第一句子大全 > 标签 > poor
“My English is very poor”是错的!这些中文表达一定要避免

“My English is very poor”是错的!这些中文表达一定要避免

...,出现「CHINGLISH 中式英文」的现象。比如My English is very poor、Welcome you to my house、How to spell cup,第一眼看是不是并没有发现问题?来看今日的英语分享,在生活中分清楚这些错误表达。NO.1My English is very poor中式表达:My English is v...

2007-02-20 #经典句子

「大年初六」祝福语 民间习俗送穷鬼 祝您万事顺心 富有常伴!

「大年初六」祝福语 民间习俗送穷鬼 祝您万事顺心 富有常伴!

...大财!Today is the sixth day, the sixth day of the first month to send poor, let us send away the poor life, poor feelings, send away the poor cause, send away all the poor, to meet all the rich! In the New Year, I wish you rich always accompany! The sixth day of the first month to send poor ghos...

2016-12-30 #经典句子

还在说My English is poor?学学耳熟能详的中式英语的地道表达吧

还在说My English is poor?学学耳熟能详的中式英语的地道表达吧

...生活中一些常见的中式英语和其地道的表达。My English is poor.这句话的意思是:我的英语不太好。大概每个英语学习者都听过这句话,更有人开玩笑地说,全中国人最擅长的一句英语就是这句。很多人学习了很久的英语,但还是...

2023-09-25 #经典句子

这些常被用错的英语口语 我打赌你肯定踩过雷!

这些常被用错的英语口语 我打赌你肯定踩过雷!

...例子:Don’t worry, I’m cool. 别担心,我ok的。03、关于“poor”的使用有人开玩笑说,全中国人最擅长的一句英文是“My English is poor.”,还真是这样的,实话说,我从来没有遇到一个美国人对我说“My Chinese is poor.” 无论他们的汉...

2024-01-10 #经典句子



...ing as an example, a student from Hunan Normal University, he used to have poor command of English.首先这里出现了标点错误,大家看出来了吗?Take … as an example是个独立的句子,所以he used to前面应该用句号。此外,大家有没有发现,a student from Hunan N...

2020-01-13 #经典句子



...!Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Due to 〈1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition over the ____ ①airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance a...

2023-01-24 #经典句子

阅读理解 谨遵原文句中意 仔细比对关键词

阅读理解 谨遵原文句中意 仔细比对关键词

...干中的“the first paragraph”,我们对应到第一段的“Who"s poor in America? That"s a question hard to answer. Hard because there"s no conclusive definition of poverty”。原文表示:“谁在美国穷?这是一个很难回答的问题。很难,因为没有关于贫困的确切...

2024-01-08 #经典句子



...ure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been 62poorly (poor)studied; (2019全国高考英语-1 语法填空)这里和例1一样,修饰谓语动词,应该用副词poorly。例3:Last winter when I went here(there) again, they had a big separate house to raise doze...

2023-05-24 #经典句子

几个很酷很拽的怼人毒句 气场全开 句句经典!

几个很酷很拽的怼人毒句 气场全开 句句经典!

...是穷的只剩下钱了,你是穷的只剩下装不穷了。Others are poor only left with money, you are poor only to pretend to be not poor.10、我做过快递员,我说你是小件货(贱货)你就是小件货(贱货)。I used to be a delivery guy, and I said you"re a little guy, an...

2011-09-14 #经典句子

又皮又欠揍的句子 新颖有趣 点赞超高!

又皮又欠揍的句子 新颖有趣 点赞超高!

... 但是开心,现在不同了 不止穷,而且还不开心。Although poor but happy, now different not only poor, but also unhappy.3.总有一天你会遇到一个女孩,她不要你的房和车,也不要你。One day you will meet a girl who doesn"t want your room and car or you.4.成年...

2023-05-29 #经典句子

10个逗你开心的皮句子 句句顽皮 很有意思!

10个逗你开心的皮句子 句句顽皮 很有意思!

