第一句子大全 > 标签 > lotus
荷花的英文是“lotus” 那睡莲该怎么说呢?难不成是sleep lotus

荷花的英文是“lotus” 那睡莲该怎么说呢?难不成是sleep lotus

...那你知道这两者英文该怎么说吗?1、荷花荷花的英文是lotus,词典中给的解释是:a white or pink flower that grows on the surface of lakes in Asia and Africa, or the shape of this flower used in decorations.我们还可以用“lotus flower”来来表示荷花。例句:...

2010-04-25 #经典句子



...两种:一是由英国人埃杰顿埃翻译的《金莲》(theGolden Lotus),共四卷,1939年在英国首次出版,凯根保罗国际有限公司, 印刷于大不列颠。此版是欧洲最早的全译本,也是西方比较权威的《金瓶梅》译本,先后发行四次。以后再...

2023-12-05 #经典句子

梅花 牡丹 杜鹃……教你用绝美英文介绍这些花!

梅花 牡丹 杜鹃……教你用绝美英文介绍这些花!

...bol of longevity in Chinese literature.是中国文学中长寿的象征#4 Lotus莲花Untouched by any impurities,莲花不为污秽所染the lotus symbolizes purity of the heart and mind是心灵与头脑纯洁的象征The adoration of the lotus has formed a unique “Lotus culture”对莲花的...

2012-10-16 #经典句子

高冷霸气的拽句子 精辟个性 怼白莲花必备

高冷霸气的拽句子 精辟个性 怼白莲花必备

...l.4.好大一朵白莲花,我家先生都不敢摘了。What a big white lotus. My husband dare not pick it.5.不用你操心,就算我俩不在一起了,他也不会选择你。Don"t worry. Even if we"re not together, he won"t choose you.6.像你这种喝绿茶,戴手表的,在我这装...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

很适合发朋友圈的干净句子 精致不已 人人点赞

很适合发朋友圈的干净句子 精致不已 人人点赞

... tolerance of a flower, read the goodness and beauty of a drop of water, a lotus is in love with the rain, faints the red tide of love, and instantly writes with a low eyebrow and rhymes, and Yi has a kind of wordless beauty心莲花绽放在你的生命里在灯火阑珊处Heart lotus blooms in you...

2023-08-03 #经典句子

朋友圈很火的小句子 句句戳心 散发着时间的静谧

朋友圈很火的小句子 句句戳心 散发着时间的静谧

...永不放弃我的生命,陪伴着莲花,走向生活...If time is a lotus, then how pure and elegant it is, how quiet, Imust sit in the embrace of the lotus, never give up my life,accompany the lotus, to life...在死气沉沉的地方,香味已尽。几番风尘之后,风尘被时间掠夺...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

适合你心情的文案 句句扎心 值得收藏

适合你心情的文案 句句扎心 值得收藏

...,莲子红了一半。晚上雨很小。梁素妍有空就回来。The lotus is about to burst and the lotus seeds are half red. The rain was light at night. Liang So-yeon will come back as soon as she is free. 我的落日般的忧伤就像忧郁的小鸟,忧郁的小鸟飞进我的落日般的...

2010-05-24 #经典句子

关于夏天的文艺句子 清新怡人 干净唯美!

关于夏天的文艺句子 清新怡人 干净唯美!

...得,轻轻皱起了眉头,荷花不知道,其实自己就是夏天。Lotus anxious, gently frowned, lotus did not know, in fact, he is summer.春天的时候应该暗恋一个人,然后夏天的无比激情和他私奔。Spring time should be secretly in love with a person, and then summer"s...

2022-12-29 #经典句子



...la Davis)华人巨星杨紫琼,也有出场哦~她分享的故事是《Lotus & Feather》(莲花和羽毛)。这本华裔作家蒋吉丽所写的《Lotus & Feather》(《莲花和羽毛》),讲述了一只受伤的仙鹤和一个因病失声的小女孩互相救赎的温暖故事。感受...

2013-10-05 #经典句子

精巧而高级的深情短句 简单优雅 内涵有深度!

精巧而高级的深情短句 简单优雅 内涵有深度!

...you will forget his appearance and even his name. Sometimes, waiting for a lotus to bloom for too long will make the four distinct seasons blurred. Lotus, however, will come after an appointment every summer, but some people, let you spend your whole life, can"t wait.有时候,当你等一个人...

