第一句子大全 > 标签 > plunge
英语 take the plunge 的用法

英语 take the plunge 的用法

...情我们并没有把握,但也得冒险尝试,英语短语 take the plunge 就是表达“孤注一掷;冒险尝试”的意思。这是一个很实用的短语,今天我们一起通过几个例句来学习一下它的用法。例句1:Why not share that knowledge for others ready to take ...

2018-03-12 #经典句子



...第一套真题阅读 Section C Passage TwoThe fact is job openings have plungedin every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared. 像这句,如果你知道 plunge 和 soar 其中一个的含义,就可以判断出这个句子...

2014-08-10 #经典句子

新概念三册Lesson 10讲义 课内单词详解 重点句型剖析

新概念三册Lesson 10讲义 课内单词详解 重点句型剖析

...aid15.abandon v.抛弃= desert v.抛弃 n.沙漠 dessert n.点心16.plunge v.投入;跳入 = dive plunge into plug 插座必备句型1.sail for = set off for = leave for set sail 启航2.by…standards 按……的标准3.regard…as 把……当作= treat…as = consider…as = think ...

2020-07-05 #经典句子

英语精读:即将步入5G时代 你需要知道这些

英语精读:即将步入5G时代 你需要知道这些

...u live, which wireless services you use and when you decide to take the 5G plunge.Qualcomm, the wireless chip maker, said it had demonstrated peak 5G download speeds of 4.5 gigabits a second, but predicts initial median speeds of about 1.4 gigabits. That translates to roughly 20 times faster than th...

2024-01-16 #经典句子

释放情绪的神仙小短句 简单美好 句句扎心!

释放情绪的神仙小短句 简单美好 句句扎心!

...填补生活中的遗憾。然而,是爱制造了更多的遗憾。Don"t plunge into the beautiful sadness, and shout for help while drilling hard. There is a lyric in Sandy Lam.不要一头扎进美丽的忧伤,一边用力钻一边喊救命。林忆莲有一句歌词。When I fell in love with...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

特别现实的扎心句子 或许是遗憾 或许是庆幸

特别现实的扎心句子 或许是遗憾 或许是庆幸

...一头扎进你的怀里,却发现你已经不在我身边。I want to plunge into your arms, only to find that you are not with me.我尽力悲伤,一个人会细细品味过去。I try to grieve, a person will savor the past.我为一开始对你做的事感到抱歉,也为最后没有保护...

2022-12-05 #经典句子



...Year"s Eve, drink a cup of milk tea with him, freeze my nose red, and then plunge into his arms. I especially like him.这世间车遥马慢,你在我心里又何止好几年。In this world, the car is far away and the horse is slow, and you are in my heart for more than a few years.小可爱们...

2023-07-07 #经典句子

心态阳光的乐观句子 简短干净 温暖走心

心态阳光的乐观句子 简短干净 温暖走心

...let you know that life has always been very simple, but complex ideas have plunged this society into chaos.靠近黑暗的人总是与庸俗的人为伍,这会逐渐侵蚀你的意志,使你变得平庸。People close to the dark are always with vulgar people, which will gradually erode your wil...

2023-06-02 #经典句子



...天的太阳报的新闻就是Lights Out. Energy firms warn of blackouts plunging coronavirus lockdown Brits into darkness. 整篇新闻大抵讲的就是英国人民可能会面临疫情加断电的悲剧,给大家一些警示和建议,那么我在看这篇新闻的时候,最大的感触就...

2023-10-03 #经典句子

用来跟对象撒娇的可爱句子 甜蜜有趣 看了又看!

用来跟对象撒娇的可爱句子 甜蜜有趣 看了又看!

...and.3、想一头扎进你怀里,被你温柔地揉揉头发。I want to plunge my head into your arms and rub my hair gently.4、套路是我学的,但撩你,我是真心的。I learned the routines, but I am sincere to provoke you.5、我贪得无厌,只想做你的宝贝。I am greedy and...

2022-12-14 #经典句子

送给自己的治愈文案 现实而坚定 句句有理!

送给自己的治愈文案 现实而坚定 句句有理!

