第一句子大全 > 标签 > team
每日一句英译英:team spirit是什么意思?

每日一句英译英:team spirit是什么意思?

每日一句英译英:team spirit是什么意思?team spirit的英语口语训练1) 学英语就是英译汉我们学习英语team spirit时,都会说出team spirit的中文,即用中文学英语:团队精神。而且,我们还会用team spirit造句再附带例句的中文翻译:还...

2020-11-07 #经典句子

英语 team up with 的用法

英语 team up with 的用法

...一定的工作。那么用英语该如何表达“与别人合作”呢?team up with 就是一个很好的表达方式。今天我们一起来学习一下它的用法。例句1:Tom didn"t want to team up with anybody.汤姆不想与任何人合作。例句2:Tom is the guy I want to team up wi...

2016-12-04 #经典句子

高考英语书面表达写作技巧之“书信”写作  网友:收藏了

高考英语书面表达写作技巧之“书信”写作 网友:收藏了

...l you. A volleyball match is going to be held a few weeks later① and our team will participate.As for the detailed information of the match, there will be probably dozens of teams. They are going to make a revolving competition.②Additionally, not only can③the top three teams each be awarded a ...

2023-01-20 #经典句子

收藏|超全奥运相关英文表达 速来get!

收藏|超全奥运相关英文表达 速来get!

...神To embody the Olympic spirit of patriotism, hard work, excellence and teamwork奥运定点医院 designated Olympic hospitals可望取胜者 favourite冠军 champion金牌 gold medal银牌 silver medal铜牌 bronze medal颁奖台 podium金牌得主 gold medal winner无取胜希望者 out...

2011-02-17 #经典句子

if 在虚拟语气中的省略

if 在虚拟语气中的省略

...。同样是省略if,把疑问词should提前。Should you join in the team tomorrow, the team would certaily win the game.其完整格式是If you should join in the team tomorrow, the team would certaily win the game.可以看出,这个三个单词分别针对三个不同的时态。had是针...

2023-09-15 #经典句子

10.3 句解|他们业务需大幅提高效率 而且热情地接受数字化转型

10.3 句解|他们业务需大幅提高效率 而且热情地接受数字化转型

Recently, the leadership team of an American supermarket chain decided that their business needed to get a lot more efficiency. So they embraced their digital transformation with zeal. Out went the teams supervising meat, veg, bakery, and in came an algorithmic task allocator.1.Recently, the leaders...

2023-12-07 #经典句子

初二英语Unit6 SectionB十三大重点词汇和语法详解

初二英语Unit6 SectionB十三大重点词汇和语法详解

...么赶紧加入我们一起学习吧!1 四个高频名词(1) team可数名词,团队,组。其复数形式为teams。常见固定搭配:football team 足球队。真题回归:Our team win the match!我们队赢得了比赛!Which team are you in...

2023-09-23 #经典句子



...要注意。下面举例说明这一方法及其应用。Engineer says his team used a new measuring approach that involved finding any surviving remnants of the casing in order to determine where the original edge was.这就是一个所谓的长句、嵌套句,也就成为了难以理解的句子...

2022-12-17 #经典句子



... make them count.16分钟内 你们是一个团队Sixteen minutes to be a team.队长时间Captains!好了All right.伙计们Hey guys.听到教练的话了Now you heard coach.我们都将记住接下来的16分钟We"re all gonna remember the next sixteen minutes即使离开东部高校很久以后F...

2016-03-01 #经典句子

集体名词:family  class 等做句子主语时 如何决定单复数

集体名词:family class 等做句子主语时 如何决定单复数

集体名词(如family, class, team,school等)做句子主语时, 谓语用单数还是复数,得看这个词的含义:如果指代整体,就用单数,如果指集体中的人,那人肯定不止一个,就用作复数。还是举例来说,1. 比如 family 这个词:Our family is in ...

2023-10-30 #经典句子



... inside on a hard floor .Dr.Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play this new game.Players on the same team must work together to get the ball in the other team"s basket .At the same time they need to stop the the competing team from getting the ball into their ow...

2023-11-20 #经典句子



.... Clearly ,it is great.Thirdly, from PE class, we know the importance of team spirit. When we have PE class, we usually work as a team or a group. We learn how to work together with others. We encourage each other and help each other. Wherever we go, whatever we do, team spirit is very important f...

2023-12-01 #经典句子



...短文,并按照要求用英语写160-200词左右的文章。In healthy teams, we don’t hear such comments as, “That’s not my job… That’s her responsibility… or… I just work here.” We hear comments along the lines of “Yes, I’d be glad to help you… What can I do for you?… a...

2022-12-03 #经典句子



...12 minutesTo encourage movement in the class, have students organized into teams. Each team is given a balloon to the place bewteen their knees and they are not allowed to use their hands to touch the balloon at anytime. One person from each team must jump like a kangaroo forward to a chair in the f...

2023-09-06 #经典句子



... busy.有什么事?What do you want?长官 我要归队I want back on my team, sir.你还想归哪个队 你准备当我的幕僚吧You don"t have a team. You"ve been rotated to my staff.这都是你自己要求的At your request, by the way.那是之前 在那些家伙他妈的开飞机撞大楼...

2023-12-08 #经典句子

「任命」最新酒店任命:希尔顿 铂尔曼 嘉佩乐 文华东方 皇冠假日……

「任命」最新酒店任命:希尔顿 铂尔曼 嘉佩乐 文华东方 皇冠假日……

...as consistently excelled throughout his career in building high performing teams and is well known for his strong business acumen. We are confident that these qualities will help to bring the great resort to the next level by clearly positioning and extending the luxury and personalized service, whi...

2019-10-27 #经典句子

如何在工作场合 让你的英语听起来更有礼貌 更专业

如何在工作场合 让你的英语听起来更有礼貌 更专业

...让我们来看看这句话,看看我们如何对它进行改善。Our team made a report or wrote a report. Can you think of a more professional verb that you could use instead?我们的团队做了报告或写了报告。你能想到一个更专业的动词进行替代吗?Should we prepare a r...

2023-05-22 #经典句子



...,形容词题和副词题需要关注对应的感情色彩。Gidda’s TeamThe door closed behind Malik, making Mama look up from the hot meal. “Just in time for dinner. Will you ___11___ Gidda, please?”Gidda was staying in Malik’s bedroom. He didn’t ___12___ giving up his room for his 82-...

2023-10-18 #经典句子



...made Sam so excited? —_______A. His being accepted by the football team. B. He was accepted by the football team.C. Accepted by the football team. D. Because he was accepted by the football team.( ) 11. --- Who are you speaking to on the phone? --- Nancy ______ the trip ...

2023-06-16 #经典句子



...末。1开头句型1. I was (awfully) sorry to hear that + 句子 (your team lost the game.)2. I was shocked to hear of + sth. (your failure in the exam.)3. I’m writing to tell you how sorry I am to hear about sth. (your loss …)4. Knowing your situation, I feel terribly sorry about sth.…2...

2023-10-16 #经典句子