
释放情绪的神仙小短句 温柔又文雅 充满爱意


Because I know I cant live without you so I will cherish it more 如果一个人没有苦难的感受,就不容易对他人给予同情

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It"s a lie to love you as before. Today I like you more than yesterday


Ambiguous words, ambiguous messages daquan


Because I know I can"t live without you so I will cherish it more.


If a person does not feel suffering, it is not easy to show compassion to others.If you want to learn the spirit of salvation, you must first suffer.


No matter you in my side or not, I think there is a corner of the world with you, feel the whole world has become gentle and stable, the heart is more bright.

怕无归期 怕空欢喜 怕来者不是你。

Afraid of no return time afraid of empty joy afraid of coming is not you.


Remember, nothing, no one, needs you to stay up past midnight.


I started looking at his space online, and I told myself one last time, but.


Affectionate not hypocritical, casual also care about.


I would rather be parallel with him, never intersect, because - once the intersection, the point will be more and more far away.


I knew you would come, so I waited.


I use my heart in exchange for you endless flower heart.

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