...但境界不穷,因为我可以做到穷得心灵祥和!Although I am poor, but my realm is not poor, because I can be poor with peaceful heart!她们说我脾气差,我想了想,我又美脾气又好,这还了得?They say I have a bad temper, I think, I am beautiful and good-tempered, i...

2023-05-16 #经典句子

让人哭笑不得的幽默小句子 机灵有趣 活宝有才!

让人哭笑不得的幽默小句子 机灵有趣 活宝有才!

...不同了,虽然一样穷,但认命了。In the past, although being poor, but not poor in ambition, now everything is different, although I am as poor as before, but I resigned it.4、总有人问我为啥不谈恋爱,我笑了,你们没去读清华,是因为不想吗?People always ask ...

2022-12-13 #经典句子

双十一过后的皮句子 调皮有趣 适合发朋友圈

双十一过后的皮句子 调皮有趣 适合发朋友圈

...买了一座穷苦潦倒,欢迎大家来玩。Double eleven, I bought a poor poor poor, welcome to play.11、刚刚扇了我的钱包,就是希望它能像双十一之前一样鼓起来。I just fanned my wallet just now, hoping it would bulge as it did before the double 11.12、我的钱不是...

2023-01-08 #经典句子



...cross the Arctic. 这个句子不缺成分,确定是同位语从句。62.poorly考点:形容词---副词的互变解析:poor形容词,可作定语,表语,宾补;poorly 副词,可修饰动词、形容词、副词、介短、位于句首修饰整个句子,此处用来修饰studied,...

2023-10-31 #经典句子

熬夜付款后 如何用英语表达“我很穷”?

熬夜付款后 如何用英语表达“我很穷”?

...r cash.我很想和你们一起吃晚餐,可是我手头有点紧。2 as poor as a church mouse一贫如洗Although very rich in his youth, he is now as poor as a church mouse.虽然年轻时很有钱,他现在却穷得一贫如洗。I"m as poor as a church mouse!我穷到吃土。3 broke破产...

2014-11-01 #经典句子

属于你的限量版小句子 不开心时看一看!

属于你的限量版小句子 不开心时看一看!

...饼,先解决温饱,再来一点实现你的目标。When people are poor, don"t draw a big cake for yourself. First solve the problem of food and clothing, and then achieve your goal.人们穷困潦倒,必然要遭到周围世界的嘲笑。People are poor and must be laughed at by the world ...

2022-12-05 #经典句子

拽女生专用句 霸气全开 句句很个性!

拽女生专用句 霸气全开 句句很个性!

...,但是很快乐;现在不同了,不仅穷,还不快乐。Although poor as a child, but very happy, now different, not only poor but also unhappy.6、一个女人如果总想去旅游,说明她过得不快乐;一个女人总想去旅游却一直没有去,说明她又穷又不快乐。I...

2022-12-07 #经典句子

“本宫今日身子不爽”——用最地道的英语 说最古装的句子

“本宫今日身子不爽”——用最地道的英语 说最古装的句子

...况很健康。例句2:Being in good shape is the greatest happiness for poor people.对穷人来说,身体健康,便是最大的幸福。例句3:Knowing you"re being in great shape and living a happy life, I feel like every day of mine comes outa sunny day.你若安好,便是晴天。[例...

2023-06-07 #经典句子

钻石就在你们家后院/鲁塞康维尔28句话找到它 把它发挥到极致

钻石就在你们家后院/鲁塞康维尔28句话找到它 把它发挥到极致

...权利当一名穷人。01、You ought to be rich, you have no right to be poor.02、一颗钻石是由一道阳光凝结而成的。02、A diamond is a congealed drop of sunlight.03、钻石是上帝所创造的矿物中最后的、也是最高级的一种;女人则是上帝所创造的最后的...

2023-12-30 #经典句子



... on schedule (will be delayed to 11:10/ or will be further delayed) due to poor weather condition at our airport (the poor weather condition over the air route/ the poor weather condition at London airport/ aircraft reallocation/ the maintenance of the aircraft/ the aircraft maintenance at London ai...

2009-03-29 #经典句子