第一句子大全 > 标签 > Saves
「今日英语短文」A Man Saves A Dog - 一个男人救了一只狗

「今日英语短文」A Man Saves A Dog - 一个男人救了一只狗

今日英语短文 - A Man Saves A Dog。短文难度分为两个等级,坚持阅读,有助于英文水平的提升。Level 1:In London, a dog falls into the River Thames. It needs help. A man sees it. He jumps into the water. He saves the dog. However, now the man is in trouble. He needs help...

2010-03-28 #经典句子

用一句英语谚语来总结这场新冠病毒疫情 这句最合适

用一句英语谚语来总结这场新冠病毒疫情 这句最合适

...ntly, I can’t help but think of a particular proverb:“A stitch in time saves nine.”“一针及时,可省九针。”正如纽约参议员Chuck Schumer在1月26日就新型冠状病毒发表的一份声明中说的那样:In fact, New York Senator Chuck Schumer had said in a statement in re...

2023-09-12 #经典句子

了解四级考试中议论文的写作思路 做到有话可写

了解四级考试中议论文的写作思路 做到有话可写

... eyes(眼睛干涩) and bachache(背疼)。3 钱(money),例如It saves money. 例如They are worried about money.4 人与人关系(personal relationships),例如They spend a lot of time surfing the internet and do not spend time with their family members and friends.5 体验感受(expe...

2022-12-24 #经典句子

by the way  带way的短语你知道多少?

by the way 带way的短语你知道多少?

...的方法来做它。3、in this way 用这种方式,用这种方法He saves old books, in this way , he has gotten many comic books.他收集旧书,用这种方法,他得到了许多漫画书。4、in a way 在某种意义上来说,在某种程度上,在某一点上Yes, in a way ,he...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

实用英语丨每天10句英语谚语 让你的英语提升更快!

实用英语丨每天10句英语谚语 让你的英语提升更快!

...身体。A still tongue makes a wise head.寡言者智。A stitch in time saves nine.小洞不补,大洞吃苦。A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.身正不怕影子斜。A wise head makes a close mouth.真人不露相,露相非真人。Books and friends should be few but good.读...

2023-09-12 #经典句子

每日三句经典英语 - 恐惧的背后有一个理想的你

每日三句经典英语 - 恐惧的背后有一个理想的你

It"s not about making the amazing saves. It"s the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great.中文: 伟大的门将不是靠神奇的扑救成就,而是靠注重小事和细节成功。(Tim Howard美国国家队门将)小编:有时成功没有那么复杂,做好别...

2023-11-26 #经典句子

原创文案:终有溺水替沧海 再无相思寄巫山。

原创文案:终有溺水替沧海 再无相思寄巫山。

...bye"你是神明,能救赎世间万物,除了我。You are the god who saves everything except me.你的一句喜欢,困了我好多年。Your one like, trapped me for many years.十六七岁相识的爱情死于茫茫人海。16 years old acquaintance of love died in the vast sea.其实我也...

2008-03-02 #经典句子

2019年12月六级 作文一定可以用的到的句子

2019年12月六级 作文一定可以用的到的句子

...人永远不会因此而受益。角度2:时间角度 节约时间:(1) saves time/takes up little time(2) saves people / students a great deal of time by eliminating hours spent on hesitation, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. 通过消除花费在...

2022-12-31 #经典句子

520伤感表白句子 除了你自己 没有人有义务留在你身边!

520伤感表白句子 除了你自己 没有人有义务留在你身边!

...一个会保存东西的人,我会永远坚持下去。I"m a person who saves things i will hold on forever.六、除了你自己,没有人有义务留在你身边。No one else is obliged to stay by your side except yourself.七、当你开始寻找灵魂而不是美,你就会找到那个对...

2022-12-02 #经典句子

「今日英语短文」Man Behind An ATM - 自动取款机后的男人

「今日英语短文」Man Behind An ATM - 自动取款机后的男人

...lice.The police come. They hear the man. One officer kicks down a door. He saves the man.重点词汇:ATM - 自动取款机stuck - 卡住,困住note - 纸条,便条kick down - 踢开,踢倒译文:一个男人正在自动取款机后工作。他被困住了,他的手机放在他的车里...

