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英语 down the drain 的用法

英语 down the drain 的用法

...只是一场空,所有的努力都付诸东流。英语短语 down the drain 就表达的是“付诸东流”的意思。这是一个很实用的短语,我们一起通过几个例句来学习一下它的用法。例句1:All my effort went down the drain.我的努力都白费了。例句2:Th...

2016-12-10 #经典句子

“我太累了”用英语怎么说?你还在用I’m tired吗?

“我太累了”用英语怎么说?你还在用I’m tired吗?

...ired, let’s have a rest.我累死了,咱们休息一会儿吧。· I"m drained. 我累坏了。Drain作动词时指的是“流干,使精疲力竭”,而drained就是“筋疲力尽的”意思。eg. I"m drained and I want to sleep.我累极了,想睡觉。· I’m spent. 我疲惫不堪...

2016-09-09 #经典句子

“聊了个寂寞” 英语怎么说?

“聊了个寂寞” 英语怎么说?

...没记住。然后是关于,“花钱花了个寂寞”“Money down the drain”,这个说法比较局限了。“Money down the drain”的意思就是“钱白花了,浪费了”。比如,-My degree in literature is just money down the drain. It"s couldn"t get me a job. -我的文学学...

2014-06-09 #经典句子



...rifying. Even partying at home with a group of friends, though fun, can be draining.Most of them would much rather be tucked up in reading a book. This is a primary difference between extroverts who on the one hand who feel energised from stimulating environments and interaction, and introverts on t...

2013-10-08 #经典句子



...时油料使用的英文重点语句释义:Every 600 hours,remove the drain plug,drain the used oil from the sump,then,fill it with two gallons of fresh oil.每六百小时,要打开油箱排油塞,将废机油从油箱排净,然后再加两加仑好机油。Since the quality of fuel...

2023-01-31 #经典句子



...是不是要比solution或者method要地道一分呢!再比如“brain drain”是指智慧耗尽?比如,the math exam I took was a regular brain drain,这次数学考试我可是绞尽了脑汁。也可以说智囊流失,也就是人才外流,什么情况下会人才外流呢?一般...

2023-06-20 #经典句子



...表达方式呢?答案是有的,继续看下去就能知道啰!◎ drained 耗尽精力的I’m completely drained of energy, so please be quiet and let me get some sleep.(我完全耗尽精力了,所以麻烦安静一点让我睡觉。)◎ exhausted 精疲力竭的What happened? You loo...

2023-10-25 #经典句子



...rifying. Even partying at home with a group of friends, though fun, can be draining. Some people would much rather be tucked up in reading a book. This is a primary difference between extroverts who on the one hand who feel energised from stimulating environments and interaction, and introverts on t...

2009-01-13 #经典句子

12个悲伤的爱情句子 美好又揪心 每一句都在心里

12个悲伤的爱情句子 美好又揪心 每一句都在心里

...asn"t crying. I just drank a little too much water and needed more room to drain.若爱,真心爱,深深爱,哪怕注定是伤害If love, truly love, deeply love, even if it is doomed to hurt

2022-11-15 #经典句子



...ting are events that need to be calendared, where your bank account gets drained, where your tiny boss throws major temper tantrums out of the blue. But the benefits at this job? Laughs that validate your reason for being;finger grabs that touch your soul; smiles that melt your heart.”...

2017-10-13 #经典句子



...作定语等。Having the decision hanging overyour head is a huge energy drain.犹豫不决会造成极大的能量消耗。Even then,he kept a water journal,nothing the brandshe liked best.甚至在那个时候,他做了一份关于水的日志,记录他最喜欢的牌子。Language is the mos...

2015-01-02 #经典句子



不要让单调乏味的生活耗尽了你的渴望Don"t let the flat life drain all your yearnings.如果你仍然愿意努力,世界一定会给你惊喜As long as you"re willing to work hard, the world will surprise you.不是你很优秀,而是你很特别You don"t necessarily excel, but you...

2022-12-22 #经典句子



...l & regeneration 60 mana. 群体治疗和群体回春,mana60(原40)-Life drain -30%, 20 mana. 吸血效果-30%,mana20(原15)-Mass life drain, very minor reduction, 45 mana. 群体吸血效果略微减少,mana45(原40)-Resurrection -20%, 55 mana. 复活效果-20%,mana55(没变)-Monsoon +3...

2024-02-02 #大杂绘

个性签名简短一句话:生活需要仪式感 花心思就是爱的仪式

个性签名简短一句话:生活需要仪式感 花心思就是爱的仪式

...我也会一直在。If you can guarantee that my love won"t go down the drain, then I will always be there.二、会有很多好运气,会一切顺遂,会如愿以偿。There"s going to be a lot of good luck, everything"s going to work out, everything"s going to work out.三、我对你的爱...

2023-05-13 #经典句子

适合发说说的简短句子 时尚新颖 值得一看

适合发说说的简短句子 时尚新颖 值得一看

...irst minute.我似乎在你身上流尽了我所有的血。I seem to have drained all my blood on you.爱情的匆忙没有出路。The hurry of love leads nowhere.没资格吃的醋最酸,先动心的最差。Not qualified to eat the vinegar is the most acid, first tempted the worst.故事不长...

2022-12-01 #经典句子

唯美中英文励志句子 个性十足 气质满满

唯美中英文励志句子 个性十足 气质满满

...干,直到杯子带来恩典。没有人在那里回首,看看这里。Drain our your desire till the cup carries grace. There is no one there looking back, Look here.二、一个人要实现他所要求的一切,他就必须把自己看得比实际的自己更伟大。For a man to achieve all...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

温馨早安正能量句子 热爱生活 做最好的自己!

温馨早安正能量句子 热爱生活 做最好的自己!

...场消耗,要把美好的时光放在喜欢的人和事上。Life is a drain, put good times on the people and things you like.愿你成为自己喜欢的样子,不抱怨,不将就,有野心,有光芒。May you be what you like, don"t complain, don"t, have ambition, have light.每天都冒...

2023-01-27 #经典句子

精巧而高级的深情短句 简单优雅 适合置顶

精巧而高级的深情短句 简单优雅 适合置顶

...r most struggling years, you should love someone who can motivate you, not drain you out.“请记住喜欢不能当饭吃”“嗯,确实不能”“但被你喜欢,能好好吃饭。”"Please remember that liking can"t be food." "Well, it can"t." "But if you like it, you can eat well."我的...

2023-02-04 #经典句子

只属于你的深情句子 充满活力 一眼难忘

只属于你的深情句子 充满活力 一眼难忘

...r most struggling years, you should love someone who can motivate you, not drain you out.如果哭不出来,那么就大笑吧,我相信那样会伤的更彻底一点。If you can"t cry, then laugh, I believe that will hurt more thoroughly.其实最好的日子,无非是你在闹,我在笑...

2023-06-17 #经典句子



... I fell. 我摔了个跟头Mike却笑个不停。第二个: laugh like a drain,它的意思也是“狂笑”。3.“当面嘲笑某人”用英语咋说呢?英语“嘲笑某人”是“laugh at sb”,那么如果想要表达“当着某人的面嘲笑某人”该咋说呢?这个表达非...

2023-10-27 #经典句子