
超温馨又美轮美奂的情感文案 满是无奈 满眼失望!



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There is no need to regret in life, what has passed away is like a gust of wind. There is no need to regret in life. What should come will come eventually. Life doesn"t need to worry, and white hair is hard to turn black. Life doesn"t need to lament, if you lose confidence, you will lose everything!


A boy who loves you occasionally looks like a child, a father and a rogue in front of you.


(2) The purpose of personal struggle has been distorted into "selfish desire", losing due activities and swinging into "powerlessness" (if an individual is not profitable, there will be no motivation.


Worry will not empty tomorrow"s worries, it will only lose today"s courage.


What makes people tired most is not the distance, but your inner depression. What makes people most decadent is not the frustrations of the future, but the loss of your self-confidence. The most painful thing is not the misfortune of life, but the disillusionment of your hopes. What makes people most desperate is not the blow of frustration, but your inner death.


The sky is as clear as a wash, and bright sunshine shoots down from the gap between thick pine needles, forming beams with different thicknesses, and illuminating the shade of the forest with gauze fog.


Behind every sweet couple, they always want to slap each other two or three days a week.


I want to show myself in the right way this season. Like a book, lying flat in front of the window of the breeze, let the wind pass by, let the air turn over my body, talk endlessly from page to page, and keep silent with fragrant words. It will be a quiet afternoon, bright enough; This is the time to forget the gains and losses. My life has become such a book, a text, and blooms like a crimson flower. I only wish that I could exist without fear or sorrow, as if I were only embraced by the huge universe and placed in the cradle of the blue sky in the outside world. A distant voice said to me, gratitude, kindness, beauty and love. If books are sentimental, then they should be the happiest elves.


Life will make you suffer for a while, and getting used to it will make you suffer for a lifetime.


Dignity must be maintained and lost by itself. Nothing outside can change it. Hou Feng white elephant


When you are reading, you are required to boast of poetry and books. When you look for someone, you are asked to look beautiful. When you get married, you are asked to be virtuous. When you take care of children, you are required to be a good wife and a good mother. People keep asking you. In fact, you don"t need to ignore all requests and please them. All you have to do is be kind to yourself. Don"t break your heart by crying for each other, don"t be overwhelmed by the truth, don"t give up the future, don"t pray for turning back, and lose your dignity.


The moment you give at will, just like the meteor in autumn night, ignited a flame in the depths of my life.

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  1. 松雪道人(虎妞儿)2024-01-10 14:31松雪道人(虎妞儿)[江苏省网友]
  2. 星月相随2024-01-03 21:27星月相随[安徽省网友]
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