第一句子大全 > 标签 > trade
英文阅读5——Global wildlife trade higher than was thought

英文阅读5——Global wildlife trade higher than was thought

...sceptible:adj易受影响的corruption:n腐化,堕落Global wildlife trade higher than was thought全球野生动物交易量高于预期By Helen BriggsBBC NewsAt least one in five vertebrate species on Earth are bought and sold on the wildlife market, according to a study. 一项研究显示...

2015-03-22 #经典句子

自贸港英语课|Lesson 3: About the Hainan Free Trade Zone…

自贸港英语课|Lesson 3: About the Hainan Free Trade Zone…

Lesson 3:About the Hainan Free Trade Zone and Port第三课 谈论海南自由贸易区(港)Key Sentences & Words重点词句轻松学·每日一句There are so many foreign tourists.有好多外国游客啊。句中的“there are”表示有某人或某物,是英语中常见的表达方...

2023-05-29 #经典句子

考研英语89分 是因为我掌握了这个技巧

考研英语89分 是因为我掌握了这个技巧

...吧,加一个there be句型,there’re increasing number of cases of trade friction between America and China. 那可以说是一句话猜中了两大雷区(模板和there be句型)。那现状句怎么写比较舒服,这里推荐一个四级单词写现状句非常好用,大家都背过...

2023-01-27 #经典句子

攻克长难句 贵在平时的训练 只有这样 才能达到做题不翻译

攻克长难句 贵在平时的训练 只有这样 才能达到做题不翻译

...because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade.参考译文人们在这些地方定居是因为他们很容易到达,而且很自然地适合于通讯和贸易。句式分析整体分析:本句可以切分为两部分,because前后分别为主句和从句。Pe...

2023-10-26 #经典句子



...公司的海外分部工作吗?5. I used to work as a…… in a foreign trade company.我曾经在一家外贸公司做过……我们可以常常运用这些句子,熟能生巧脱口而出。学了就要用,用了方能知是非。所以如何在实际生活职场对话,来看一词英文...

2023-07-03 #经典句子

职场英语 教你如何进行自我介绍 学会这些表达更地道

职场英语 教你如何进行自我介绍 学会这些表达更地道

...李华:I "m a graduate of Harvard University. My major is international trade.如果是李华已经毕业了,那可以这样说:李华:I graduated from Harvard University.I majored in international trade.补充一点,如果你想说自己是本科生或者是硕士,可以加上这么一...

2024-01-15 #经典句子

外贸英语英译英阅读:China's customs show

外贸英语英译英阅读:China's customs show

... and export data for the first half of 2020. In the first quarter, foreign trade of goods fell 6.4 percent year on year to 6.57 trillion yuan.China"s foreign trade showed signs of stabilizing in March with export and import both beating bearish market expectations.Exports dipped 3.5 percent year on ...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

这些与人名有关的趣味短语 知道是啥意思吗?如“a cup of Joe”

这些与人名有关的趣味短语 知道是啥意思吗?如“a cup of Joe”

...单只表示人名了,而是为了和“way”押韵。4、Jack of all trades从字面理解这个短语的意思是“Jack从事各种交易往来”,说明这个人各方面都能经手去干,但不一定都干得出色。也就是我们常说的“门门精通,样样稀松”。所以“J...

2023-06-16 #经典句子



...ed rice, millet, grapes, and honey. So how did alcohol come to fuel global trade and exploration? Rod Phillips explores the evolution of alcohol.中英文对照This chimpanzee stumbles across a windfall of overripe plums.这只黑猩猩偶然发现了 一堆熟透了的李子。Many of them have sp...

2017-03-16 #经典句子



...的阻力。The question for Alibaba — and for China’s leaders as the trade war grinds on — is how long that strength will last and whether it will be enough to blunt other headwinds.对于阿里巴巴(以及随着贸易战持续,对于中国领导人)来说,问题是这股力量能持...

2023-07-02 #经典句子

寒假小学生新概念英语首次测试 这些错误你家孩子会犯吗?

寒假小学生新概念英语首次测试 这些错误你家孩子会犯吗?

...品的牌子是什么?实际上我们会想到三个词:brand,make,trade mark,但这三个词是有区别的,brand指的是品牌,含义较广泛,多指知名品牌,make指的就是牌子,标志,商标等,trade mark指的是商标,和make所指类似,有时候可以替换...

2013-07-12 #经典句子



...st countries to gain access to vaccine.Undeterred by the epidemic, two-way trade between China and Indonesia have achieved continuous growth, which is a testament to the strong complementarities in our respective development as well as the strength and potential of bilateral ties. In the first half ...

2016-04-14 #经典句子



...ies and involve different types of commercial activities such as services, trade in goods and data transmission. As the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, using it to facilitate global trade has become increasingly popular.The e-commerce platform Xiami is one of the leading cross-bor...

2024-01-25 #大杂绘



...get攻击:attack借口:excuse (其要用定冠词an)贸易壁垒:trade barrier翻译:Climate change should not be a bargaining chip for geopolitics, a target for attacking other countries, or an excuse for trade barriers.多积累翻译词汇,四六级对你就会很友好。

2023-02-01 #经典句子

外企经理经常用这几句英文 原来那么管用 你现在知道还不算晚

外企经理经常用这几句英文 原来那么管用 你现在知道还不算晚

...r 表示“否则”。Be sure to follow up with the leads we got from the trade show.一定要跟进那些我们从贸易展会上获取的重要线索。词组follow up with 表示“跟进”,而follow up 也表示“跟进”,前者表示在做了某件事后做别的事,单词leads 表示...

2023-12-11 #经典句子



...the sea was the Philippines. The Maritime Silk Road has promoted unimpeded trade and cultural exchanges, and closely linked up the the two countries and peoples. Ever since the ancient times, many Chinese have come to the Philippines, where they settled down, raised families and made friends, and ev...

2019-02-27 #经典句子



...ng the way. His first trip lasted from 1405 to1407. Zheng He and his fleet traded and made close relations at the places they visited.Zheng He continued to sail for the Ming Dynasty over the rest of his life. He traveled to many faraway places, going all the way to the African coast and establishing...

2023-05-23 #经典句子

英语冷知识 人命中也能挖出很多有趣好玩的知识 一起看看吧

英语冷知识 人命中也能挖出很多有趣好玩的知识 一起看看吧

...语言也和我们一样,追求押韵,听起来舒服。6. Jack of all trades(万事通)这个词组真实的表达含义可不是真的赞赏事事都懂,而是指那些会的东西杂乱而不精益,和我们经常说的“三脚猫功夫”差不多。关于这个词语还有一个谚...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

中科院 华为等斩获最佳长论文 ACL 2019奖项全部揭晓

中科院 华为等斩获最佳长论文 ACL 2019奖项全部揭晓

...可迁移对话状态生成器(Transferable Dialogue State Generator,TRADE),它能够借助于复制机制(copy mechanism)从话语中生成对话状态,并且在预测训练中未见过的 (domain, slot, value) 三元组时促进知识转移。该模型由一个话语编码器、一...

2008-01-04 #经典句子



...重大阶段性成果日前,新华社播发的国际稿件《Hainan free trade port promotes education opening up》(中国聚焦:海南自贸港推动教育开放)、《Eyes on Hainan: Chinese students look to Hainan to study "abroad"》(中国聚焦:海南自贸港推动教育开放)...

2024-01-18 #经典句子