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链穿梭 Chain shuttling英语短句 例句大全

链穿梭 Chain shuttling英语短句 例句大全

链穿梭,Chain shuttling1)Chain shuttling链穿梭2)shuttle[英]["??tl][美]["??tl?]穿梭1.The transcription activity of DNA regulation of TIAR through theshuttle mechanism between DNA and RNA;TIAR通过在DNA和RNA之间的穿梭机制调控DNA的转录活性英文短句/例句1.shuttle diplomatp...




The key to the industrialization of space is thespace shuttle. ___1___ it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle ___2___ of flying into space and returning many times.___3___ by reusable rockets that can lift a load of 65,000 pounds, the shuttle will carry devices for scientific inquiry, as __...




...t to the airport?到机场怎么走?airport ["ept] n.机场【例2】The shuttle buses leave for the airport from downtown every 20 minutes. Be sure to get on the bus before 7:30.市区每20分钟都有班车开往机场。请在7:30之前上车。shuttle bus 摆渡车;在较短距离之间往...


酒店英语-客房预定 第二天学习内容

酒店英语-客房预定 第二天学习内容

...h in outside the North Treminal 您可以在北航站楼外乘车8.We have shuttle bus from the airport.我们在机场有班车接送客人。9.We look forward to serving you 我们期待为您服务。10.I’m afraid we have no single rooms available but we can offer you a twin room 恐怕我们...


小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《未来的世界》

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《未来的世界》

...,忘记说了,汽车也没有轮子。They float in the air, just like shuttles.它们浮在空中,就像太空舱一样。They move incredibly fast.它们的移动速度快得令人难以置信。Of course, clothes are different, too.当然,衣服也不一样了。We needn’t wash them, th...


秋季唯美句子精选:风清露冷 秋色温柔

秋季唯美句子精选:风清露冷 秋色温柔

... that the autumn wind is getting cooler and cooler, and the years are like shuttles.4、静许,一份禅意,人生安暖;一份清浅,时光无恙。Jingxu, a Zen, life is warm; A shallow, time is not ill.5、一枚枫叶,美了秋韵;一帘微雨,惹了秋梦;一城风絮,漫天...


能够让你保持清醒的句子 戳心入骨 牵动内心深处共鸣

能够让你保持清醒的句子 戳心入骨 牵动内心深处共鸣

...悲伤 This once distant distance, dotted with fragrant flowers, let the shuttling pedestrians blow leaves and step on thorns without pain. Tears can flow down, but not sad带着泪水,我读了一遍又一遍,但不得不承认《青春》是一本太仓促的书。 With tears, I read it again ...


适宜回忆起曾经的幸福 句句在理 意味深长

适宜回忆起曾经的幸福 句句在理 意味深长

...mosphere is too easily infected us, we are affected by the mood of others. Shuttle in the crowd, we always feel that there are countless dazzling eyes Pierce through the lung, there are many cold words, or long or short, eventually confused our thoughts, bit by bit and we weave a mess of things tied...


激励学习的谚语 经典励志 值得收藏

激励学习的谚语 经典励志 值得收藏

...日月如梭。Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon flies like a shuttle.4.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。April showers bring May flowers.5.人争气,火争焰,佛争一柱香。People strive for spirit, fire for flame, Buddha for a pillar of incense6.星星使天空...


适合怀念曾经的幸福的文案 句句在理 意味深长

适合怀念曾经的幸福的文案 句句在理 意味深长

...mosphere is too easily infected us, we are affected by the mood of others. Shuttle in the crowd, we always feel that there are countless dazzling eyes Pierce through the lung, there are many cold words, or long or short, eventually confused our thoughts, bit by bit and we weave a mess of things tied...




...人海中穿梭,内心却依旧孤独。Therefore, too many people often shuttle in the sea of people, but their hearts are still lonely.在某一个圈子里,也只敢唯唯诺诺充当那大部分。In a certain circle, they only dare to act as the majority.此时你才认出了他的真面目...


今日份自拍配文 句句暖人心 更适合女孩哦!

今日份自拍配文 句句暖人心 更适合女孩哦!

...Quiet to guard the heart, move to go to the vulgar, view the years like a shuttle, wish to be peaceful.4、前路坎坷,愿你能在焦虑的波涛中化险为夷,活出快意的人生。The road ahead is rough, may you be able to save the day in the waves of anxiety and live a happy life.5、...


学了这三个英文句子 轻松睡遍全球 海外旅游住酒店不用愁了!

学了这三个英文句子 轻松睡遍全球 海外旅游住酒店不用愁了!

...Do you have a map of the city?有城市地图吗?Do you have an airport shuttle service?你们这有机场穿梭大巴服务吗?投诉问题/其他请求需要更多的服务,顺便和酒店人员多聊聊提升提升自己的口语水平,不妨试试下面的句子:表达自己的需求-C...


写给自己的治愈系晚安句子 精致唯美 触动心灵

写给自己的治愈系晚安句子 精致唯美 触动心灵

...scenery and distance男友到领班车上取证件My boyfriend goes to the shuttle bus to pick up my ID不可辜负。We must live up to it.亦有软肋;心有傲骨There are also weaknesses; Heart has pride我会做你床上的小熊,为你战胜梦魇I"ll be the bear in your bed and overcome the n...


值得摘抄在笔记本上的句子 简单精辟 哪一句惊艳到你

值得摘抄在笔记本上的句子 简单精辟 哪一句惊艳到你

...这喧嚣的世界当中穿梭,只希望一直都能保持自由之身。Shuttling through this noisy world, I just hope to remain free all the time.遇见一次就够了,我会带着足够的坚定。Once is enough. I will be firm enough.只羡慕那种沉默不语,什么事又做得非常好...


很火的干饭朋友圈文案 超级有趣 极度搞笑!

很火的干饭朋友圈文案 超级有趣 极度搞笑!

...饭堆尖尖,干活梭边边。The eating pile is sharp, and the working shuttle is by the side二,英雄不问出处 美女干饭不问斤数。Heroes don"t ask the source, beautiful women don"t ask the number of pounds三,别的比不过别人 但干饭能。Others can"t compete with others...




...查找新的表示交通工具的词汇,并归纳到一个意群中,如shuttle bus, taxi/cab, subway, underground等。认真的小伙伴还会继续深挖,从交通工具airplane再拓展到机场的关联词汇,如terminal, lounge, carousel等。对于思维导图法,小雅的评语就...


这么唯美的文案 幸福美好 总有那么一句讲的是你

这么唯美的文案 幸福美好 总有那么一句讲的是你

...ed me.我们穿梭在拥挤的街道,最后被人群拆散了你我。We shuttled through the crowded streets and were finally separated by the crowd.没法想到你想到失眠,每天的心事都想与你分享。Can"t think of you think of insomnia, every day I want to share with you.天气好...


一些超火的文案句子 唯美文艺 超级暖心

一些超火的文案句子 唯美文艺 超级暖心

...一阵狂风中穿梭,远离她In the summer, she felt that he might be shuttling through a gust of wind, away from her有人在下雨,我在等待雨停Someone is raining, I"m waiting for it to stop我知道我歇斯底里地想要你留下,真是难看极了,我的爱和尊严I know I hyst...


人生感悟的句子 越读越成熟 让人受益匪浅

人生感悟的句子 越读越成熟 让人受益匪浅

...伏。Life is like a fish. It will never be bound and will never rest. The shuttle will converge into a clear meteor stream to catch the moon. Ren Chao rises and falls along his own path.生活就像一个铅笔盒。我们每天都打包钢笔。Life is like a pencil box. We pack pens every day.生...
