第一句子大全 > 标签 > speaker


... video I"m gonna talk to you guys about how to speak English like a native speaker, and more specifically, how to sound like a native speaker, okay.大家好,我是Englishfulltime.com的英语老师Stefanie。这期视频我们来讲一下怎样像母语者一样说英语。So that when you speak ...

2023-05-19 #经典句子

英语口语:如何像Native speaker一样地道的打招呼?

英语口语:如何像Native speaker一样地道的打招呼?

...语老师一枚。Today"s topic is Different greetings just like a native speaker.今天的话题是“如何像Native speaker一样打招呼?”首先看一段视频,是国外真实的打招呼用语,看你能听懂多少?let"s check them out.怎么样?是不是傻眼了?觉得自己学...

2019-01-17 #经典句子

如何在雅思口语考试中更像一个native speaker?

如何在雅思口语考试中更像一个native speaker?

...听到英语—想好英语回答—表达英语也就是完全的native speaker的思维方式,这种思维方式不仅是使得交流更快更流畅,也会使得你的表达更加接近于native speaker。要学会或是养成英语思维,首先需要有较好的英语基础,切忌不要...

2022-11-17 #经典句子



...巧。我们一起来看看到底是哪三个吧~How to Talk Like a Native Speaker?如何把外语说得和母语一样好?视频来源:TEDx演讲的微博视频 Work on your accent努力消除你的口音If you communicate without an accent or almost without an accent, this changes how native...

2023-01-18 #经典句子

在雅思口语考试中自信地说英语 Speak English Confidently

在雅思口语考试中自信地说英语 Speak English Confidently

...。Number six, probably one of the most important ones: become an English speaker, not just an English student. It"s all about identity.第六,也许是最重要的一件事:变成一个英语母语者,而不止是英语学生。这关乎身份。Confidence comes from your identity, and if you...

2023-06-23 #经典句子

告知:招募2000人学英语 免费培训!

告知:招募2000人学英语 免费培训!

...(有点小意思)我们的目标是:无障碍说英语!像native speaker一样流利表达。(英语母语者)主要培训任务,围绕“学英语”进行。所以不需要出门,在家打开手机听课即可。只需要你有电脑/手机,晚上8点—9点有充足的时间,...

2023-11-29 #经典句子



...ustained and the speech is generally understandable. At times, though, the speaker’s pronunciation makes it difficult to understand the meaning of her ideas. She really gives only reason why she likes shopping. This reason is used repetitively without much elaboration. Shopping is something she li...

2023-06-09 #经典句子

每日一练 英语听力

每日一练 英语听力

...位老师是怎么想告诉孩子们艾米的残疾的?21. Why did the speaker ask kids to tie shoelaces with one hand?为什么演讲者要孩子们一只手系鞋带?22. What can we infer about Amy"s classmates?关于艾米的同学,我们能推断出什么?19.A She liked to do things on h...

2010-11-20 #经典句子

被长难句弄得雨里雾里 考研英语这么难?还要不要继续准备下去呢

被长难句弄得雨里雾里 考研英语这么难?还要不要继续准备下去呢

...习中利用这种找出主干、化繁为简的原则解决难题。The speaker who does not have specific words in his working vocabulary may be _____ to explain or describe in a way that can be understood by his listeners. (1994年)A. obscureB. difficultC. impossibleD. unable首先找主干,找...

2022-11-13 #经典句子

Of course是在挑衅?别对雅思口语考官说这10句话

Of course是在挑衅?别对雅思口语考官说这10句话

...语的时候,如果把中文的表达思维放进英语中,在native speaker的听感上就会有点不适应,这就形成了中式英语的表达,比如从小学习的“How are you ?”,回答“I"m fine,thank you”。在外国朋友听后就会???,像这样的回答,直接说...

2023-10-06 #经典句子

终结“哑巴英语” 从这两个方面突破

终结“哑巴英语” 从这两个方面突破

...自己来进行一个模拟训练。二、创造英语环境我们native speaker除了学习语言的方式不同外,还有一点就是缺少英语的学习环境和氛围。就如我们从小在中文的环境中长大,我们在学龄前就会开口叫爸爸妈妈,开始说话也并不是因...

2023-05-03 #经典句子

英语学习|当断不断 必受其乱——断句 Phrasing

英语学习|当断不断 必受其乱——断句 Phrasing

...,那就是断句。In a sentence, phrasing tells the listener where the speaker is at the moment, where the speaker is going, and if the speaker is finished or not.在一个句子中,断句告诉对方说话人此刻在说什么,将要说些什么,以及当前是否说完。Pauses for relate...

2023-12-09 #经典句子



...the most crucial step. If you hate yourself for not being a fluent English speaker (as per whatever random benchmark you"ve adopted), your sense of self-worth will be destroyed. Don"t let that happen to you.接受自己,爱自己的样子——这可能是最重要的一步了。如果你恨自己...

2024-01-04 #经典句子

练习雅思口语 做到这14件小事

练习雅思口语 做到这14件小事

...只能和老师或者小伙伴来练习才可以,最好是一个native speaker。但是很多时候,我们很难找到native speaker帮我们,即使是在老师和同学的面前,忽然开口说话,也会很低效,从而感到气馁,影响学习心情。那么可以自己练习口语...

2023-01-13 #经典句子

句式“To be halfway there”

句式“To be halfway there”

...andachievements. However, in today’s lesson, it was used to say that the speaker almost has a digital addiction. Obviously, an addiction is not something that is easily meas urable, but we can use the word “halfway” to suggest that this person is beginning to develop this problem.这个短语...

2018-01-20 #经典句子



...记下来哦。我们再拓展一下native的另外一个用法,native speaker意思为:以某种语言为母语的人,我们来看一个例句。If you want to speak English like a native speaker, you"ll have to practice much more than now.你的英语如果想说的和以英语为母语的...

2017-08-27 #经典句子



...ned for you? Not much.”- Jim Rohn (American Entrepreneur, Motivational speaker)“如果你没有制定自己的人生计划,那你很有可能会成为别人人生计划的一部分。猜猜别人会为你设计什么?没什么。”- 吉姆·罗恩 (美国企业家、励志演说家)“D...

2018-04-21 #经典句子



作为智能语音领域的热点研究方向,说话人确认(Speaker Verification)旨在根据注册语音判断测试语音与其是否属于同一说话人的一项技术。近年来,基于深度神经网络的说话人确认技术在可控场景下取得了卓越的性能。但是在实际...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

如果你说这10句日语 日本人对你刮目相看

如果你说这10句日语 日本人对你刮目相看

...ーカーではないんです谢谢啊,但其实我不是日语Native Speaker第二句:用日语吹牛,可以说这句话umakuhanaseruyouninarunoniichinenshikakakarimasendesita上手く話せるようになるのに一年しかかかりませんでした只用了一年,我就能流畅说日...

2010-12-27 #经典句子

Stefanie英语 - 06 如何提高英语写作水平

Stefanie英语 - 06 如何提高英语写作水平

...ume, you have to look up articles in English that are actually for English speakers.Okay? Pretend you"re already a fluent, confident. . . you"re an English speaker, even if you"re not totally there yet.如果你想学怎么写英文简历,那就要看那些给英语母语者的英语文章。要...

2010-08-02 #经典句子