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中考高频易混单词:cross与across 它们的语法应用你会吗?

中考高频易混单词:cross与across 它们的语法应用你会吗?


2023-07-26 #经典句子

探索新概念英语第二册第36课:逐句精讲 深度解析语言要点

探索新概念英语第二册第36课:逐句精讲 深度解析语言要点

...结和拓展,对英语学习者而言具有重要的指导意义。36课 Across the ChannelDebbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow. She is going to set out from the French coast at five o"clock in the morning. Debbie is only fourteen years old and she hopes lo set up a new...

2024-02-01 #大杂绘

“小桥 流水 人家”英语怎么说?

“小桥 流水 人家”英语怎么说?

...creek,小溪流。farmhouse,农家。bridge is a structure that goes across a creek or a river.桥是一个跨过小溪或河流的建筑物。One evening, we drove across a small creek, we pulled the car offthe road.一天傍晚,我们驶过一条小溪后把车停在了路边。pull off成...

2014-12-21 #经典句子

干净的宝藏句子‖萃取记忆 浓缩的是一日三餐和不断变好的自己

干净的宝藏句子‖萃取记忆 浓缩的是一日三餐和不断变好的自己

...朋友闹翻而心情低落;I like this passage very much. Because it"s across the screen, you don"t know that the person who is comforting you is just depressed because of falling out with a friend;因为隔着屏幕,所以你不知道你的一句话会让对方兴奋多久,因为隔着屏幕...

2023-01-15 #经典句子



...bia的成分我们不难猜出其词义为“恐高症”。(参见 phobla)across-the-board 【krs`b:d】. adj., adv.全面的;广泛的;涉及全体的该词源于美国,最早跟赛马有关。把等额的赌注押在可望得到前三个名次的三匹马或其中任何一匹上,就用acr...

2007-10-04 #经典句子



...Sony, HP, and other vendors are finally creating software that can be used across all their devices——be it PCs, TVs, or set——top boxes.【结构分析】1、本句的主干结构比较清晰,是最简单的主谓宾,时态是现在进行时。Sony, HP, and other vendors are ... creating ...

2007-03-11 #经典句子

高考英语高频考点动词词组come的相关 come on的多个意思等

高考英语高频考点动词词组come的相关 come on的多个意思等

...uarrel comes about. 有时很难说清是怎么吵起来的。2. come across来到, 偶遇, 给人印象深刻 (无被动形式)eg: A man was walking through a wood when he came across a woodcutter. 一个人正在林子里走着,这时他偶然遇见了一位樵夫。Your speech came acr...

2017-10-01 #经典句子

Come in和come out有什么区别?Come常见短语以及相关用法

Come in和come out有什么区别?Come常见短语以及相关用法

...rry blossom came out early this year.今年的樱花开得比较早。come across被理解;(偶然)遇见I spoke for a long time but my meaning didn"t really come across.我说了很久,但是没人理解我说的意思。表达“遇见”的时候,有偶然、碰巧的含义,比如逛...

2023-09-08 #经典句子

英语时文阅读理解:世界最长人行悬索桥“516 Arouca”向民众开放

英语时文阅读理解:世界最长人行悬索桥“516 Arouca”向民众开放

.... 100 people can be on the bridge in one moment. The first visitors walked across the bridge. They were afraid at first. Then they enjoyed the walk.该人行桥位于葡萄牙北部。它位于帕瓦河上方175米。它处于美丽的大自然中。这儿有许多瀑布和青山。该人行桥长51...

2023-09-16 #经典句子

深情撩人的情感文案 句句入心 贴近生活

深情撩人的情感文案 句句入心 贴近生活

...or later have to let go. I want to hug you, even in the spring and autumn, across the mountains, across the wind and rain, across the long distance, I can find it across many difficulties and dangers, but you do not love me, so I do not even have the courage to tiptoe.最后,我不是孙悟空。...

2016-05-26 #经典句子

洒脱大气的个性签名 句句独特 建议收藏!

洒脱大气的个性签名 句句独特 建议收藏!

