第一句子大全 > 标签 > drunken


1.A drunken man is one who had drunk too much alcohol and had got drunk.醉汉就是酒喝得太多并且喝醉的人。[说明] drunk 和 drunken 都是动词 drink 的过去分词,都表示“喝醉”。一般来说, drunk 仅用作表语, drunken仅用作定语。2.The dentist was treating...

2015-03-10 #经典句子

适宜在忧伤时看的暖心短句 字字入心 暖在心里

适宜在忧伤时看的暖心短句 字字入心 暖在心里

...nthus, and pour it under the Leng Yue independently, so that the wandering drunkenness surges up, while the drunkenness is boundless, and only the cold moonlight is accompanied by the lonely figure.如果敌人让你生气,说明你没有把握打败他。如果朋友让你生气,说明你还在...

2023-12-04 #经典句子

英语好句86条 可打印

英语好句86条 可打印

...墙。Drowning man will catch at a straw. 溺水的人一根草也要抓。Drunken days have all their tomorrows. 今日花天酒地,明日潦倒穷途。Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals. 酒后露真言。Dumb dogs are dangerous. 哑犬最凶恶。Dying is as natural as living. 死亡...

2018-02-12 #经典句子



... popular support.九、醉翁之意并非在酒,笑容满面未必是友.Drunken man is not in the wine, smile may not be friends.十、花心被人骂,专心被人耍,真心被人骗,好心被践踏,这就是现实.The flower heart was scolded, concentrate on being played, really cheated,...

2023-09-05 #经典句子

这些形容词真奇怪 只能作定语 却不能做表语

这些形容词真奇怪 只能作定语 却不能做表语

...re在前部的fore迅速的 rapid早起的 early羊毛制的 woollen醉的 drunken每周的 weekly从前的 former偶然的occasional上面的 right最年长的 eldest活的 live主要的 main艰辛的 hard野外的 outdoor以上形容词只能作定语,大家在使用的时候要特别记住,...

2023-12-27 #经典句子

高品质朋友圈签名 句句精选

高品质朋友圈签名 句句精选

1、醉梦天下,动乱金戈铁马。Drunken dream of the world, chaos, gold and iron horse.2、天涯何处再相逢?腰间备剑藏酒,少年骑马追风。Where can we meet again? The waist prepares the sword to hide the wine, the youth rides a horse to pursue the wind.3、不做违心之...

2020-06-03 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的高情商文案 非常特别有趣!

适合发朋友圈的高情商文案 非常特别有趣!

... I am awake六,醉眼看人间,世人皆温柔。Seeing the world with drunkenness, the world is gentle七,不完整的歌最动听 得不到的人最挂心。Incomplete songs are the most beautiful and those who can"t get them are the most concerned八,一无所知的世界 走下去才有...

2014-02-23 #经典句子

中秋节的英语单词 你会吗?

中秋节的英语单词 你会吗?

...weave a cool autumn you covered,as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart,and do a blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams.采一轮松间明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡。中秋节相...

2023-12-04 #经典句子

最直击心灵的情感文案 句句经典 值得收藏

最直击心灵的情感文案 句句经典 值得收藏

...,到头来是吐了一身长肉被抛弃了!No more than 6 points for drunkenness, no more than 7 points for satiety and no more than 8 points for love. But most people often drink to eat support, love to become a fool, in the end is to vomit a long body of meat was abandoned!我们相遇的那...

2010-09-24 #经典句子

深情的诗意句子 想见你 不远万里

深情的诗意句子 想见你 不远万里

...ws the taste of sorrow.Three thousand robberies in the world of mortals, a drunken life.Red brush points vermilion, even red and green.When the moon sang, the spring breeze sang to my generation.梨花带雨流,沧浪随风起。蛱蝶穿花飞,鸳鸯池中洗。鸾凤声和鸣,冲云几万米...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

