力 图像注释的完整代码

...Image Captioning, Text Generation, and DCGAN implemented with tf.keras and eager execution,作者为 Yash Katariyae(开发者项目工程师实习生)。翻译 | 老赵 审核 | 凡江我总是发现生成和序列模型令人着迷:他们提出的问题与我们刚开始学习机器学...

2023-10-03 #经典句子

关于人生哲理的句子 治愈文案 精致有格调!

关于人生哲理的句子 治愈文案 精致有格调!

...畅谈人生与梦想,如果你愿意流浪,为什么不去流浪呢?Eager to travel, eager to view the magnificent mountains and rivers, eager to talk about life and dreams with peers, if you are willing to wander, why not wander?有人能做到多好啊?我愿永远做他满天繁星中最...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

少儿英语——小猪佩奇 Daddy's Movie Camera

少儿英语——小猪佩奇 Daddy's Movie Camera

...th. 表感谢。如,感谢你帮助了我 Thanks for helping me!(4) I am eager and ready to shoot your first movie. 我已经迫不及待地想要拍摄你的第一部电影了。句中 be eager to do sth. 是表达渴望/热切去做某事,如 Tommy is eager to open the present. 汤米迫切地...

2023-06-07 #经典句子

非常孤独的朋友圈文案 句句入心 值得一看!

非常孤独的朋友圈文案 句句入心 值得一看!

...望声色的张扬,渴望在最美好的时刻来到最美丽的地方。Eager for the unknown madness, eager for the sound of publicity, eager to come to the most beautiful place in the best moment.很有格局的人生感悟说说,精致简洁,总有一句适合你!温柔了岁月的惊艳...

2017-12-12 #经典句子

「口语」“指手画脚” 英语怎么说?

「口语」“指手画脚” 英语怎么说?

...、完整课程列表backseat driver指手画脚含义:a person who is eager to advise without responsibility.热衷于不负责任随意发号施令的人例句:Several members of the board of directors have accused him of being a backseat driver.董事会里的几个成员指责他指手画脚...

2024-01-13 #经典句子

超暖心的句子 精致入心 一见倾心

超暖心的句子 精致入心 一见倾心

...the future be let down by the past6.渴望被理解,又渴望被看穿。Eager to be understood, and eager to be seen through7.努力适应这个世界的温度,不管是季节还是人心。Try to adapt to the temperature of the world, whether it"s the season or the people.8.放弃一个不爱...

2023-11-21 #经典句子

分享一些精选句子 干净美好

分享一些精选句子 干净美好

...地争辩;与人争吵时,急切地出气。Being pointed and argued eagerly; When arguing with others, take it out eagerly.与其说自己被冤枉,不如说是他对你最好的态度,也是为了让你开心。Rather than being wronged, it"s his best attitude towards you and to make you h...

2022-11-21 #经典句子

吸引人的13条精选句子 深刻有内涵 总有一句适合你

吸引人的13条精选句子 深刻有内涵 总有一句适合你

...改变有的时候并不会是你心中所想的那样简单。We are all eager to change, but sometimes change is not as simple as you think.你要接受自己所有不完美的瞬间,因为我们都是不完美的人。You have to accept all your imperfect moments, because we are all imperfect p...

2022-12-10 #经典句子

说到心坎里的英文句子 精致深刻 你见过几句

说到心坎里的英文句子 精致深刻 你见过几句

...成,草草结束。That young man let me understand that love can not be eager to achieve, the person you wait for may be delayed, but you can not start at will, let alone eager to achieve, grass end.对于一个事物,如果有不同的人来看,自然也会得到不同的看法。A thing, if...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

独一无二的朋友圈配图文案 精美干净 值得收藏

独一无二的朋友圈配图文案 精美干净 值得收藏

...eat principles are also great principles. But many times, people are still eager to be understood, eager to get other people"s attention and care.不能成为一个一成不变的人,你要让自己和爱并肩作战,与时间并肩向前。You can"t be an invariable person. You should let yours...

