
超温馨又美轮美奂的情感文案 满是无奈 能解人心


Life is like peeling an onion There is always one piece that makes you cry 灯光闪耀的晚上,还有谁会记得我忧伤的模样

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Life is like peeling an onion. There is always one piece that makes you cry.


The light shines in the evening, who will remember my sad appearance.


In this way, one"s mind will become broader;In this way, we will be in a better attitude to face their own life.


The cold rain outside the window a drop across the world splashed on the glass, like my heart as fragmented, tore heart crack lung.


Ever since I met you, I"ve never thought of changing people.


Carmine powder.Diffuse curtain.I promised to live with this woman.


There"s no fun in being a mature, controlled person.


The so-called "love" is to present, past, no longer love, just old love.


If you don"t have time and energy, don"t show your love to raise small animals. It"s cruel to neglect them, although I understand that you are lonely and need a companion.


How strong do you have to be to remember?


I have two wishes, one is you by my side, the other is me by your side.


I can not feel sorry for others, but you are not others, you are mine.

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