2009-09-12 #经典句子

暖心语录|午夜治愈心灵的句子 句句人生箴言 看完豁达一生

暖心语录|午夜治愈心灵的句子 句句人生箴言 看完豁达一生

...省下一百个后悔的时刻。A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret. 七、给自己提个醒:我要得到我想要的东西,不得到它我是不会罢休的!Note to self: I am going to get exactly what I want and I"m not going to stop until I get ...

2023-07-24 #经典句子

全网都在复制的治愈句子 精致有内涵 挑一句给自己

全网都在复制的治愈句子 精致有内涵 挑一句给自己

...么有能力,觉得我都不用出去工作了,你养我。”When he saves money and provides a refrigerator for his family, you must respectfully say to him, "honey, I"m so lucky to be with you. How can you be so capable and think I don"t have to go out to work? You raise me."爱里的离别...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

超级现实的句子 现实到让人流泪更让人感同身受

超级现实的句子 现实到让人流泪更让人感同身受

...he status quo of being aloof and aloof. In this way, no one bothers me and saves a lot of trouble. The only thing to overcome is to endure loneliness.5.我也没有怪你的意思,只是在某一瞬间觉得恶心,后悔曾经跟你说了那么多I don"t mean to blame you. I just feel sick at a ...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

早安励志金句 努力耕耘 播下奋斗的种子 才能收获丰盛的人生!

早安励志金句 努力耕耘 播下奋斗的种子 才能收获丰盛的人生!

...ccessful people are just as plagued by self-doubt as everybody else - what saves them is their absolute faith in themselves and in a higher power.四、不要抱怨了没人管对自己的人生负责。专注于你想要的,然后去做。Stop complaining. Nobody cares. Take responsibility for yo...

2018-03-16 #经典句子



...世界充满了幻想,爱拯救了一切。The world is absurd, but love saves everything.愿您永远都是为我鼓掌的小朋友。I hope you will always be the children who applaud me the most.谈情说爱,不如谈情说爱我超甜Talking about money hurts feelings, it’s better to fall ...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

让人瞬间清醒的句子 总有那么一句说到心坎里

让人瞬间清醒的句子 总有那么一句说到心坎里

...,爱情就像一阵风,而爱情是一条长长的小溪。Time always saves the best for you. After all, love is like a gustof wind and love is a long stream.8、有没有你想见却见不到的人?有没有你想爱却不敢爱的人?有没有一个你想忘记却不放弃的人?等待...

2022-12-27 #经典句子

精巧而高级的深情短句 抚慰伤心 文艺又高级!

精巧而高级的深情短句 抚慰伤心 文艺又高级!

...像一场梦,看似天衣无缝,却不能散落。Time flies, sorrow saves heartache. I tried to listen to what happened to you with a smile, only to find that the pain occupied the whole world, and you still owe me an ending, which shattered your story. Looking back, everything is like a dream,...

2024-01-03 #经典句子

定义一样东西 就意味着限制了它——王尔德语录

定义一样东西 就意味着限制了它——王尔德语录

...,仅此而已。——王尔德I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments.我喜欢自言自语,因为这样节约时间,而且不会有人跟我争论。——王尔德One can always be kind to people one cares nothing about.一个人总是可以善待他毫不...

2017-05-27 #经典句子

充满仙气的文艺句子 温柔如水 做签名很有格调

充满仙气的文艺句子 温柔如水 做签名很有格调

...are young, you make a decision, give your life to love, and finally, youth saves you.12、车站有两个地方人最多,入口和出口,一个是不想让你走,一个是等你离开。There are two places in the station, the entrance and exit, one is not want to let you go, the other is wait...

2023-05-03 #经典句子

余生写给自己的几句话 简短精湛 细腻走心 也送给独一无二的你

余生写给自己的几句话 简短精湛 细腻走心 也送给独一无二的你

...会让你少后悔一百次。A moment of patience in a moment of anager saves you a hundred moments of regret.十、当你在某人身上看到美好的东西,告诉他们。这可能需要一秒钟,但对他们来说,这可能会持续一生。When you see something beautiful in someone,tell...

2023-10-03 #经典句子