第一句子大全 > 标签 > Spelling


...记忆单词拼写,因此,“背单词” 的地道说法是memorize spelling words,一定要有spelling这个词。Memorize spelling words= Study spelling words背单词She"s working on memorizing spelling words for this week.她在背这周的单词。I need to study my spelling words since ...

2013-07-15 #经典句子

青春礼贤|“学并快乐着 我爱记单词”——记国际部中加班Spelling Bee英文单词拼写比赛

青春礼贤|“学并快乐着 我爱记单词”——记国际部中加班Spelling Bee英文单词拼写比赛

Spelling Bee是源于美国的一项家喻户晓的英语拼写大赛,比赛对象是中学生,比赛规则是通过听取发音来拼写正确的英语单词。之所以把单词拼写比赛称为“Spelling Bee”,是因为人们认为像蜜蜂一样的群体的友好工作氛围和方式,...

2015-05-21 #经典句子



...她家娃的英语比赛路。“拼”赛到底为了啥?参加过两次spelling bee大赛。初赛进复赛,再进复赛,在决赛前共参加了三场。spelling bee比赛内容是由外教考官现场读单词、句子。孩子们根据单词在句子里的意思进行翻译及正确拼写...

2019-07-27 #经典句子

美女老师 教你解决学习英语那些闹心事儿

美女老师 教你解决学习英语那些闹心事儿

...of course, we"ve got different accents.I mean Americans even use different spelling and grammar rules, and some of the differences are small, like little spelling or pronunciation changes.我们会使用不同的词汇和俚语表达,当然了,我们的口音也不同。我的意思是美国人...

2023-10-18 #经典句子



...词的差异,特别是动词单语的用法和主体或物品的名称。Spelling -differences are generally found in certain prefix and suffix forms拼写——通常指某些前綴和后綴形式的差异。The mostimportant ruie of thumb is to try to be consistent in your usage ,if you decide ...

2023-10-15 #经典句子



...“句型+短语”来看了。比如:A good method for remembering the spelling of a word is to make a short sentence with each letter of the word.句型:A method is to make a sentence. 方法是造句。【S+V+C】主语中的名词加前置定语:A good method is to make a sentence. 好方...

2023-05-22 #经典句子



上期我们学习了Wonder Spelling拼读宝典的第一式—拆解单词,不知大家掌握得如何了?我们一起复习一下,拆解单词的内容是:见到单词,对单词进行拆解,拆解出单词中的拼读音、后缀、单音。我们说之前看到单词觉得很难很陌...

2007-08-12 #经典句子



...right” have the same pronunciation but they are different in meaning and spelling. 14.这个单词拼写错了。This word is wrongly spelt. 15.每个句子里的单词之间必须有合理空间。The words in a sentence must be well spaced. 16.家庭妇女和针线盒在英语里都是housewife...

2023-01-07 #经典句子



...r me.李华告诉我,我的父母正在找我。⑤He said, "I made some spelling mistakes yesterday."→He said that he had made some spelling mistakes the day before. 他说他前一天出了一些拼写错误。⑥The student said," I had learnt about 5,000 English words by the end of last year...

2009-10-22 #经典句子



...ast seven years. But I managed to overcome them and made much progress.The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as a beginner. But I found our my own way to deal with them. As to spelling, I never copied a new work again and again to remember it, but tried to fi...

2024-01-20 #经典句子

管乐团 英语话剧 二胡齐奏……这所学校以一场典礼告别2020年

管乐团 英语话剧 二胡齐奏……这所学校以一场典礼告别2020年

...语趣味阅读大赛、英语趣配音比赛、英语趣味写作比赛、Spelling Bee比赛、英文歌曲比赛、器乐演奏比赛、舞蹈比赛、建筑或工艺作品设计比赛、地中海主题绘画和书法大赛,以及此次活动的主题曲征集、双语主持人选拔赛等十几...

2018-09-07 #经典句子



...姆并驾齐驱地完成了比赛。Mary and Ann were neck and neck in the spelling contest. Their scores were tied.玛丽和安在拼写比赛中不分上下。他们的成绩是打成平手。With another 100 metres to go, Jones and Saville are neck and neck. 还有100米,琼斯和萨维尔并...

2014-05-06 #经典句子



...校正(Spell Checking),语境分析下的词汇应用纠正(Contextual Spelling Check),语法规则纠正(Grammar),标点符号纠正(Punctuation),句式架构纠正(Sentence Structure)等基础功能,文章类型预判(Document Type,可根据不同类型的文章进行校对),适用...

2012-02-01 #经典句子



...一检查语法错误Look at the punctuation.检查标点符号Check for spelling mistakes. (use Word to help you!)检查拼写错误,可以利用Word中的拼写检查功能Do a separate reading to check for use ofarticles (a/an and the) and nouns(singular/plural; count/noncount).分别检查冠...

2013-12-23 #经典句子

一句话搞懂介词:besides except but beyond under

一句话搞懂介词:besides except but beyond under

...有内容,但是除了这份报纸。His diary is good except for a few spelling mistakes.他的日记除了一小部分的拼写错误以外(整体)是很好的。第二部分:beyond表示“超出”意识层面名词性动作,例如:beyond belief难以置信;beyond control不听管...

2010-12-26 #经典句子

说清楚“地址”的必备英文 点外卖 问路 报案都用得到!

说清楚“地址”的必备英文 点外卖 问路 报案都用得到!

...就可以拼写出来,以免送错:I"d like to order somedelivery.The spelling of my address is ...... 我想要订外卖,地址的拼写是……。这里要扩展一个“delivery range”配送范围,如果你超过了配送范围,就可能会听到对方说:Sorry, you are out of ourd...

2011-12-24 #经典句子



...,学校每周都会进行单词测验,很多小学还会定期举行“Spelling Bee”(拼写小蜜蜂)单词拼写比赛▼而且老师每天和每周都会布置要学习的词汇表,一周进行一次词汇考试,比如周一发下来词汇表,周五上课时会随堂测试学生的...

2010-01-03 #经典句子



...lot of you will read books in English, which is amazing for improving your spelling and improving your vocabulary as well.我知道你们中的许多人喜欢在闲暇时阅读,你出于乐趣而读书,很多人都会读英文书籍,它们能很好地提高你的拼写能力和你的词汇量...

2023-06-14 #经典句子

那些很文艺的简短句子 一级精美 总有一句适合你

那些很文艺的简短句子 一级精美 总有一句适合你

...t don"t come in the next life.这是怎么回事What"s going on拼写也好Spelling is good一个陪她一辈子。One to accompany her all her life.人人都爱错人Everyone loves the wrong person采取顺其自然的态度。Take a natural attitude.多么幸福How happy你所说的自我调节Wha...

2022-11-23 #经典句子



...e is the only one of the students who passed the English test.Not a single spelling mistake did he make in the composition.4. 用倒装句来强调以加强语气Never shall I forget the day when Mr. Wang gave us the first lesson.So aloud did he speak that everyone could hear him clearly.

2023-10-13 #经典句子