2023-08-17 #经典句子

富有哲理的文案句子 经典现实 值得细品

富有哲理的文案句子 经典现实 值得细品

...花就是莲花,只要去看,不要比较。The rose is the rose, the lotus is the lotus, as long as looks, does not compare.人为善,福虽未至,祸已远离;人为恶,祸虽未至,福已远离。If a man is good, he will not be blessed, but his misfortune will be far away; Man is e...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

唯美有深度的古风句子 句句可表白 也可诉惆怅

唯美有深度的古风句子 句句可表白 也可诉惆怅

...brightly, I was on the blue stone threshold, watching the wind blowing the lotus leaves, listening to the rain beating the plantain, only looking at the lotus pond flowers, not seeing the green face.11.来生,我护你一世安宁,伴卿左右,为你披荆斩棘,只因琉璃月亦为你寒...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

暖心文案|放下不安 让心没有牵绊 人生的脚步会更从容!

暖心文案|放下不安 让心没有牵绊 人生的脚步会更从容!

...d to be accepted by others.you need to accept yourself.when you are born a lotus flower,be a beautiful lotus flower,dont try to be a magnolia flower.九、如果你渴望接受和认可,并试图改变自己去成为别人想要你成为的样子,你将会经历一辈子的痛苦。If you crave...

2008-03-24 #经典句子

午间心语|非常扎心的句子 很无奈 但是很戳心 值得一读

午间心语|非常扎心的句子 很无奈 但是很戳心 值得一读

...命也被忍耐所荣耀。Just like the mud gets glorified by a blooming lotus, our life gets glorified by patience.04 能力我们每个人都有一种与生俱来的能力,能够以我们想要的方式看待生活。如果我们想把它看作一个悲伤的故事,它就变成了一个悲...

2023-01-03 #经典句子



...头疼,有些名字也有适当地替换成英语,如黄蓉被翻译成Lotus Huang,Lotus是莲花的意思,再翻译回中文就变成黄莲花了!陈玄风被翻译成Hurricane Chen,梅超风被翻译成Cyclone Mei,这两个就很有意思了,Hurricane是飓风,Cyclone是龙卷风...

2009-10-20 #经典句子

浓情伤感的情绪文案 简单高级 令人难忘

浓情伤感的情绪文案 简单高级 令人难忘

...you will forget his appearance and even his name. Sometimes, waiting for a lotus to bloom for too long will make the four distinct seasons blurred. Lotus, however, will come after an appointment every summer, but some people, let you spend your whole life, can"t wait.有时候,当你等一个人...

2007-03-09 #经典句子

几乎所有食材的英文翻译 建议收藏!(配音标)

几乎所有食材的英文翻译 建议收藏!(配音标)

...带 [klp] King oyster mushroom 杏鲍菇LLettuce 莴苣/生菜 ["lts] Lotus seed 莲子Loofah 丝瓜 ["luf]Laurel 月桂 ["lrl] Leek 韭葱 [lik]Laver 紫菜 ["lev]Licorice 甘草 ["lkrs; "lkr] Lotus root 莲藕MMushroom 蘑菇 ["mrm]Mung bean 绿豆OOnion 洋葱 ["njn]PPumpkin...

2012-01-28 #经典句子

一眼就难忘的忧伤句子 抚慰心灵 让人难以忘怀

一眼就难忘的忧伤句子 抚慰心灵 让人难以忘怀

...s different. Overlooking pinglan, a river is misty and rainy, drunk in it, lotus pond is full of water, splashing a lonely lotus shadow, and my thoughts are slow and gentle. Put the wine in the wind and place yourself in the south of the Yangtze River. Dust shrouded, in the quiet autumn, spilled hal...

2022-11-20 #经典句子

迷茫时给自己指引方向的励志句子 每天读一读!

迷茫时给自己指引方向的励志句子 每天读一读!

...莲花的绽放,看尘世的清静。难得莲子意,落遍慈悲心。lotus will suffer if it is intentional; if it is unintentional, it will be empty. Flowers and fallen children return to mud, but the state of the world, no cause and effect. The heart drips Bodhisattva dew, but permeability, ...

2023-09-13 #经典句子

《射雕》发行获赞《神雕》紧随其后 英文读者为金庸的武侠世界买单

《射雕》发行获赞《神雕》紧随其后 英文读者为金庸的武侠世界买单

...而书中的诸多翻译也挺有意思,例如黄蓉翻成“黄莲花(Lotus Huang)”、陈玄风翻成“飓风陈(Hurricane Chen)”、“九阴白骨爪”翻成“九阴骷髅爪(Nine Yin Skeleton Claw)。其实,在这本书之前,金鹰的作品只有三本书有英文译本...

2009-12-04 #经典句子