第一句子大全 > 标签 > sensation
今日短语|Have a burning sensation

今日短语|Have a burning sensation

...性异物时,也会感觉到火辣辣的疼痛……搭配 “a burning sensation” 表示身体某个部位有 “烧灼感”。在形容这类症状时,应使用动词 “have” 或动词搭配 “have got”,即 “have (got) a burning sensation” 有火烧火燎的不适感。如果想...

2018-04-06 #经典句子



...知觉、感觉、含义、意义,和sense有关的单词我们背过:sensation. less,常见的形容词后缀,表示缺少……的、没有……的,更多例子还有:stainless, cordless, restless, etc. senseless,形容词,没有意识的、失去知觉的、不省人事的,sens...

2023-08-13 #经典句子



...re"s a complicationwith your order. (你的订单出了点问题)。4. Sensational 非常好的如果有人和你描述某件事情做的很成功、某件东西实在是太棒了的时候,你脑海里第一个想到要表达的词是什么?可能你会想到awesome!外国人都喜欢听...

2024-01-12 #经典句子



...来的”音乐的确让人心烦意乱,甚至情绪崩溃。3. rhythm sensation/sence of rhythm节奏感rhythm sensation[rm sensen] n. 节奏感英文解析:repeating at regular intervals, forming a regular pattern or beat. 定期重复,形成规则的模式或节拍。rhythmic[rmk] adj.有...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

图说新概念英语:第一册讲义分享 总结更全

图说新概念英语:第一册讲义分享 总结更全

...推测Lesson 133--reporter n.--report v. 报告,报道n.报告,报道--sensational adj. 爆炸性的,耸人听闻的,煽动感情的--sensational news 爆炸性新闻(不可数名词,前不加冠词a/an)--sensation n.1) 五官的感觉,知觉--I have lost all sensation in my legs. ...

2023-06-21 #经典句子



...you take a walk, no matter where it is, take in all the sights, sounds and sensations. Wander in this frame of mind and you will open a new dimension to your life.大自然似乎只向那些喜欢观察,喜欢等待的人展现(它的一切)。下次你散步的时候,无论在哪里,都...

2023-11-13 #经典句子



... is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future. In truth, all sensation is already memory”纯粹意义上的“现在”是不存在的;它只是个「过去」不断吞噬着「未来」的过程。实际上,所有的感受都已经只是记忆。【嘲讽官员开道扰民】长...

2008-07-26 #经典句子



...ells pretty quickly (no matter how bad the smell is), we tune out physical sensations (you"re now aware of how your tongue is resting in your mouth, also you"re breathing manually), we hit that autopilot button at work and just coast through it while thinking about the grocery shopping, etc.【译...

2023-10-06 #经典句子



...某人的名字例句:Hey man, what’s crackin’?(crackin’=Something sensational, excellent or cool=令人感到兴奋有趣的事)。喂(老兄),有什麽好玩的事吗?补充:可用来表达失望沮丧,发音为”maaan”。例如”Oh man! I failed my driving test today!”(欧...

2020-09-14 #经典句子



...moon.他们在蜜月期间幸福无比。The anticipation produced in me a sensation somewhat Between Bliss and fear期待使我产生了介于幸福与恐惧之间的激动A happy couple幸福的夫妻It concerns my welfare.它和我的幸福有关。It concerns his welfare.这关系到他的幸福...

2017-04-13 #经典句子



...ing term used to indicate a wine with many different layersof flavours and sensations. Complexity is one of the hallmarks of a great wine,as opposed to the one-dimensional simplicity of an easy-drinking wine. 复杂的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒有很多层次的味道和感觉,复杂感...

2014-11-21 #经典句子



... 2.送;寄出seniora.年长的;地位较高的 n.(大学)四年级学生sensation n.感觉,知觉;激动,轰动,轰动一时的事情sense n.感官;感觉;判断力;意义 v.觉得,意识到sensiblea.明智的,达理的;可觉察的,明显的sensitivea.(to)敏感的,易受伤害的;灵敏的senten...

2023-05-02 #经典句子

《经济学人》双语:上海交大研发的假肢 论文在国际期刊上发表

《经济学人》双语:上海交大研发的假肢 论文在国际期刊上发表

...文有帮助)标题:ProstheticsA new prosthetic handIt gives users the sensation of touch, and is cheaper than alternatives, too修复术—假肢新型假手它给用户触摸的感觉,而且比其他替代品更便宜It is cheaper and better than anything now available它比现在的任何...

2023-06-23 #经典句子

简单大气的个性签名 句句独特 选一句发朋友圈

简单大气的个性签名 句句独特 选一句发朋友圈

...情承诺的背后,还有一个词叫一时冲昏的头脑。Behind the sensational commitment, there is a word called a dazed mind.当你听到别人说给你1万次忠告的时候,都不如自己真真切切地摔一跤。When you hear people give you 10000 times of advice, it"s better to fall...

2023-12-01 #经典句子

被恋人冷落时候看的情感句子 温暖有格调 深刻有涵义!

被恋人冷落时候看的情感句子 温暖有格调 深刻有涵义!

...及现实的无奈。Suddenly found some feelings, some things, not a few sensational words can decide, after all, arrived at the heart of the turbulent waves and the reality of helplessness.

2022-12-22 #经典句子

让人瞬间湿了眼眶的句子 满是遗憾 句句走心

让人瞬间湿了眼眶的句子 满是遗憾 句句走心

...I want to know a boy who can speak sarcastic love words and experience the sensational feeling.懂得相互心疼对方的人,才能走得更加长远吧。Only those who know how to love each other can go further.当我看到熟悉的身影,心莫名其妙的慌了一阵。When I saw the famili...

2023-01-01 #经典句子

说尽现实的句子 深刻有内涵 值得细细品读一番

说尽现实的句子 深刻有内涵 值得细细品读一番

...被人吹捧为乐。People who let nature take its course are not keen on sensationalism, but to be praised as fun.自然,是人都会有倾诉欲望,都会有想排解情绪的时候。Naturally, people will have the desire to talk, and there will be times when they want to dispel their emotio...

2023-02-06 #经典句子



...hange, grow, shrink) 一个进程(如改变,成长,减少)a bodily sensation (e.g. ache, feel, hurt) 一种身体知觉(如疼痛,感觉,使受伤)a transitional event (e.g. arrive, leave) 一个过渡的事件(如到达,离开)a momentary occurrence (e.g. hit, jump, kick). 一...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

写满遗憾的伤感句子 伤感现实 送给情绪低落的你

写满遗憾的伤感句子 伤感现实 送给情绪低落的你

...煽情的话等来的只有无穷的冷淡和视而不见A long string of sensational words and so on to only infinite indifference and blind我已尽力把你留在我们的感情中去I"ve tried my best to keep you in our relationship知道自己不能做什么而去做,是我对这段感情的最...

2022-11-15 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的句子 精致典雅 哪一句说到你心里去了?

适合发朋友圈的句子 精致典雅 哪一句说到你心里去了?

...过成看客。不要逃避真实的自己,才能真正地成长。Not sensational, not complaining, not sad, not crazy, will only put themselves into a spectator. Don"t run away from your true self, only in this way can you grow up.(图片和素材源自网络,侵权联删)

2023-05-14 #经典句子