第一句子大全 > 标签 > drunk


1.A drunken man is one who had drunk too much alcohol and had got drunk.醉汉就是酒喝得太多并且喝醉的人。[说明] drunk 和 drunken 都是动词 drink 的过去分词,都表示“喝醉”。一般来说, drunk 仅用作表语, drunken仅用作定语。2.The dentist was treating...

2015-03-10 #经典句子

see pink elephants用英语怎么说?

see pink elephants用英语怎么说?

... Okay.I got you.When you say:I am seeing pink elephants, you mean:I am drunk/I got drunk,or I have drunk too much.2. get drunk 还有一个“意思”,知道是什么吗?Well,to get drunk means To get intoxicated.To get intoxicated用词比get drunk“逼格”。2) 你也可以反过来遣...

2023-12-01 #经典句子

适合喝酒时说的押韵句子 新颖有趣 朗朗上口

适合喝酒时说的押韵句子 新颖有趣 朗朗上口

...怎么吹牛逼。There must be a story, or you can"t boast when you are drunk.6、别问我是什么星座,酒瓶座,喝酒没醉过。Don"t ask me what constellation I am, Bacchus. I"ve never been drunk.7、如果你不喝酒,一般都在干嘛?在醒酒。If you don"t drink, what do you u...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

《AWM绝地求生》动画官宣 请务必把祁醉的经典语录都讲出来!

《AWM绝地求生》动画官宣 请务必把祁醉的经典语录都讲出来!

...》,也能看到会动的祁醉和于炀了!或许不能看到Youth和Drunk的完整版互动,但我想祁醉的“骚话” 应该不会删减太多吧,毕竟人设还是要稳固的。运气好的话,说不定能看到于炀在Drunk面前害羞的小媳妇的样子。(想多了)目...

2023-06-18 #经典句子



drunk driving:酒驾。This guy was arrested for drunk driving. 这个家伙因涉嫌酒后驾车而被捕。Many countries have made lots of ways to prevent drunk driving.各国都提出了很多酒精检测防酒驾方法。Beware of the dangers of drunk driving.酒驾危险,小心行驶。He ...

2018-09-13 #经典句子



...课文:一、课文原文Lesson 70 Red for dangerDuring a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting ...

2023-06-21 #经典句子

适合喝酒发的沙雕句子 新颖有趣 点赞量超多!

适合喝酒发的沙雕句子 新颖有趣 点赞量超多!

1、天天喝,天天醉,天天回家自己睡。Drink every day, get drunk every day, go home and sleep by yourself every day.2、酒从眼前过,不喝是罪过。It is a sin not to drink when wine passes before your eyes.3、今朝有酒今朝醉,生活不要太疲惫。Today there is wine...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

“酒驾”用英语怎么说?真的不是alcohol drive

“酒驾”用英语怎么说?真的不是alcohol drive

...真这么说的话,可就闹笑话啦。权威释义正确的表达是:drunk driving.drunk 表示喝醉的状态吗,一起来看两个例句吧:Jason was arrested for drunk driving. 杰森因涉嫌酒后驾车而被捕。 In New Mexico in 1996, 485 people died on state roads, 235 of them in ...

2024-01-20 #经典句子

舒缓创伤的绝美文案 治愈情绪 温暖的心

舒缓创伤的绝美文案 治愈情绪 温暖的心

...作弊了?”"I cheated?Where did I cheat?"为醉而醉,似醉非醉。Drunk for drunk"s sake, drunk but not drunk.念你;让我难过,让我孤独!想你;让我伤心,让我落泪!Read you;Make me sad, make me lonely!Think you;Make me sad, make me cry!除了冷锋就是暖锋,希...

2015-06-12 #经典句子

适合喝酒发的虐心句子 伤感扎心 总有一句是为你而写

适合喝酒发的虐心句子 伤感扎心 总有一句是为你而写

1.醉过才知酒浓,爱过才知情重。Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is. Only when you are in love can you know how heavy the wine is2.生活有多难,酒就有多呛,生活不如意,十有八酒。How difficult life is, how choking wine is. When life is not sat...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

被伤心包围的情感文案 简单高级 爱情永存

被伤心包围的情感文案 简单高级 爱情永存

...in love with you.-- What a guy says to a girl为醉而醉,似醉非醉。Drunk for drunk"s sake, drunk but not drunk.长歌当哭,为那些无法兑现的诺言,为生命中最深的爱恋,终散作云烟。Long cry, for those unfulfilled promises, the deepest love of life, the end of the cl...

