

1、The sun was setting, and the sky turned orange and pink.

2、The cat slowly crept towards the mouse, inch by inch.

3、As the music crescendoed, the audience grew more and more excited.

4、Over time, I have learned to be more patient and understanding.

5、The flowers bloomed gradually, becoming more vibrant with each passing day.

6、Bit by bit, I began to understand the complexities of the problem.

7、As we climbed higher and higher, the air became thinner and breathing more difficult.

8、The tears streamed down her face, and her sobs slowly subsided.

“逐渐的句子” 相关内容
神仙治愈系文案句子|逐渐疏远的战胜了一切 却最终输给了岁月

神仙治愈系文案句子|逐渐疏远的战胜了一切 却最终输给了岁月

Sometimes doubt oneself, meet the beloved that kind of helpless 命运这个词似乎是一个反义词,也许最令人伤心的是曾经爱过的人没有第三者,没有磨难


治愈性的心灵鸡汤句子 句句精辟有道理 让人凉透的心逐渐回暖

治愈性的心灵鸡汤句子 句句精辟有道理 让人凉透的心逐渐回暖



朋友圈很火的句子:人越长大 便会逐渐对身边的人越来越淡然

朋友圈很火的句子:人越长大 便会逐渐对身边的人越来越淡然

2 抛出去的砖头,不壹定能引出玉,倒很可能砸到人
