第一句子大全 > 标签 > restaurant


西餐厅英语:western restaurant释义:西餐厅;高级西餐厅;西餐廳;我是一只鱼西餐厅;西餐馆音标:英 [westn restrnt] 美 [westrn restrɑnt]western-style restaurant释义:西餐厅音标:英 [westn stal restrnt] 美 [westrn stal restrɑnt]western dining room释义...

2012-11-04 #经典句子

餐馆里常用的英语短语 Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant

餐馆里常用的英语短语 Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant

Learn Useful Restaurant English for Restaurant Staff and Common Expressions Used at a Restaurant.为餐厅员工学习有用的餐厅英语和餐厅常用的表达方式。Restaurant English | Video 饭店英语|视频Restaurant English: Useful Expressions Used at a Restaurant 餐馆英语:餐馆里...

2013-10-24 #经典句子

「今日英语短文」The Most Expensive Fries - 最贵的薯条

「今日英语短文」The Most Expensive Fries - 最贵的薯条

...级,坚持阅读,有助于英文水平的提升。Level 1:A famous restaurant in New York, US, serves the most expensive fries in the world.The potatoes are high-quality. The chef boils them quickly in French champagne. Then, he fries them with French goose fat. He tops them with truffle salt ...

2016-05-12 #经典句子

“下馆子”英语怎么说?不用说restaurant 这样表达最简单!

“下馆子”英语怎么说?不用说restaurant 这样表达最简单!

晚餐想要“下馆子”不在家里吃了,会需要哪些表达呢?现在我们就一起看看。“How about ……? ”例如:How about dining out for dinner/supper?晚餐下馆子怎么样?“下馆子”dine out /eat out 外出就餐· dinner:正餐。注意i的发音是//,不是...

2023-07-10 #经典句子

广州饮茶指南 你知道如何优雅地“吃早茶”吗?(双语美文)

广州饮茶指南 你知道如何优雅地“吃早茶”吗?(双语美文)

...morning refreshment7, hence the name. These days, many local teahouses and restaurants serve it all day.过去,广东人喜欢一大早去喝茶,通常早上五六点就去。茶原本只在早上喝,因而得了早茶这个名字。不过现在当地很多茶馆和餐厅全天都供应茶点...

2019-03-18 #经典句子



...趣的一部电影啊!Wu Yifan:Yes,but I"m hungry now.I know great Italian restaurant.吴一凡:是的,但是我现在饿了。我知道一家很好的意大利餐馆。Mike:Yum!I like pizza!Where is the restaurant?迈克:Yum!我喜欢披萨,那家餐厅在哪里?Wu Yifan:It"s next to the park...

2023-08-11 #经典句子

千里之行 始于足下 高考英语真题长难句分析(三十七)

千里之行 始于足下 高考英语真题长难句分析(三十七)

...Brown’s Grove Farm is one of the suppliers for Jack Dusty,a newly opened restaurant at the Sarasota Ritz Carlton, where- luckily for me-I was planning to have dinner that very night. Without even seeing the menu, I knew I’d be ordering every tomato on it.相关题目What was the author going to ...

2023-08-10 #经典句子



...位会说这么多外语的人。what was it you started to tell me in the restaurant that you didn"t understand about me?▍第一层定语从句you started to tell me in the restaurant 的先行词为what;第二层定语从句that you didn"t understand about me的先行词为what...you started t...

2017-01-20 #经典句子

“自助餐”英语怎么说?说成myself food 不知道会不会挨饿?

“自助餐”英语怎么说?说成myself food 不知道会不会挨饿?

...e going to have a buffet tomorrow.我们明天要去吃自助餐。buffet restaurant -- 自助餐厅How do you think of the food of this buffet restaurant? 你觉得这家自助餐厅的食物怎么样? As far as I know, this buffet restaurant is hard to book. 据我所知,这家自助餐厅...

