
知识分子政策 intellectual policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-23 19:49:07


知识分子政策 intellectual policy英语短句 例句大全

知识分子政策,intellectual policy

1)intellectual policy知识分子政策

1.On theintellectual policy in Jinchaji anti-Japanese base-area;论晋察冀抗日根据地的知识分子政策

2.On Intellectual Policy of Yang Hu-cheng and the Causes of Xi"an Incident试论杨虎城的知识分子政策——兼论西安事变爆发的原因

3.After entering the 21st century,the CPC has integrated the intellectuals into the talents cultivation,and place the cultivation of talents,use of talents and attraction of talents as the core of CPCintellectual policy.进入21世纪,党把知识分子工作纳入人才工作,把培养人才、用好人才、吸引人才作为知识分子政策的核心。


1.Historical Retrospection of Intellectual Policies of the CPC中国共产党知识分子政策的历史考察

2.A Research on the Revolution of China s Intellectual Policy(1978~);我国知识分子政策演变的研究(1978~)

3.Analyzing the Intellectuals Policy of Chinese Communist Party in the Period of Liberation War;浅议解放战争时期党的知识分子政策

4.Reviewing on the Policy for Intellectuals in the Decade Building;十年探索时期党的知识分子政策述评

5.Adjustment of Intellectual Policies of CCP in Early 1956;1956年初中共对知识分子政策的调整

6.A Probe into the Party s Policy of Intellectuals During 1929--1934;1927—1934年中共知识分子政策之探讨

7.Zhang Wentian s Views on Policies toward Intellectuals;关于张闻天的知识分子政策思想述评

8.On the intellectual policy in Jinchaji anti-Japanese base-area;论晋察冀抗日根据地的知识分子政策

mentary of Research about Intellectuals Policy and Its Adjustment in New China;建国以来知识分子政策及政策调整研究述评

10.The CPC s Intellectual Policy and the Construction of the Legitimacy in Power;党的知识分子政策与执政合法性基础的构建

11.The Intellectual Policies of the Party During the Full Swing Socialist Construction Period论全面社会主义建设时期党的知识分子政策

12.A Study of the Evolution of the CPC"s Policies about the Intelligentsia;中国共产党的知识分子政策的历史考察

13.On the Policy of the Communist Party of China about the Intellectual in the Period of War of Resistance;论抗战时期中国共产党的知识分子政策

14.An Analysis of the CPC s Policies Towards Intellectuals after the Founding of PRC;建国后中国共产党的知识分子政策探析

15.The Role and the Evolvement of Intellectual Policy of China Communist Party Since New China;建国以来党的知识分子政策演变及其作用

ment on the Intellectual s Policy of the Communist Party of China at the Initial Stage of People s Republic s Founding;评建国初期中国共产党的知识分子政策

17.The Dissertation about CCP Intellectual Policy from the Founding of PRC to the Forepart of 60s;建国后至六十年代前期党的知识分子政策论析

18.On Evolvement in the Intellectual Policy of Party Since New China;试论建国以来党的知识分子政策的演变


policy towards intellectuals知识分子政策

1.As one of the Party s important policies,thepolicy towards intellectuals once changed in 1950s.知识分子政策是党的政策的重要组成部分。

2.Thepolicy towards intellectuals were resumed and developed under the background of adjusting national economy 1961-1962,of which the historical reason were dicussed in this article.文章论述了 196 1- 196 2年在国民经济实行全面调整的方针下 ,我党在知识分子理论政策上的恢复发展 ,并分析了党能够实现知识分子政策调整的历史原因。

3.Under the guidance of mao Zedong Thought, Lu Dingyi makes important contributions to the formation and perfection of the Party’spolicy towards intellectuals.陆定一在毛泽东思想的指导下 ,曾经对建立和完善党的知识分子政策 ,作出过重要贡献 ;但建国后却在知识分子问题上产生了“左”的错误 ,从而对长达 2 0多年的党在知识分子问题上的曲折 ,负有不可推卸的责任 ;党的十一届三中全会之后 ,他又在邓小平理论的指导下 ,对建国以来党的知识分子政策进行了深入的反

3)Intellectual Policies知识分子政策

1.Adjustment ofIntellectual Policies of CCP in Early 1956;1956年初中共对知识分子政策的调整

2.was a period of overall socialist construction in our country,during which the changes of the Partys intellectual policies were eye-catching.195 5年至 1966年 ,是我国全面建设社会主义的十年 ,在这期间党对知识分子政策的变化尤引人注目。

4)Implement the policies to (towards) the intellectuals落实知识分子政策

5)knowledge policy知识政策

1.From discipline to disciplines:knowledge classification system andknowledge policy perspective;从学科到学科群:知识分类体系和知识政策的视角

6)politically-criticizing intellectuals议政的知识分子

1.In Hu Shi s opinion,politically-criticizing intellectuals are trying,to a large extent,to be "admonitors" and "advisors" of the country,the government and the rulers.在胡适看来,议政的知识分子很大程度上是要力争做国家、政府、当政者的"谏士"和"诤臣"。



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