那些适合用来表白的温柔句子 甜性十足 值得收藏

那些适合用来表白的温柔句子 甜性十足 值得收藏

... to create the ocean,今有酒今有醉,Now there is wine and now there is drunkenness,要像生命一样爱你。Love you like life.山峰相聚。The mountains meet.蓝天白云间,心安就是归宿。Blue sky and white clouds, peace of mind is the end result.鬼鬼祟祟地在地上耍弄。Snea...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

合适你心情的文案短句 经典又温柔 干净又积极

合适你心情的文案短句 经典又温柔 干净又积极

...说着心里话。Some people always like to talk from the heart through drunkenness.抬头看蓝天,你就在我右边,真好。Looking up at the blue sky, you"re on my right. That"s nice.你的温柔拥抱是最能治愈我的良药。Your gentle embrace is the best medicine to cure me.这样...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

简单气质的治愈系文案 句句精辟 超有意境

简单气质的治愈系文案 句句精辟 超有意境

...per short dress looks great,与我共度了一个沉醉的夜晚,I spent a drunken night with me,这世界上最冷漠The coldest in the world岸上的叶子绿油油的,岸上的叶子落到岸上来伤心。The leaves on the shore are green, and the leaves on the shore fall to the shore and are sa...

2023-11-18 #经典句子

特别暖心的文案 干净温柔 唯美有意境

特别暖心的文案 干净温柔 唯美有意境

...you write, you have to dip in the spring breeze, the moonlight, the slight drunkenness and your eyebrows爱你,不是情话,而是真心。Love you, not love, but really.希望能在花海中漫步,为你收集到一瓶最美的花儿,然后把它们投入你的梦中,让你每天晚上带...

2008-07-26 #经典句子

特别甜的情话句子 句句暖心 女生天天听不腻!

特别甜的情话句子 句句暖心 女生天天听不腻!

...,没有盛宴,只有你。In my eyes, there are no stars, the sea, no drunkenness, no feast, only you.3.你是龙卷风的眼睛,外面汹涌的海浪与你无关,但你在我心中是平静的。You are the eye of the tornado. The rough waves outside have nothing to do with you, but you are...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

温情动人的情感文字 治愈伤心 句句有理!

温情动人的情感文字 治愈伤心 句句有理!

...s dusty secular cigarette butt in the first half of my life and lost it to drunkenness for a long time.我前半生就爱这个尘封的世俗烟屁股,很长一段时间都输给了醉酒。Give up, disappointed, no longer indulge in, why is it sad to turn around?放弃了,失望了,不再沉...

2023-01-09 #经典句子

精辟的人生感悟的句子 句句真金 读懂受益终身

精辟的人生感悟的句子 句句真金 读懂受益终身

...贵妃醉酒”。The most blatant compliment is to describe "Shrew" as "drunken imperial concubine".相遇,心情如白云飘飘;拥有,心如雨露;如果你错过了,你的心就像流沙一样汹涌。回首往事,幽情如碧静夜般清澈。Meet, the mood is like white clouds; Hav...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

能分享在朋友圈的情绪短句 简单美好 温暖入心!

能分享在朋友圈的情绪短句 简单美好 温暖入心!

...切。A busy page, a front edge, a wisp of smoke, a clear eye, a moment of drunkenness, a blade of moss and an inch of ash.一个忙碌的页面,一个前沿,一缕青烟,一双清澈的眼睛,一瞬间的醉态,一片青苔和一寸灰。Maybe you are just an episode, but I treat you as t...

2023-08-14 #经典句子

一眼心动的温柔句子|不要哭泣 会有人全心全意等你的

一眼心动的温柔句子|不要哭泣 会有人全心全意等你的

...不再接触,从此阡陌从此。White horse, dream song,A face of red drunkenness. Think again, no longer recall, so tears, no longer contact, from then on crisscross.路途遥远,路途漫长,我很孤独,很少有对称的微笑。我选择了这条路…郁郁葱葱的横竖纵横,刻...

2022-12-25 #经典句子

总有些句子值得收藏 文字虽然平淡 却深入人心

总有些句子值得收藏 文字虽然平淡 却深入人心

...can"t reach my sweetheart. When I get together in the future, listen to my drunken speech and say everything about you.

2023-01-31 #经典句子