2019-03-21 #经典句子

几条伤感的句子 穿心催泪 让人哭红了眼!

几条伤感的句子 穿心催泪 让人哭红了眼!

...没关系。不知道这是自嘲还是安慰。Several friends are simply drunk, but it doesn"t matter if one is drunk. I don"t know whether this is self mockery or comfort.一个吃,一个玩,一个喝,一个哭。独自饮酒,独自踱步,独自面对世界的残酷。One eats, one play...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

适合一个人喝酒时发圈的说说 句句扎心 看了很想哭

适合一个人喝酒时发圈的说说 句句扎心 看了很想哭

...是因为清醒时太想你而留下的后遗症I"ll come to you when I"m drunk, because I miss you too much when I"m awake五、想用酒精当安慰,谁知酒醉更疲惫Want to use alcohol as comfort, who knows that drunk more tired六、我醉在无人的街头,听着《谁把回忆酿成毒...

2023-09-16 #经典句子

晚上看了会忍不住落泪的伤感文案 个性又高级 充满爱意

晚上看了会忍不住落泪的伤感文案 个性又高级 充满爱意

...t I catch but can"t embrace, and I want to drink but I"m afraid of getting drunk.你就像是我抓住却无法拥抱的风,我想喝却又害怕喝醉。Without my years, you must be strong and go on alone.没有我的岁月,你必须坚强,独自前行。I really want someone to know that th...

2012-02-16 #经典句子

适用于抒发情绪的温情小句子 懂你的内心 感受快乐

适用于抒发情绪的温情小句子 懂你的内心 感受快乐

...情就是让人想起旧爱。Wine this thing either don"t drink, or get drunk, because half drunk not drunk feeling too sober, not let a person think of old love is let a person think of old love.自己的热情,终究还是烫伤了自己。Their enthusiasm, after all, or burned themselves.我...

2024-01-13 #经典句子

可用于表达感情的文案 优质有内涵 温柔而美好

可用于表达感情的文案 优质有内涵 温柔而美好

...情就是让人想起旧爱。Wine this thing either don"t drink, or get drunk, because half drunk not drunk feeling too sober, not let a person think of old love is let a person think of old love.人,在面临巨大的幸福时,会突然变得十分胆怯。Man, in the face of great happiness, ...

2009-03-04 #经典句子

触及心灵的文案句子 深入人心 发朋友圈超赞

触及心灵的文案句子 深入人心 发朋友圈超赞

... make the years stay, today"s moon is still filled with empty wine glass醉drunks of those far away season醉醺醺的时候,花影舞不会只是你一个人Drunk also drunk he a tender feeling like water, at that time in the Flower Shadow Dance will not be only you跳舞时孤单的不只是你It"...

2023-01-11 #经典句子

这些可以惊艳到你的文案句子 一字一句 送给现在的你

这些可以惊艳到你的文案句子 一字一句 送给现在的你

...却开始觉得自己在这个夏夜里醉Her lips stuck to his slightly drunk taste, and although the degree was not high, he began to feel drunk on this summer night这可能是她整个青春期做过的最大胆、最疯狂的事情This is probably the boldest and craziest thing she has done thr...

2023-05-03 #经典句子

喝酒时发朋友圈的语句 前任看了都会心疼

喝酒时发朋友圈的语句 前任看了都会心疼

...才知情深!醉过才知酒浓,爱过才知情深!Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is, and only when you love it can you know it deeply!2.我从来不喜欢喝酒的味道,却总喝到不醒人事为止!I never liked the smell of drinking, but I always drank until ...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的古风句子 唯美干净 一见倾心!

适合发朋友圈的古风句子 唯美干净 一见倾心!

...Road, stranger to people"s flower altar window to listen to the rain a bit drunk, fingertips Fuqu and Jun Huan.8、月光是白昼寄给黑夜的情节,朝霞是黑夜思念白昼的泪光。Moonlight is the plot of day to night, and dawn is the tears of night missing day.9、醉后不知天在水...

2022-11-12 #经典句子