
释放情绪的神仙小短句 简单美好 治愈不安!


To you, I have surrendered unconditionally, you sign the love contract or no one will want me!Im ready to halve my rights

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To you, I have surrendered unconditionally, you sign the love contract or no one will want me!I"m ready to halve my rights and double my obligations.


Do you know where my heart is?On the left no, on your side


Don"t be so nice to me that I can"t tell whether it"s friendship or love


I am not as perfect and strong as you imagine. Money and beauty are enough to conquer me.


You can"t stop drinking water just because your glass is broken.


Don"t cry if love is appropriate.


Always need some warmth.Even if it is a little self-righteous memorial.I didn"t want to let go I didn"t want to see you walk out of my life.


Alone in the northern hemisphere, who keeps whom in their hearts?


I stop loving you when you"re twice as old as I am.


Why can"t forget, is feeling he is not cruel enough or feel stupid enough, can not hold the sand, why not Yang it.


The world is too big, life is too short, to try to live like you want to be right.


Stupid woman too much emphasis on self, smart woman is good at sustenance and rely on.

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  1. ┆丶丆倁足ぐ2024-01-15 19:37┆丶丆倁足ぐ[天津市网友]
    @猫宁☀️ 在夜深人静的时候,静听一段简单的旋律,不安的心情也会慢慢安静下来~
  2. 猫宁☀️2024-01-11 06:57猫宁☀️[贵州省网友]
  3. 橙心如梦2024-01-06 18:18橙心如梦[浙江省网友]
  4. 东方月墨2024-01-02 05:39东方月墨[广西网友]
  5. huangshan2023-12-28 16:59huangshan[天津市网友]
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