...你,然后,瞒着大家继续爱你。What I regret most is: knowing you across the screen, falling in love with you across the screen, losing you across the screen, and then, hiding from everyone to continue to love you.漂浮如梦,欢欣几何?Floating like a dream, happy geometry?沉睡的秋与...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

触动人心的异地恋句子 句句深入人心 看哭了!

触动人心的异地恋句子 句句深入人心 看哭了!

...着电话,隔着书信,想你直到几乎发疯,学会拒绝诱惑。Across the screen, across the phone, across letters, miss you until almost crazy, learn to resist temptation.5、你如果想我了,一定要告诉我,我会抛下一切去见你。If you miss me, you must tell me that I ...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

全国高考英语知识 on/beneath等方位介词和in/after等时间介词

全国高考英语知识 on/beneath等方位介词和in/after等时间介词

...表示与物体无接触,存在垂直的位置关系。along,through,across,over(1)“along”表示“沿着"路径前行,Eg:along the road 沿着路。(2)“through”穿过,表示从内部穿过,Eg: through the door 穿过门。(3)“across”横穿,表示从物体...

2023-09-04 #经典句子

这10个常见语法错误 你在学习中是不是也经常犯!

这10个常见语法错误 你在学习中是不是也经常犯!

...语态改:The meeting has been canceled. 5.词类混淆(1) An old man is across the road. (误)错误点:across介词使用错误,be across 表示“在…对面”。改:The old man is crossing the road. (正)(2)She studies hardly, so she got a high score in the exam. (误)错...

2023-09-12 #经典句子

2017年收录到字典里的新单词:刷剧 捂脸英文怎么说?

2017年收录到字典里的新单词:刷剧 捂脸英文怎么说?

...啤酒Due in part to the overwhelming explosion of the craft beer culture across the world, the term zythum has gained new significance in 2017. Zythum is an ancient Egyptian precursor to beer that is noted for being unfermented. And it probably isn’t too far off from the beer we know and love tod...

2013-03-31 #经典句子

动词 容易犯错的日常英语句子(值得了解)

动词 容易犯错的日常英语句子(值得了解)

...过了桥。The horse walked cross the bridge just now. ×The horse went across the bridge just now. √解释:walk通常用于指人的“行走”或者牛、骆驼等行动迟缓动物的行走,go则可泛指用于人或其他一切动物,也可用于车辆。另外,across和cross虽只...

2023-05-07 #经典句子

高中英语动词短语辨及辨析 add bring take  put等

高中英语动词短语辨及辨析 add bring take put等

.... 做这类工作需要极大的耐心。5.comecome about 发生;come across偶遇,遭遇;come along跟随;come out 出现,出版,结果是;come to共计;come up 出现,被提出;come up with提出In the course of the experiments,they came across a series of new problems.在...

2023-11-15 #经典句子

Emma英语- 21 十个跟 come 有关的动词短语 Phrasal Verbs

Emma英语- 21 十个跟 come 有关的动词短语 Phrasal Verbs

...own on me really hard because I didn"t finish the report in time. To "come across".我的老板狠狠批评了我,因为我没有按时完成报告。接着 "come across"。Again, this phrasal verb has multiple meanings. Firstly, it can be used to describe your characteristics or the characteristi...

2015-11-21 #经典句子

中考英语 词汇 短语 语法考点归纳难点突破 全面提升冲刺满分

中考英语 词汇 短语 语法考点归纳难点突破 全面提升冲刺满分

...候,都特别要注意它们的时态。2、介词。如over、through、across的用法区别,其中over表示穿过、翻越过去;through表示从中间穿过去;across表示横过(十字),从一边到另一边。看例题:“the child will go___the road after the light turns gree...

2023-05-25 #经典句子



...词或介词(后接宾语)组成,如:grow apart、pass away、come across sb./sth. 等。如果介词后面需要添加的宾语是代词,则通常将这个代词放到动词和介词中间,如:give it up、call it off。但这条规则对于某些动词词组不适用,如:come acr...

2012-02-02 #经典句子