
财政扶持政策 fiscal supporting policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-14 11:04:27


Fiscal supporting policy, also known as financial support policy, refers to the measures implemented by governments to provide financial assistance and incentives to support specific economic sectors, industries, or organizations. These policies aim to stimulate economic growth, promote innovation, and address social and environmental challenges. In this collection of English short sentences and example sentences, you will find a comprehensive compilation of phrases and examples related to fiscal supporting policies. Whether you are a student, professional, or researcher interested in economic policy, this resource will provide you with a wide range of language expressions and practical examples to deepen your understanding of fiscal support initiatives.

财政扶持政策,fiscal supporting policy

1)fiscal supporting policy财政扶持政策


1.Economic Analysis of the Financial Supporting Policy in the Economic Development Zones;经济开发区财政扶持政策的经济分析

2.A Study of the Finance Aid Policy of the State for Civilian-run Higher Education民办高等教育国家财政扶持政策研究

3.An Analysis on Financial Supporting Policy for Construction of Socialist New Countryside in Fujian;福建财政扶持新农村建设的政策分析

4.Financial Support for Hi-tech Industries and its Enlightenment;高新技术产业的财税扶持及政策思考

5.Financial Policy Support is Urgently Needed for Science-and-Technology-oriented Small Firms;论我国对科技型中小企业的财政政策扶持体系

6.The Desirability and Fiscal Policy of Public Funding for Cultural Industries公共财政扶持文化产业的合理性及政策选择

7.Tentative Suggestions on the Fiscal Expenditure Policies to Develop Ecological Agriculture扶持生态农业发展的财政支出政策刍议

8.Research on Fiscal and Tax Policies about High and New Technological Industry of the Binhai Newly Developed Area滨海新区高新技术产业财税扶持政策研究

9.The Research on Finance and Tax Policies to Support the Development of the Peasant Special Cooperation扶持农民专业合作社发展的财税政策研究

10.Credit, fiscal, taxation, export and technological renovation policies should be carried out in real earnest to support the sound development of township enterprises.认真落实信贷、财税。出口、技改等项政策,扶持乡镇企业健康发展。

11.Reference to International Finance and Tax Policies Applying otoSmall Companies;运用财税政策扶持中小企业发展的国际比较与借鉴

12.Analysis of the Sustaining Policy of Industry and Commerce Made by Qing Government and Beiyang Government;试论清末民初政府扶持工商业的政策

13.Analysis of Support Policy to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises from Hong Kong Special Economic Zone Government;香港特区政府中小企业扶持政策分析

14.Pattern Innovation Research about the Government Finance Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Scientific and Technological;政府财政扶持科技型中小企业模式创新研究

15.A Study on the Coordination between Foreign Investment Policy and Industry Support Policy--from the Perspective of Game Theory;外商投资政策与产业扶持政策协调博弈研究

16.We will stabilize, improve and strengthen policies supporting agriculture.稳定、善和强化对农业的扶持政策。

17.Japanese Economic Support Policy on Private Forest and Experiences;日本的私有林经济扶持政策及其借鉴

18.On policies of helping the development of small and medium size enterprises in Henan Province;河南省扶持中小企业发展的政策研究


the leading enterprises of agricultural integration财税扶持政策

1.Agricultural integration is the key way to solve problems of agriculture, farmers and countrysides, and developthe leading enterprises of agricultural integration is the key of the whole.对农业产业化龙头企业财税扶持政策的研究文献较少,已有研究表明,财税扶持政策对农业产业化龙头企业的发展有着巨大影响。

3)financial support财政扶持

1.To accomplish this task, we should take into account of such things as organization structure, legal safeguard,financial support and information service.中小企业在市场经济中处于相对弱势的地位,要扶持中小企业,必须建立和完善中小企业融资体系,要建立和完善中小企业的融资体系,应当从组织机构、法律保障、财政扶持、信息服务等方面入手。

2.It is necessary to make thefinancial support policy for the protection of tourist resources and the development of scenic spots in Fujian Province.财政扶持对福建省旅游资源的保护和景区开发相当必要,近年来,福建省对旅游景区的财政扶持虽有逐渐加大的趋势,但总体而言,在扶持观念、扶持总量、扶持方式和监督机制等方面仍存在不足。

4)the Financial Supporting Policy财政扶持经济发展政策

1.This paper makes an economic analysis ofthe Financial Supporting Policy to invite outside investments in the Economic Development Zones(EDZs),deduces the formula of the optimal ratio of the quantity of financial support to the local financial income and draws figures of the curve.利用最优控制论模型对经济开发区在招商引资工作中实行财政扶持经济发展政策进行了经济分析,推导出财政扶持金额占财政收入最优比率的公式并绘制出其大致图像。

5)policy support政策扶持

1.Influence ofpolicy support on the performance of agricultural public companies;政策扶持对农业类上市公司业绩的影响

2.This article,which bases on facts,analyses some issues in tourism regional combination,brings forward the functions of the government orientation and ofpolicy support for tourism regional combination from the policy perspective,and advances the policy directions and measures of the tourism regional combination.文章立足现实,分析了区域旅游联合中的一些问题,并从政策角度提出了政府导向的作用及政策扶持对区域旅游联合的作用,提出了实施区域旅游联合的政策方向和措施。

3.Risk investment currently contains some problems such as the lack ofpolicy support,mechanism,capital and lacking talents,the problems must be solved in order to improve risk investment and high-tech industry.我国风险投资目前面临着政策扶持不够、运行机制不完善、资本来源单一、人才缺乏等问题。

6)support policy扶持政策

1.Based on the condition andsupport policy of our country, the policy and measures of developing solar energy industry suitable for Jiangsu province were proposed.本文论述了世界太阳能的发展趋势和西方发达国家太阳能产业的发展动态及扶持政策,并结合我国太阳能产业的发展现状和扶持政策,就江苏省的具体情况提出了促进江苏省太阳能光伏产业发展的政策和措施。

2.The performance of thesupport policy through Agro-industrialization was not obvious that affect farmers and agricultural products properties,as well as the external environment.农业产业化扶持政策对于影响农业产业化进程的农户、农产品特性以及外部环境作用不明显,其作用对象主要是农业产业化龙头企业。



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  1. 残红谢幕2024-03-14 12:16残红谢幕[河南省网友]
  2. 丰羽2024-03-14 12:02丰羽[云南省网友]
  3. 残々云2024-03-14 11:47残々云[陕西省网友]
  4. ceo2024-03-14 11:33ceo[四川省网友]
  5. 天涯思泪2024-03-14 11:18天涯思泪[山西省网友]
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