...道,告诉你这些天来的委屈,以及,我很想你。I want to plunge into your arms, smell the familiar smell of your body, tell you the grievance these days, and I miss you very much.有福同享,有难同当。Share the good, share the bad.我想你会忘了我的好,走过陌生的...

2023-09-29 #经典句子

闯入你心里的句子 胜过读万卷书

闯入你心里的句子 胜过读万卷书

...量。The mind is a powerful force. It can slave us or empower us.It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.感谢阅读,欢迎留言评论!图片来自网络,侵权删除!

2022-12-27 #经典句子

传遍朋友圈的煽情小句子 煽情贴心 现实又无奈

传遍朋友圈的煽情小句子 煽情贴心 现实又无奈

...道,告诉你这些天来的委屈,以及,我很想你。I want to plunge into your arms, smell the familiar smell of your body, tell you the grievance these days, and I miss you very much.五十七话是空的,人是活的;不是人照着话做,是话跟着人变。Fifty-seven words are e...

2007-05-13 #经典句子

发朋友圈的小众治愈句子 很潮很流行!

发朋友圈的小众治愈句子 很潮很流行!

...。So I began to fantasize. The information sent by my brain to my limbs plunged me into extreme fear.所有试图分散注意力的企图都在加深All attempts to distract are deepening

2023-06-17 #经典句子

抒发情感的温柔小短句 干净而美好 治愈内心

抒发情感的温柔小短句 干净而美好 治愈内心

...道,告诉你这些天来的委屈,以及,我很想你。I want to plunge into your arms, smell the familiar smell of your body, tell you the grievance these days, and I miss you very much.人家不要了啦!嘛!——”“人家不依了啦!——I don"t want it anymore!!"They won"t obey me!...

2022-11-21 #经典句子

「晚安句子」我只是想看着你安然入眠的脸 然后按下时间暂停键

「晚安句子」我只是想看着你安然入眠的脸 然后按下时间暂停键

...扑入池塘,欢欣不已。As soon as you laugh, I feel like a sudden plunge into the swimming pool in the midsummer, and my heart is full of joy.看着你出现,感觉整个身体过电。When I see you, I feel electrified.我只是想看着你那安然入眠的脸,按下时间暂停键。I ...

2023-02-03 #经典句子

适合用来做个性签名的高冷文案 温柔干净 点赞收藏!

适合用来做个性签名的高冷文案 温柔干净 点赞收藏!

...了冰冷的土地。Seeing what they said to others, my heart once again plunged into the cold land.装和社会团体合拍,只怕孤独的本性暴露出来,其实,即使周围再沸腾,再喧闹,我也没有同情,只是装得再投入,习惯了。Pretend and social groups, only af...

2015-08-13 #经典句子

努力拼搏的正能量句子 意味深长 越看越爱!

努力拼搏的正能量句子 意味深长 越看越爱!

...收你。Don"t squeeze into your circle without you. It makes no sense to plunge in. When you are strong enough, the corresponding circle will actively absorb you.您看街道依旧繁花似锦,阳光依旧温柔灿烂。有朝一日,你会遇到一个像彩虹一样的人,从那时起,其...

2023-11-23 #经典句子

适合深夜发朋友圈的治愈系句子 治愈受伤的心 安慰人的句子!

适合深夜发朋友圈的治愈系句子 治愈受伤的心 安慰人的句子!

...个人,却像溺水,再也浮不上来。Love a person is like diving, plunge into. Forget a person, but like drowning, no longer floating.7、有时候感情的消失,就好像冰箱停电之后,里面的食物慢慢变质一样。冰箱没错,食物也没错,只是不来电了。Someti...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

超级经典的哲理文案 句句有能量 越看越爱!

超级经典的哲理文案 句句有能量 越看越爱!

...命地往里钻,一边呼救。People are old, what should we do? Don"t plunge into the beautiful sadness and cry for help while trying to get in.人们常说,酒至八点钟醉,情人至七点钟爱。没人会喝酒到想吐,爱到想哭。It is often said that wine is drunk at 8 o"clock a...

2023-09-07 #经典句子