
被伤心包围的情感文案 简单高级 爱情永存


It is raining again today I am very happy and happy that you are by my side 有了你,我不再作孤飞于蓝天的雄鹰,宁愿停歇在你门前的那棵树上,看着你,守护你

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It is raining again today. I am very happy and happy that you are by my side.


With you, I will no longer be the lone eagle flying in the blue sky, would rather stop in the tree in front of your door, watching you, guarding you.


I will make you the second happiest person in the world, because with you, I am the first happiest person in the world!


Don"t be sarcastic if you don"t feel the same way.


I told myself never to fall in love again, but just by the sound of your voice, I fell in love with you.-- What a guy says to a girl


Drunk for drunk"s sake, drunk but not drunk.


Long cry, for those unfulfilled promises, the deepest love of life, the end of the cloud smoke.


?It was a little dark, a little tired, and a little too much sand.


Male: "My dream last night came true." Female: "Can the dream come true?"M: "Talk to the people you like."


Love is a river, who is not feeling stones across the river.


Like the memory, you embrace my temperature.Like the memory of your thoughtful words.Like the memory, you gave me to rely on the shoulder.


If you are not happy, all I have done is in vain.

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