第一句子大全 > 标签 > Goals
如何制定新年英语学习目标 How To Set English Goals

如何制定新年英语学习目标 How To Set English Goals

...我们带来什么新的机会。Now I haven"t always been good at setting goals or sticking to them but I think I"ve got a good system in place now that helps me to see my goals through and so today I want to share my four-step process for not only setting amazing goals but to actually get a plan i...


词汇量不高 如何有效阅读英文原版书?

词汇量不高 如何有效阅读英文原版书?

...ills you need to:为了提升阅读技巧,你需要:have clear reading goals;树立清晰的目标;choose the right texts;选择合适的文本;use the right reading style;使用正确的阅读模式;use note taking techniques.掌握记笔记的技巧。Reading goals阅读目标Clear readi...




...learning strategy?你有计划或学习策略吗?SET YOURSELF ACHIEVABLE GOALS为自己设定可实现的目标You must know how much time you can dedicate to learning English.你必须知道你可以花多少时间学习英语。Here are some goals you could set yourself:-以下是一些你可以...




...众号授权转载,如需转载与原文作者联系原文 Establishing goals and objectives in teaching EnglishThe absence of clear or appropriate goals in education is bad for both teachers and learners. At school, children and adolescents often seem to be required to study algebra, or Roman his...


双语阅读 5句话让你坚定信心

双语阅读 5句话让你坚定信心

...ead of excuses, learning new things, and getting closer and closer to your goals, you should know that there are others out there, like me, who admire your efforts and are striving for greatness too.新一天的到来为改变你的生活提供了契机。努力让生活之路朝着你所希望的...


正能量早安励志心语 朋友圈早安图片背景文字 使您充满精气神!

正能量早安励志心语 朋友圈早安图片背景文字 使您充满精气神!

...something each and every day that moves you on your path to achieving your goals.二、改变什么永远不嫌晚;没有低到不能回头的点,也没有永远失去的机会。It is never too late to change anything; there is no point that is too low to come back from, and there is no opportu...


中英文正能量短句 勇敢善良 向暖而生

中英文正能量短句 勇敢善良 向暖而生

...verything should be judged by its cost.What good is it if you achieve your goals and still be empty inside.Most people sacrifice their peace of mind at the altar of success.Never cheat to win. Play fair. It"s better for you.二、成功没有秘诀,只有永恒的基本原则。其中之一就是...




...。今天我将会给大家带来什么精彩内容呢?-=本日金句=-Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.翻译:目标不仅仅是我们前进的动力,更是支撑我们活下去的必要条件。Goal/gl/ n. 目标;球门例...


那些对自己失望的句子 无比痛心 心在滴血

那些对自己失望的句子 无比痛心 心在滴血

...一定是必须实现的。目标通常仅用于帮助您指明方向。 Goals don"t have to be achieved. Goals are usually only used to help you point the way.既然已经退出生活,何不把过去从记忆中抹去? Why not erase the past from your memory now that you have retired from life?...


人生的幸福 不在于富足而在于满足 正能量满满的句子

人生的幸福 不在于富足而在于满足 正能量满满的句子

... confidence.目标和信念给人持久的动力,是人的精神支柱。Goals and beliefs give people lasting power, is the spiritualpillar of people.成功的秘诀在于坚持自己的目标和信念。The secret of success is to stick to your goals and beliefs.


My dream came true用英语怎么说?

My dream came true用英语怎么说?

...you can also say:I realized my dream.I achieved my dream, or achieved my goals.这些都是你学过的英语,把它们用起来,表达同样的意思,或互为解释,互为理解,从而又可以训练自己的英语口语。如果你嫌realize my dream,achieve my dream用词“土气”...


成长励志感悟句子 值得分享

成长励志感悟句子 值得分享

...目标和信念。The secret of success lies in the persistent pursuit of goals. Thesecret of success lies in sticking to your goals and beliefs.成功来自不懈的努力。Success comes from hard work.当人们开始说你疯了,那么你离成功不远了...When people start saying you"re craz...




...医保的机会,并扩大社会保障。关键词:设定目标:set goals能源效率:energy efficiency医保:medical insurance社会保障:social security参考翻译The government has set goals to reduce pollution,enhance energy efficiency,improve the opportunity to receive educatio...


晚安正能量语录 告别过去 挣脱束缚 明天都是惊喜

晚安正能量语录 告别过去 挣脱束缚 明天都是惊喜

...过达成目标而成为什么样的人。What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. 五、我很感激我所有的问题。每战胜一个,我就变得更强大。我在困难中成长。I"m grateful for all my problems. After each one was...


英语完整的讲义一 课文精讲!

英语完整的讲义一 课文精讲!

...he purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of accomplishing them.1.made from among alternative courses of action 是...


激励人生的正能量句子 句句入你心 选一句给自己打气!

激励人生的正能量句子 句句入你心 选一句给自己打气!

...标,那就是你的目标太小了。If people are not laughing at your goals,your goals are too small.十一、你不需要一个新的日出来重新开始,你只需要一个新的心态。You dont need a new sunrise to start over,you only need a new mindset. 十二、每个老师都曾经是...


精辟正能量 人生感悟有哲理的美文 写到你心里

精辟正能量 人生感悟有哲理的美文 写到你心里

...。The meaning of life lies not only in the continuous realization of life goals, but also in the continuous improvement of life goals.


感悟生活的句子 现实扎心 总有一句你喜欢~

感悟生活的句子 现实扎心 总有一句你喜欢~

...跑,沒目标的人在流浪,因为不知道要去哪里!People with goals are running, people without goals are wandering, because they don"t know where to go!使人成熟的不是岁月,而是经历。百味尝遍,自然看透。It"s not years but experiences that make people mature. Tas...




...preparations for university life.To begin with, you should set up your own goals about what you want to learn at the university and what you want to be after four years of learning. Then, based on your goals, you"d better start reading some books about your major and be familiar with your major. It ...


新的一月发早安的句子 简短励志 看完元气满满

新的一月发早安的句子 简短励志 看完元气满满

...现,这个月的目标,月底就能实现。早安!I hope that the goals of November can be achieved this month, and the goals of this month will be achieved by the end of the month. good morning!7、只有自己付出行动要变好,才会慢慢变好。早安!Only if you take action to g...
