
经典唯美的情感语录:如果爱了 请深爱 不离不弃!



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一、 只有把必须走的路走漂亮,才可以走到想走的路上。比等待更难受的是,你连自己在等什么都不知道。即使没有人为你鼓掌,也要优雅的谢幕,感谢自己的认真付出。Only by taking the road that must be taken beautifully can we get to the road that we want to take. More painful than waiting is that you don"t even know what you"re waiting for. Even if no one applauds for you, graceful curtain call, thank you for your earnest efforts.

二、理解会让我们走出阴影,走进一个新天地。过了桥条条大路都宽广,烦恼的黑蝴蝶飞远了,路边开满温情的小花。从此世界变得更加美丽了。Understanding will let us get out of the shadows and enter a new world. All the roads and bridges are wide, the troubled black butterflies fly away, and the roadside is full of warm flowers. Since then, the world has become more beautiful.

三、如果没有遇见你,人生是否要珍惜,你的气息,你的情意,匆匆的离别一刻,才知道在乎彼此,天涯海角也要互相拥有!你望风景,我看着你,你好我就好,世界这么大,自从认识你,它就变成了你。If you don"t meet you, should you cherish your life, your breath, your feelings, and a moment of hurried departure before you know that you care about each other, and the ends of the world also have each other! You look at the scenery and I look at you. Hello, I"m fine. The world is so big. Since I met you, it has become you.

四、 越是对你发誓的人,就越是在骗你,因为真相是不需要佐证的。同样道理,越是疯狂的爱你,不惜浪漫到极致的来爱你,就越不是爱情,因为爱情是平淡而持久的越是真,就越安静。越是久,就越平淡。The more people swear to you, the more they lie to you, because the truth needs no proof. Similarly, the more crazy you are, the more romantic you will be, the less love you will be, because the more true love is, the more quiet it will be. The longer it takes, the duller it becomes.

五、人的一生不可能平坦如意,走平坦人生之路的人,可能是平庸的。而一个有为的人,他的道路多半是曲折的,当恶运向你袭来的时候,最要紧的是要有宽广的胸怀,顽强的意志和坚韧不拨的毅力,用微笑去对待你的生活。A person"s life can not be smooth and satisfactory. A person who takes a flat road of life may be mediocre. When bad luck strikes you, the most important thing is to have a broad mind, strong will and perseverance, and to treat your life with a smile.

六、感情就是这样,我失望到顶点后,就再不会回头了。不是不勇敢,也不是怕受伤,只是觉得自己不该为了一个错的你,再继续做错的决定。毕竟,你有你的执着,我也有我的洒脱。That"s the way it is. When I get to the top of my disappointment, I won"t look back. It"s not that you are not brave or afraid of being hurt, but that you shouldn"t continue making wrong decisions for the sake of a wrong person. After all, you have your persistence, I also have my free and easy.

七、有些失望是无可避免的,但大部分的失望,都是因为你高估了自己。爱,有时真的来不得半点心软。用心软泡出来的爱,就像用丝线把风铃挂到悬崖边,看似温馨,稍有不慎,就摔得粉身碎骨。Some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimate yourself. Love, sometimes really can"t come a little soft. Love bubbled out with soft heart is like hanging a wind bell on the edge of a cliff with silk thread. It seems warm and fragrant. If you are slightly careless, you will fall to pieces.


Be bold. Anyway, you only live once, you only live once. Where is there so much time to say "I won"t", "I"m afraid", "I can"t". Instead, try your best to do what you want to do, love the person you want to love, and become the person you want to be.

九、实际上,如果两个人都能相互“认输”,那么你们也一定会继续的恩爱下去。请你记住,主动认输一次,一点都不怂。你给我一滴泪,我就看到了你心中所有的海洋。In fact, if two people can "admit defeat" each other, then you will continue to love. Please remember that it"s not at all disgusting to give up one time on your own initiative. You give me a tear, and I see all the oceans in your heart.

