第一句子大全 > 标签 > Labor


用英语介绍五一劳动节:Labor Day is also called International Workers’ Day. People around the world celebrate Labor Day in different ways. In China, Labor Day is an important legal holiday. Labor Day is usually held around May 1. On Labor Day, we honor working men and women for their har...

2023-10-29 #经典句子



...天百校来给同学们介绍。五一劳动节的词汇1.international labor day五一劳动节2..labor force劳动力3.labour discipline 劳动纪律4.labor of love 义务劳动5.working capacity labor capacity 劳动能力6. labour handbook 劳动手册7.fruit of labor 劳动成果8.labor contra...

2023-11-13 #经典句子

GRE 阅读:这个近 80 个单词的长难句你看得懂吗?

GRE 阅读:这个近 80 个单词的长难句你看得懂吗?

...Breton, Bastien-Lepage, Pissaro, and Berthe Morisot, of representing rural labor, and notwithstanding the significant body of Impressionist work—including that of Degas, Caillebotte, and Morisot—representing urban or suburban labor. The notion of Impressionism as concerned primarily with the rep...

2023-07-18 #经典句子



五一劳动节的英文介绍:International Labor Day, also known as "International Labor Day" and "international demonstration day", is a national festival in more than 80 countries in the world. It"s on the first of May every year. It is a festival shared by working people all over the world. I...

2020-02-27 #经典句子

ishow口语|May Day还是Labor Day都搞不清 还想愉快过“五一”?

ishow口语|May Day还是Labor Day都搞不清 还想愉快过“五一”?

...学的时候,绝大多数英语老师教的劳动节的英文表达是:Labor day,,确实,这个是正确的表达,也是最传统表达,但是现在这个用法已经不经常使用了,“五一劳动节”最常见的表达是May Day或International Workers" Day,节日时间是每...

2015-08-04 #经典句子

12句五一节文艺句子 送上美好温馨的祝福

12句五一节文艺句子 送上美好温馨的祝福

...动创造未来,在新的五一之际,让我们赞美最美的劳动。Labor creates history, labor creates the future, in the new MayDay, let us praise the most beautiful labor.3、劳动节,温柔地问候你,祝你节日快乐。Labor day, gently greet you, I wish you a happy holiday.4、...

2022-11-21 #经典句子



...rs" Day,儿童节Children"s Day等等。那么,既然劳动的英文是labor,难道五一劳动节的英文是Labor"s Day?或者Labor Day?其实,五一劳动节的正确英文表达应该是:International Workers" Day或者 May Day。毕竟我们都是“打工人”,当然就是work...

2012-12-17 #经典句子



...y struggle, finally won the victory. May Day was set up to commemorate the labor movement.What"s more, Labor Day aims to pass on the working people"s spirit of diligence, courage and perseverance, which is one of the important reasons for the existence of Labor Day today. In addition, our country ha...

2010-09-05 #经典句子

2021劳动节问候祝福语 微信朋友圈五一节日问候句子!

2021劳动节问候祝福语 微信朋友圈五一节日问候句子!

...希望。劳动节到了,愿你的生活因劳动而精彩闪亮!The labor of spring silkworm brings exquisite clothes; Your labor brings good hope. Labor Day is coming. May your life shine with labor!不论再累,放松身心也要找个空闲满足需要。五一劳动节就要到了,你...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

五一旅行句子 忘掉不快乐 开心最重要

五一旅行句子 忘掉不快乐 开心最重要

...的痛苦,都可以通过劳动得到。All happiness can be obtained by labor, and all adversity can be liberated by labor.五一节的胃,因为有了美食,我的可爱又多了一吨。May day is a 128G stomach. Because of the delicious food, my lovely is one ton more.一分为二,一分...

2022-12-13 #经典句子



...世盗名The Doer of Deeds务实之人 ; 有所作为者 ; 有作为的人Labor Day劳动节 ; 劳工节 ; 美国劳动节 ; 劳动日Labor Pains产前阵痛 ; 阵痛 ; 爱情另一章labor market劳动力市场 ; 劳动市场labor dispute劳资纠纷 ; 劳动争议 ; 劳动纠纷 ; 劳资矛盾Labo...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

关于五一放假的心情句子 简单干净 越看越喜欢!

关于五一放假的心情句子 简单干净 越看越喜欢!

...,一切苦境,都可由劳动解脱。All happiness can be obtained by labor, and all adversity can be liberated by labor.7、五一是128G的胃,因为美食,我的可爱又多了一吨。May day is a 128G stomach. Because of the delicious food, my lovely is one ton more.8、世界上最光...

2022-11-13 #经典句子



...做的易拉宝广告,借劳动节做促销活动↓↓广告里这个“Labor Day”的英语究竟用得对不对呢?博主认为,不能说完全错,也不能说完全对,这就奇怪了吧,下面来分析一下。说它不完全对,是因为在美国,Labor Day是指美国每年9...

2017-06-30 #经典句子

五一假期发的句子 现实入心 有感而发

五一假期发的句子 现实入心 有感而发

...可贵,休息价更高。发扬休息精神,坚持劳逸结合原则。Labor Day reminds you: labor is precious, rest price is higher. Carry forward the spirit of rest and adhere to the principle of combining work with rest.做一个温柔的人 浅浅笑 轻轻爱 稳稳走Be a gentle person, s...

2022-12-21 #经典句子

简短干净的五一治愈系句子|愿快乐与你同在 好运常在你身边

简短干净的五一治愈系句子|愿快乐与你同在 好运常在你身边

...情幸福而喜乐。完成短信梦想,成就祝福。五一节快乐!Labor Day reminds you: labor is precious, please rest assured to buy! We should carry forward the spirit of recuperation and adhere to the principle of combining labor with service. The body is peaceful and joyful, love is ha...

2022-12-21 #经典句子



...且,也不是所有的国家将5月1日定为劳动节,比如在美国labor day是9月的第一个星期一,如果你对美国人说labor day,也是会被误会的。所以,在我国五一节期间,跟老外说起这个节日,最好用May Day。你get了吗?最后,祝您节日快...

2009-01-19 #经典句子

这些句子很有格调 总有一句你会喜欢!

这些句子很有格调 总有一句你会喜欢!

...strong, benefit many.学习是劳动,充满思想的劳动。Learning is labor, full of ideological labor.树立良好阅读风气,推进文明校园建设。Set up good reading atmosphere, promote civilized campusconstruction.

2022-11-22 #经典句子

五一劳动节发的句子 现实入心 有感而发

五一劳动节发的句子 现实入心 有感而发

...动最后一定会有好的收成,如果不好 那一定不是最后All labor must have a good harvest in the end. If it is not good, it must not be the last劳动一日可得一日安眠A day"s work brings a day"s sleep劳动节到了!又是一个减肥的好日子!It"s Labor Day! It"s anothe...

2022-12-16 #经典句子



...enying that if more and more work are done by robots, the demand for human labor will drop quickly, which may bring lots of social problems. 教师修改后如下:Admittedly, the widespread application of robots may cause some repercussions. To begin with, many people might be confronted with unem...

2022-11-17 #经典句子



... ③The bargain is very pure: Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws out life-sustaining moola.但这不仅仅是一个性别问题。在工作中,人们非常了解他们应该做什么:工作、赚钱、为了获得收入而做那些必须做的事情。③交易...

2011-06-03 #经典句子