第一句子大全 > 标签 > expenditure
卫生经费支出 Health expenditures英语短句 例句大全

卫生经费支出 Health expenditures英语短句 例句大全

...关讨论和决策提供更有价值的信息。卫生经费支出,Health expenditures1)Health expenditures卫生经费支出2)Health expenditures卫生经济支出3)effect of health expenditure卫生事业费支出效果英文短句/例句1.effect of health expenditure卫生事业费支出效果2.e...


日本军费 Japans military expenditure英语短句 例句大全

日本军费 Japans military expenditure英语短句 例句大全

日本军费,Japan"s military expenditure1)Japan"s military expenditure日本军费2)Japanese Navy日本海军1.Analysis on EW Capability and Equipment Development Trend ofJapanese Navy;日本海军电子战能力和发展趋势分析英文短句/例句1.It"s from the secret code room in the Japanes...


人类发展指数(HDI) human development index(HDI)英语短句 例句大全

人类发展指数(HDI) human development index(HDI)英语短句 例句大全

...ndex人类发展指数1.An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Government Expenditure onHuman Development Index in China;我国政府支出对人类发展指数影响的经验分析2.Measuring Interregional Disparity of Western,Middle and Eastern Districts byHuman Development Index;东中西部地...


经济学人精读:日本养老 居家照护还是去养老院?| 外刊双语

经济学人精读:日本养老 居家照护还是去养老院?| 外刊双语

...osts. Last year the government budgeted 15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing, excluding the charges it levies for the public health-insurance scheme. With public debt at 250% of GDP, and debt service consuming a further 24% of spending, the government is lookin...


财政分权必要性 the necessity of fiscal decentralization英语短句 例句大全

财政分权必要性 the necessity of fiscal decentralization英语短句 例句大全

...政分权与县乡财政困难的相关分析2.Efficiency of local fiscal expenditure in China;财政分权体制下的地方财政支出效率3.Fiscal Decentralization and Growth:Second Generation Theory of Fiscal Decentralization;财政分权与经济增长:第二代财政分权理论4.Money,Taxes...




...h on the Relationship between Medical Service Price Adjustment and Medical Expenditure Control;医疗服务价格调整与医疗费用控制的关系研究3.The Research on Fee Controlling of New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Shaanxi Province;新型农村合作医疗费用控制问题研究4.T...


资源费用库 resource-cost database英语短句 例句大全

资源费用库 resource-cost database英语短句 例句大全

...用尾矿的,免缴矿产资源补偿费;8.A Research on Total Health Expenditure and Allocation of Health Resources in China;中国卫生总费用与卫生资源配置研究9.On recycle of Recoverable Resource in Urban Consumption System;城市消费系统可回收资源的循环利用10.Study ...


收入流动性 income mobility英语短句 例句大全

收入流动性 income mobility英语短句 例句大全

...劳动力转移的实证研究13.Population Mobility, Public Revenue and Expenditure--Analysis of the Evolution of Huji System;人口流动性、公共收入与支出——户籍制度变迁动因分析14.Dynamic Relationship between the Illiquidity and Stock Returns:Evidence From Chinese Stock Mark...




...械设计提供了依据。2.The purpose of this study was to study energy expenditure of different walking speed in order to getformulas which can calculate energy expenditure of walking and daily physical activity.目的:研究不同步速下行走时的能量消耗水平,进而推导出根据计...


读完这些句子 你就明白什么是爱了!

读完这些句子 你就明白什么是爱了!

...ood points is to supplement income. To tolerate shortcomings is to control expenditure.真正的爱,就是两份孤独,相护,相抚,喜相逢。True love, is two lonely, protect each other, caress each other, happy to meet.人一生会碰见很多心动的人,可能会误以为那就是...


适合晚上失眠看的经典句子 愿你热爱生活 忠于自己

适合晚上失眠看的经典句子 愿你热爱生活 忠于自己

...ationship between people should pay attention to the balance of income and expenditure. If you take it out, you must save a small amount in it.10、愿你永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。May you always be young and always have tears in your eyes.写在最后:最近天气好冷,最近yi情又...








...处。4、I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。5、We all too easily point out our mothers" failings.我们都太过轻易地指出母亲的缺点。6、He was at great pains to point out my mistake.他...


很精致唯美的伤感小句子 适合发在朋友圈 深情难忘记

很精致唯美的伤感小句子 适合发在朋友圈 深情难忘记

... supplementing income; To tolerate each other"s shortcomings is to control expenditure. The so-called eternal love, from beauty to white hair, from blossom to flower.爱情就像在银行存一笔钱,欣赏对方的优点,就像补充收入;容忍对方的缺点就是控制支出。所谓永...




...ster to advance the reform of defining the respective financial powers and expenditure responsibilities for the central and local governments, formulate an overall plan for central and local government revenue sharing, improve the local system, and better regulate local government debt financing.如...


强化管 enhanced tube英语短句 例句大全

强化管 enhanced tube英语短句 例句大全

...PPLYING THE MODERN MANAGEMENT THEORY TO ENHANCE THE MANAGEMENT OF MILITARY EXPENDITURE;运用现代管理理论 强化军费科学管理16.Strengthening Engineering Contract Management to Enhance Level in Financial Management;强化工程合同管理 提高财务管理水平17.Monetary Fund Manageme...


次级骨单位 secondary osteons英语短句 例句大全

次级骨单位 secondary osteons英语短句 例句大全

...教师市级培训模式的几点探索13.The Research on Optimal Fiscal Expenditure size and Economic Growth with Multi-government level;多级政府级次下的经济增长与财政支出规模优化研究14.Bourgeois liberalization would plunge the country into turmoil once more.如果搞资产...


白色情人节 送你英语笔记做礼物!

白色情人节 送你英语笔记做礼物!

...经济能力之内”56) “live within one’s means”= “base one’s expenditure upon one’s income” 可译为“量入为出地生活”57) “live beyond one"s means” 可译为“过着超过自已收入的生活”58) “literary” 可译为“文学的”59) “M. A.” 可译为“...


2018.5.12 雅思写作大作文解析 + 原创范文

2018.5.12 雅思写作大作文解析 + 原创范文

...nnot ignore the merits that arts bring to us. If the government spent more expenditure encouraging people to study painting and music, it could help people to improve their aesthetic standard. For those gifted ones, they may achieve their full potential in art-related field, which will probably make...


可用于表达感情的文案 优质有内涵 令人惆怅!

可用于表达感情的文案 优质有内涵 令人惆怅!

... supplementing income; To tolerate each other"s shortcomings is to control expenditure. The so-called eternal love, from beauty to white hair, from blossom to flower.爱情就像在银行存一笔钱,欣赏对方的优点,就像补充收入;容忍对方的缺点就是控制支出。所谓永...
