第一句子大全 > 标签 > generally


基础英语:你读懂这句英语里generally的意思了吗?1)我们先来看下面几个似乎“很好懂”的英语句子:1. We generally don't like learning English2. The child generally has little to say.3. Our teacher always gives us a generally boring class.你认为你“读...

2023-09-03 #经典句子

新闻句子句型分析 感受句型分析的巨大好处

新闻句子句型分析 感受句型分析的巨大好处

...处。Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 24, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Monday.外交部发言人周一表示,中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅将于9月24日出席联合国大会一般...

2023-10-21 #经典句子



...casional inaccuracies and inappropriacies mistandings in some situations. General handles complex language well and understand detailed reasoning.能运用语言在某些情况下出现不准确不得体的表达和理解偏差。一般可以运用复杂的语言并理解详实的推理。可以就...

2012-02-08 #经典句子

TB级数据科研索引免费发布 索引了一亿多篇论文

TB级数据科研索引免费发布 索引了一亿多篇论文

...个包含1亿多篇期刊文章中的单词和短语的巨大索引引擎General Index。General Index引擎于本月早些时候(10月7日)发布并可通过互联网免费访问。引擎包含超过3550亿个单词和句子片段的列表。它的创建者Carl Malamud说,这是一种帮助...

2022-12-30 #经典句子

英语情态动词 Are you able to use English Modal Verbs

英语情态动词 Are you able to use English Modal Verbs

...我们需要注意这些规则哦。Because we use "could" to talk about general ability and we use "was/were able to" to talk about specific ability in the past. Huh?因为我们需要使用“could”来讨论过去一般能力,使用“was/were able to”讨论过去的更加特殊能力。懂...

2023-10-28 #经典句子



...OMMENT "用户id", `username` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "用户名", `password` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL COMMENT "密码", `mobile_phone_number` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFA...

2022-12-03 #经典句子



...通常承载父母对孩子的愿望。”“一般来说”词组有:in general, generally speaking。此句中的“有”具有“包含”之意,其英文表达方式有:have, contain, include等。“汉字”的英文为Chinese characters。(真题出过“汉字”。)“承载”...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的句子 写给太重感情的你

适合发朋友圈的句子 写给太重感情的你

...tion.七、一般般的我,一般般的爱,一般般的男人我不爱.General like me, general like love, general like man I don"t love.八、后来我携新花,祝贺你荣获新欢.Later I bring new flowers, congratulations you won the new sweetheart.九、我的心不是公交车,不是...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

初中英语写作 8 大原则 开头 衔接 结尾都有了 用对了作文 20

初中英语写作 8 大原则 开头 衔接 结尾都有了 用对了作文 20

...说的,5. It has to be noticed that... 必须注意到,......6. It"s generally recognized that... 普遍认为......7. What calls for special attention is that... 需要特别注意的是......8. There"s no denying the fact that... 不可否认......9. Nothing is more important than the fact...

2016-05-17 #经典句子

“无上荣耀”创造新词语形容 梅西是当世足坛第一人

“无上荣耀”创造新词语形容 梅西是当世足坛第一人

...二个inadjetivable英文里是Unadjectivable意为无法形容的第三个General de Gol英文是General of Goals(中文也可以理解为进球操作 这一词语来自于法国的戴高乐将军名字General Charles de Gaulle)对于一位职业球员来说,取得辉煌的成绩已经足够伟...

2016-07-25 #经典句子



...说的, 5.It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,... 6.It"s generally recognized that... 它普遍认为... 7.It"s likely that ... 这可能是因为... 8.It"s hardly that... 这是很难的......9.It"s hardly too much to say that... 它几乎没有太多的说…10.What calls for sp...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

霸气高冷的句子 个性洒脱 帅气十足

霸气高冷的句子 个性洒脱 帅气十足

...tinuing7.一般般的我,一般般的坏,一般般的男人我不爱。General I, general bad, general man I don"t love.8.我可以对你好,前提是你值得。I can be nice to you if you"re worth it9.做好自己,至于别人的情分,看心情。Do yourself well, as for the feelings of...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

让你看透人心的说说句子 经典透彻 值得借鉴

让你看透人心的说说句子 经典透彻 值得借鉴

...这样的人软弱。People who are easily moved and easily shed tears are generally more emotional, but that doesn"t mean they are weak.你身边那些喜欢说大话的人一般都是不怎么靠谱的,这样的人很喜欢在别人面前找存在感,可自身却没有一些真正的本事,...

2022-11-04 #经典句子

错译?这句中of the men究竟和哪个并列?

错译?这句中of the men究竟和哪个并列?

...f the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalize nothing and have no observation, in the true sense of the world.这句话选自英国神学家John Henry Newman所著的《大学教育的范围与性质》,完整的篇章大家可以看这个网站http://www.ne...

2023-12-17 #经典句子



... covered for reimbursement. Expenses that fall outside of the policies are generally not reimbursed or covered.读到其中的costs covered for reimbursement. Expenses that fall outside of the policies are generally not reimbursed没有?“归纳思维式”自我英语口语训练:1. Okay.Got i...

2018-03-11 #经典句子

语法干货- in  on  at作时间和地点介词的用法

语法干货- in on at作时间和地点介词的用法

...on 和 at 作时间介词开始。When we look at, in, on, at we move from general to more specific.当我们看到 in,on 和 at 的时候,我们由宽泛转向更具体。That"s a really good way to think of things, in is very general, on is quite general and at is normally more specific.这是...

2017-01-28 #经典句子

请问in favor of在法律文件中怎样使用?怎样翻译?

请问in favor of在法律文件中怎样使用?怎样翻译?

...of its stockholders on one hand and the Limited Partners on the other, the General Partner shall endeavor in good faith to resolve the conflict in a manner not adverse to either its stockholders or the Limited Partners; provided, however, that for so long as the General Partner directly owns a contr...

2013-10-21 #经典句子

英语逻辑关联词汇总 Part 2

英语逻辑关联词汇总 Part 2

...gly 因此therefore 因此thus 因此altogether to conclude 完全可以说general 一般specially 特别finally 终于namely 也就是indeed 的确in other words 换句话说thus 因此altogether 总而言之all in all 总之in consequence 结果in sum 总之consequently 因此hence 因此so 因此...

2010-08-14 #经典句子

商务英语:询价信函Inquiry Letter

商务英语:询价信函Inquiry Letter

...般询价和具体询价All inquiry letters can be divided into two types: general inquiry, and specific inquiry.(所有询价函可分为 两类:一般询价和具体询价。)General inquiry 一般询价:If the importer wants to have a general idea of the commodity, he may make a request f...

2007-08-19 #经典句子

条件 让步 比较 方式状语从句

条件 让步 比较 方式状语从句

... the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators.if引出条件状语从句(he study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education,)。表示如...

2023-09-16 #经典句子