第一句子大全 > 标签 > halfway
句式“To be halfway there”

句式“To be halfway there”

To be halfway there“To be/get halfway” means to have completed half of something or to almost reach a certain level. It is frequently used totalk about distance, time, work andachievements. However, in today’s lesson, it was used to say that the speaker almost has a digital addiction. Obviousl...

2018-01-20 #经典句子

万里挑一的心酸句子 简短刺心 催人泪下!

万里挑一的心酸句子 简短刺心 催人泪下!

...不介意半途而废。If everything gets boring, I don"t mind giving up halfway.5.没法真的忘记你,只能尽力骗自己。Can not really forget you, can only try to deceive themselves.6.我连未来都想好了,可你半路就走了。I even thought about the future, but you left halfway...

2023-02-05 #经典句子

今日份走心情感句子 经典有韵味 你见过几句?

今日份走心情感句子 经典有韵味 你见过几句?

...的可能性。There is no way for everyone to escape the possibility of halfway through.就像当初一眼万年一样,现在满眼都是失望。Just like the first glance at ten thousand years, now my eyes are full of disappointment.当初被人爱得多么深刻,现在就会被人忘得多...

2023-07-12 #经典句子

砍价达人必备实用口语 词汇搭配

砍价达人必备实用口语 词汇搭配

...能说:" Uh, I"m still not comfortable with 200. Maybe you can meet me halfway. Maybe you can give me 350." Or something like that.「呃,200 元太少了,或许我们可以各退一步。你可以给我 350元」之类的话。So, you heard me say: " Meet me halfway."你听到我刚才说的...

2013-01-20 #经典句子



...在真相穿上裤子之前,谎言已经跑了半个世界(A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on)。能够凭一句话道破大千世界那些光怪陆离而又令人叹气的事,有点消极,还有点洒脱和率性,这是典型的不列...

2023-12-06 #经典句子



...“半山腰总是挤得,你得去山顶看看。”"It"s always crowded halfway up the hill. You have to go to the top. "“希望你一直如少年,干净纯粹心安。”"May you always be as clean and pure as a teenager. "“自信来源于实力,实力来源于勤奋。”"Confidence com...

2022-12-26 #经典句子

美国作家马克·吐温的经典励志名言 句句深得人心 受用一生

美国作家马克·吐温的经典励志名言 句句深得人心 受用一生

...生存,但是你虽生犹死。——马克·吐温9、A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes. 当真理还正在穿鞋的时候,谎言就能走遍半个世界。——马克·吐温10、永远要像你不需要金钱那样地工作,永远要像...

2013-03-22 #经典句子



...是优于过去的自己。——欧内斯特·海明威7.A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.―Mark Twain真理还在穿鞋的时候,谎言已经走遍了半个世界。——马克·吐温

2022-12-03 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的小句子 好句子要大家一起分享

适合发朋友圈的小句子 好句子要大家一起分享

...不介意半途而废。If everything gets boring, I don"t mind stopping halfway.那些对过去视而不见的人,将对未来视而不见。Those who are blind to the past will be blind to the future.别说话,没人知道你想要什么。Shut up. No one knows what you want.世界上没有任...

2022-11-21 #经典句子

告别九月的心情说说 简短走心!

告别九月的心情说说 简短走心!

...白留下的人有多重要。In fact, we should also thank those who left halfway, or we will never understand how important the people who stayed are.不然你想怎样,不然你能怎样。Otherwise what do you want, or what can you do.我没必要对没必要的人做没必要的事受没必...

2011-04-22 #经典句子

走心文案语录 花店关了 花继续开

走心文案语录 花店关了 花继续开

...望的转身,绝望之后也是风景。Don"t fear the turning back by halfway, there will be a new scenery after your despairs.(9)爱可以淡淡地,如轻云般,揉在幸福里。The love should be as light as the soft cloud and immersed in happiness.(10)当前面的路走不动了...

2010-07-22 #经典句子

人生感悟的现实句子 句句深刻 字字真诚

人生感悟的现实句子 句句深刻 字字真诚

...。You held my hand, I followed you with my eyes closed, but you left me halfway, but did not tell me how to turn back.我的眼泪承载不了你想要的所有爱。My tears can"t bear all the love you want.最近的状态就好像在等一个永远等不到的人。It"s like you"re waiting for so...

2023-01-08 #经典句子

带点抑郁味的丧系句子 心酸现实 疼到骨子里

带点抑郁味的丧系句子 心酸现实 疼到骨子里

...中途可能会走散!Stubborn little girl and face-saving little boy, halfway may be separated!感情里面,喜欢和合适终究还是两回事!Feeling inside, like and appropriate is still two different things after all!太阳可不是一下就落山的,这句话你懂吗!The Sun doesn"...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

朋友圈搞怪可爱的小句子 幽默调皮 趣味多多!

朋友圈搞怪可爱的小句子 幽默调皮 趣味多多!

...熬夜不睡。My specialty: retreat in the face of difficulties, give up halfway and stay up late.11、上课睡觉觉,下课蹦跳跳,考试死翘翘。Sleep in class, jump after class, and pass the exam.12、我刚刚扇了我钱包一个耳光,其实也没什么,就是希望它能肿起...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

可以做签名的情绪文案 万里挑一 希望你喜欢

可以做签名的情绪文案 万里挑一 希望你喜欢

...就半途而废,想想山顶一览众山小的风景。You can"t give up halfway because the mountain is high and the road is long. Think about the view of small mountains at the top of the mountain.总是我们的愿望,在激励着我们在路上前行。It"s always our desire that inspires us...

2016-12-17 #经典句子

10句戳心的情感短句 半路下车的人很多 你也不必耿耿于怀

10句戳心的情感短句 半路下车的人很多 你也不必耿耿于怀

... 你也不必耿耿于怀。There are a lot of people getting off the bus halfway, so don’t worry about it.9、想不开的事情,就别去一直想;得不到的东西,就别执念太深。Don"t keep thinking about things you can"t think about; don"t obsess about things you can"t get.10、...

2023-06-20 #经典句子

冷漠又高级的个性句子 充满正能量 守望快乐!

冷漠又高级的个性句子 充满正能量 守望快乐!

...l is to have an apartment of my own in Beijing by the time I am 30.Now I"m halfway there: I"m thirty.我闻过花香,忘了自己,爱着你。I smell the flowers, forget myself, love you.因为有梦,所以勇敢出发,选择出发,便只顾风雨兼程。Because there is a dream, so brave...

2017-08-07 #经典句子

适合秋天发朋友圈的动心文案 一级精美 记得收藏

适合秋天发朋友圈的动心文案 一级精美 记得收藏

...worthy person will give you a reasonable explanation even if he walks away halfway.不知他们是否记得,我们共同吹过的牛,共同许下了心愿。I don"t know if they remember the bragging we shared and made a wish together.

2017-09-12 #经典句子



...pillow.不太好,所以准备好让自己老去。It"s not good to leave halfway, so be prepared to like you until you grow old.别再打扰我了,你没事吧?Are you OK without my interruption?真不知道有多少人分开了,还是深爱着。I really want to know how many people are sep...

2023-01-27 #经典句子

适合异地恋发的句子 现实入心 值得细品

适合异地恋发的句子 现实入心 值得细品

...废,就别怪我指鼻子骂你窝囊废。You love me. If you give up halfway, don"t blame me for pointing my nose at you.5.距离从不会分开两个真正在乎彼此的心。Distance never separates two hearts that really care about each other.6.希望有一天,我们可以不用对着手...

2022-11-16 #经典句子