2023-12-26 #经典句子



...欢去餐厅吃,不喜欢在家自己煮。」除了 “I love eating in restaurants.” 之外,还有什么表达方法吗?其实,我们可以试着「正话反说」——先说别人相反的观点,再指出我们自己的观点。这个技巧看似简单,但真正到用的时候,往...

2023-09-17 #经典句子



...hat she’s having 我要和她一样的菜Is there vegetarian food in the restaurant? 餐厅里有素餐吗?Which dish is more popular in the restaurant? 餐厅里哪道菜更受欢迎?Is there a Chinese menu in the restaurant? 餐厅里有中文菜单吗?购物Is there a duty-free shop near ...

2022-11-20 #经典句子

英语话题“宁当鸡头 不当凤尾”——小城市的魅力

英语话题“宁当鸡头 不当凤尾”——小城市的魅力

...很多原始的、古老的遗产给人们。 我们来造个句子:That restaurant is such a throwback to the 1950s! The waiters’ uniforms and the restaurant décor all make me think of my grandparents’ childhood.这家饭馆的风格回到50年代。服务员的制服和饭馆的装饰使我...

2011-11-09 #经典句子



...么菜,中式的还是美式的?4. Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is?请你告诉我中国餐馆在哪里?5. Do you know where I can get a quick snack?你知道哪里有快餐可吃?6. What would you have for dinner?你要吃什么?7. What would you like to order?你要点些什么...

2023-06-20 #经典句子

七下英语Unit 8 词汇短语句型复习巩固题答案

七下英语Unit 8 词汇短语句型复习巩固题答案

...Is there a post office near here?附近有什么饭店吗? Are there any restaurants near here?付费电话在哪儿?Where is the pay phone?2. There is a post office near here. 变一般疑问句:Is there a post office near here?肯定回答:Yes, there is. 否定回答:No,there isn’t...

2015-04-08 #经典句子



...的坑里。首先,上案例:Q:Which one do you prefer, eating in the restaurant or eating at home?A:Well, I prefer to eat in the restaurant. First, it is convenient. Second, it will save a lot of time. Third, I can enjoy different kinds of good food...这种恨不得像回答高中政治题一...

2023-10-14 #经典句子

去国外餐厅点餐 只会this和that怎么行?送你英文点餐攻略

去国外餐厅点餐 只会this和that怎么行?送你英文点餐攻略

...己吃得道地又满足。各式各样餐厅中餐厅可以译成Chinese Restaurant,那么在美国还有哪些餐厅呢?sit-down restaurant 带座位的餐厅 除快餐店和自助餐厅以外,大部分餐厅都是sit-down restaurantdinner 餐车式简易餐厅,一种店面较小、价格低...

2023-12-01 #经典句子



...相同词汇,我们可以认为它们是相似的。例如,opening a restaurant in munich 和 best restaurant of munich 这两个查询是相似的,因为它们共享 restaurant 和 munich 这两个词,而 best restaurant of munich 和 where to eat in munich 这两个查询则不太相似,...

2023-01-22 #经典句子



... (towrite on paper)6) He"d like to look for a restaurant to eat at.他想要找个饭店吃饭。(toeat at a restaurant)2. 动词不定式所修饰的名词是time, way等时,不定式与这些名词呈现出动状关系;不定式所修饰的名词是place时,不...

2023-10-26 #经典句子

你知道中西餐就餐 点餐的不同吗?中职基础英语1 第六单元告诉你

你知道中西餐就餐 点餐的不同吗?中职基础英语1 第六单元告诉你

...最高级+of/in ;这些语法在课文中也有用到。例如:Liyuan Restaurant is more expensive than Haoyun Restaurant. Meiwei Restaurant is the most expensive among the three.和中国饮食文化不同个,西餐中有一份最受欢迎的主食叫做三明治。这是西方人经常食用...

2023-05-15 #经典句子



...创造了一个声音圈。24、This can be useful for businesses such as restaurants and stores because it offers a new way to attract customers.这对餐馆和商店这样的企业很有用,因为它提供了一种吸引顾客的新方式。25、Restaurants can offer a choice of music along with...

2010-10-16 #经典句子