2018-06-01 #经典句子

外企经理透露八句非常实用英语表达 英语菜鸟说 我看后也是高手

外企经理透露八句非常实用英语表达 英语菜鸟说 我看后也是高手

...常规客户;give priority on sth,在某事方面给优先权。I am eager to make a contributions to the company.我非常渴望为贵公司效力。be eager to do sth 表示“渴望做某事”,make a contributions to 为..做出贡献,也可以说make every effort for sb to do sth (为...

2023-09-23 #经典句子

12句致成长的句子 哪一句让你感悟最深!

12句致成长的句子 哪一句让你感悟最深!

...被关心,现在所有的痛苦都是自己一个人扛。Before always eager to be understood, always eager to be concerned, now all the pain is carried by oneself.6、小的时候总骗爸妈说自己没钱了,现在总是跟爸妈说,我够用。When I was little, I always lied to my parent...

2023-07-21 #经典句子

外研版高中英语必修第一册19年Unit1 A new start重点单词语法

外研版高中英语必修第一册19年Unit1 A new start重点单词语法

...家,作者Who is your favourite author?谁是你最喜欢的作家?9. eagerness [iɡns] n. 热切,渴望Every year people look forward to the day with great eagerness.每年人们都急切地盼望那一天。10. explore [kspl] v. 考察,探险I just wanted to explore on my own.我只是想...

2023-05-21 #经典句子

那些中考写作加分句型盘点 记得收藏哦~

那些中考写作加分句型盘点 记得收藏哦~

...改成过去分词))例:When I was a little girl, I was especially eager to grow up.Being a little girl, I was especially eager to grow up.作为一个小女孩,我特别渴望长大动名词作主语 (注意:如果主语只有一个动作,谓语动词要用三单)举例:1、Doing ...

2023-01-23 #经典句子

不定式作定语时 用to do还是to be done?

不定式作定语时 用to do还是to be done?

...s.这可是一个向农民学习的大好机会。1.4 部分形容词,如eager,anxious,determined,able等,其后常跟不定式,它们的同源名词后要用不定式的主动式作定语。例如:1) (Mr.Smith was eager to get back to teach at the school.)Mr.Smith"s eagerness to get...

2023-01-20 #经典句子

感悟人生的情感句子 精致入心 值得细品

感悟人生的情感句子 精致入心 值得细品

...你放松时,却不小心看起来有种自在的魅力!When you are eager to prove that you have connotation, it often appears very shallow; when you are eager to show that you are sexy, it is easy to appear ridiculous. Sometimes when you relax, it seems that you are comfortable!11.其实人们...

2023-05-25 #经典句子

「7句」如果可以 我也想做楚晚宁

「7句」如果可以 我也想做楚晚宁

... in love, it"s cooking oil,The heart is hot and the eyes are red. They are eager to be discovered by each other all the time. They want to sink into the sea of desire with each other, which is inseparable.07.我爱你。”真的,真的,真的很爱你。是狼子野心,也是浪子回头,...

2024-01-20 #经典句子



...所列的常见介词有:(一)for与for搭配的常用形容词有:eager, enough, famous, fit, qualified, ready, responsible, sorry, sufficient如:When my own son was five years old, I became eager for another baby.我家儿子5岁的时候,我特别想再要一个孩子。He takes the v...

2023-06-21 #经典句子



... being consumed.2.尽量使用复合句提升表达的难度①I am always eager for success. I want to achieve my goal. I will try my best.→I am so eager for success that I will do whatever I can to achieve my goal.②Many families have computers at home. A lot of students have mobile phones. The...

2023-01-04 #经典句子

马斯克发中文古诗 老外看懵:求助谷歌翻译结果笑喷

马斯克发中文古诗 老外看懵:求助谷歌翻译结果笑喷

...出更准确的意译“Humans are from the same ancestor, why are we so eager to destroy each other? ”回到《七步诗》,有传创作背景是曹操死后,哥哥曹丕陷害自己,曹植极度悲愤中七步之内应声成诗。当然,后人也有质疑称现传《七步诗》版本可...

2020-08-01 #经典句子