
介词短语IN ON AT BY OUT的使用实例


介词 + 名词、代词、动名词或从句介词 + 修饰语 + 名词、代词、动名词或从句不多说,直接上干货:At:at one timeat the doubleat sightat th

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介词 + 名词、代词、动名词或从句

介词 + 修饰语 + 名词、代词、动名词或从句



at one time

at the double

at sight

at the end

at the outset

at a fraction of

at one"s side

at risk

at high speed

at a speed of

at a rate of

at a price

at a low ebb

at a loss

at a guess

at a glance

at a distance

at a discount

at liberty

at length

at least

at large

at issue

at all events

at all costs

at a standstill

at most

at war

at peace

at one"s request

at one"s leisure

at noon

at night


by all accounts

by land

by sea

by air

by accident

by luck

by the name of

by chance

by check

by birth

by appointment

by any standard

by all means

by definition

by courtesy of

by coincidence

by law

by heart

by hand

by force

by fat

by dint of

by design

by degrees

by sight

by request

by no means

by nature

by my watch

by mistake

by means of

by marriage


in decline

in debt

in danger

in arreas

in anticipation of

in answer to

in of focus

in demand

in time

in future

in full

in flames

in fear of

in favor of

in fact

in disgrace

in detail

in defense of

in ink

in horror

in honor of

in hiding

in haste

in harmony (with)

in good condition

in general

in gear

in an uproar

in high spirits

in hand

in good faith

in fairness to

in disguise


on a diet

on balance

on the air

on pain of

on oath

on the road

on the record

on schedule

on an expedition

on account of

on a spree

on a pension

on a small scale

on a large scale

on a trip

on a journey

on order

on business

on board

on behalf of

on bail

on average

on approval

on an island

on the edge of

on the dot

on the brink of

on the agenda

on suspicion of

on strike

on show

on remand


out of date

out of curiosity

out of control

out of context

out of breath

out of step

out of print

out of fashion

out of doors

out of pity

out of order

out of one"s mind

out of ideas

out of hand

out of duty

out of practice

out of spite

out of sight

out of respect for

out of reach

out of stock

out of work

out of the question

out of the ordinary

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