第一句子大全 > 标签 > sentence
王延松+Wang Yansong: A Complete Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

王延松+Wang Yansong: A Complete Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

王延松(Wang Yansong)是一位成就斐然的英语教育专家,他致力于为学生提供优质的英语学习资源和教学辅导。他深谙英语教学之道,撰写了许多富有启发性的英语短句和例句,帮助学生更好地掌握语言表达和语法用法。这些短句...

2024-02-01 #大杂绘

(双语) 同个句子 意思迥异 the same sentence with different meaning

(双语) 同个句子 意思迥异 the same sentence with different meaning

《圣经》马太福音11章12节,在吕振中希伯来文译本、英王钦定本中说:天国受了暴力,强者用武力夺取。但是,和合本译文、新国际版的意思又是:天国一直在有力地向前推进,得力的人就抓住了(机会)。 问题是:天国到底...

2023-07-09 #经典句子

法拉第日记:Faradays Diary - A Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

法拉第日记:Faradays Diary - A Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences


2024-02-03 #大杂绘

英语课堂常用句子 Sentences in English Class

英语课堂常用句子 Sentences in English Class

想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注好学童园地上课了 It"s time for class.起立 Stand up,please.请坐 Sit down, please. / Take your seats, please大家早上/下午好 Good morning, class. / Good afternoon, boys and girls.今天谁值日 Who"s on duty today?今天大家都出席了...

2023-01-10 #经典句子

翻译句子:衔接手段 Translating a Sentence: Cohesive Devices

翻译句子:衔接手段 Translating a Sentence: Cohesive Devices

始终记住,英文形合,中文意合。Always remember that English is hypotactic and Chinese paratactic.所有衔接手段中,形合的手段大体上就是,使用各种功能词,比如,代词、连词、副词一类。意合的手段,大体上就是不使用功能词,使用实词...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

冰灾: Ice Disaster - A Compilation of English Short Sentences and Examples

冰灾: Ice Disaster - A Compilation of English Short Sentences and Examples


2024-02-02 #大杂绘

现地控制单元:Local Control Unit English Phrases and Example Sentences Compilation

现地控制单元:Local Control Unit English Phrases and Example Sentences Compilation

现地控制单元(Local Control Unit)是指一种用于管理和控制现场设备的设备或系统。它通常用于工业自动化领域,可以监视和控制各种现场设备,实现自动化生产过程。Local Control Unit在工业生产中起着关键的作用,能够提高生产效...

2024-02-01 #大杂绘

水涌而出的隧道:water gushing and bursting in tunnels - a complete compilation of English sentences and examples

水涌而出的隧道:water gushing and bursting in tunnels - a complete compilation of English sentences and examples

隧道涌突水,water-gushing and bursting1)water-gushing and bursting隧道涌突水1.By researching the Jiezipo multiple syncline karst water system and the hazard of water gushing-and-bursting water in tunnel,the hazard of water-gushing-and-bursting is predicted and evaluated effectively for help...

2024-02-04 #大杂绘

硬核语法- 第三条件句 Third Conditional Sentences

硬核语法- 第三条件句 Third Conditional Sentences

Well, hey there, I"m Emma from mmmEnglish. Tell me have you ever wished that a situation from the past had been different?嗨,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道。告诉我,你是否曾经希望过去的某种情况可以变得不一样呢?Maybe you wished that you"d behave different...

2023-11-25 #经典句子

Emma英语-115 语法课:第三条件句 Third Conditional Sentences

Emma英语-115 语法课:第三条件句 Third Conditional Sentences

Well, hey there, I"m Emma from mmmEnglish. Tell me have you ever wished that a situation from the past had been different?嗨,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道。告诉我,你是否曾经希望过去的某种情况可以变得不一样呢?Maybe you wished that you"d behave different...

2023-12-04 #经典句子