十、有些压力总是得自己扛过去,说出来就成了充满负能量的抱怨。寻求安慰也无济于事,还徒增了别人的烦恼。而你独自走过艰难险阻,一定会感激当初一声不吭咬牙坚持的自己。Some pressure is always carried by oneself, and speaking out becomes a complaint full of negative energy. It"s no use seeking comfort. It adds to the troubles of others. And you will be grateful for your insistence on silence when you walk through difficulties and obstacles alone.

十一、这城市总是风很大,孤独的人总是晚回家。外面不像你想的那么好,风雨都要自己挡。愿每个独自走夜路的你都足够坚强。成熟由两部分组成,一半是对美好的追求,一半是对残缺的接纳。It"s always windy in this city. Lonely people always come home late. It"s not as good outside as you think. You have to stop the storm by yourself. May you be strong enough to walk alone at night. Maturity consists of two parts, one is the pursuit of beauty, the other is the acceptance of disability.

十二、人生仿佛是一盘棋局,一个选择,一次前进,都充满着未知,我不想让我的生命沿着一条轨道前行,也许在这条路的尽头便是幸福。这是我自己的棋局,这是我自己的人生,我们要找到自我。Life is like a chess game, a choice, a move forward, full of unknown, I do not want to let my life along a track, perhaps at the end of this road is happiness. This is my own chess game, this is my own life, we have to find ourselves.


Don"t worry, the prince will appear. He will take you by the hand and take you to the castle. There are many toys, many beautiful clothes and many delicious things in the castle. You have lived happily ever since.

十四、曾经的我为你放弃一切,得到的只是一句再见,后来我才明白一句誓言,其实只是一个谎言。当你看清了一个人而不揭穿,你就懂得了原谅的意义;讨厌一个人而不翻脸,你就懂得了至极的尊重。活着,总有你看不惯的人,也有看不惯你的人。Once I gave up everything for you and only got a goodbye. Later I realized that an oath was actually a lie. When you see a person without revealing it, you understand the meaning of forgiveness; when you hate a person without turning your face, you understand the utmost respect.

Alive, there are always people you can"t get used to, there are people who can"t get used to you.

十五、再好的东西都有失去的一天。再深的记忆也有淡忘的一天。再爱的人,也有远走的一天。再美的梦,也有苏醒的一天。委屈什么,世上又不止你一个人爱而不得,几乎每个人都会遇到一个,不能结婚却深爱过的人。Every good thing has a lost day. Even the deepest memory has a day to forget. Those who love again have a long day to go. No matter how beautiful a dream is, there will be a day of awakening. What"s wrong, you"re not the only one in the world who can"t love, almost everyone will meet a person who can"t marry but loves deeply.

十六、你不知道,我的心情一直被你左右。有时候,躲避是为了让自己不那么失望。不和你说话不表示我没有想你,试着疏远你因为我知道我不能拥有你;只要认为是对的就去做,坚持去做,不要在乎别人的看法,哪怕是错,至少你有去做过证明曾经你努力过。You don"t know, my mood has always been around you. Sometimes, avoidance is to make oneself less disappointed. Not talking to you doesn"t mean I don"t miss you, try to alienate you because I know I can"t have you; just do what you think is right, stick to it, don"t care what others think, even if it"s wrong, at least you have done something to prove that you tried.


Can"t put down a person, is endless heartache, can"t give up a relationship, destined to bear the pain of Acacia, time and time again to endure not to see you, not to disturb you, not to ask for your news, a person bears all the bitterness, but also wish you well, life happiness.

十八、情,不知所起,而一往情深;爱,不知所以,却至死不渝。如果不爱,请放开,好让别人有机会去爱;如果爱了,请深爱,不离不弃!爱情不是游戏,因为我们玩不起!Love, I don"t know where to start, but I always love deeply; Love, I don"t know where to go, but I will die forever. If you do not love, please let go, so that others have the opportunity to love; if you love, please love deeply, never give up! Love is not a game, because we can not play!

十九、人生有味是清欢,快乐是心的愉悦,幸福是心的满足。别和他人争吵,别和命运争吵,无计较之心,心常愉悦;尽心之余,随缘起止,随遇而安,心常满足。你随和,愉悦的是自己的心,别人计较,苦闷的是他自己。Life is delicious, happiness is the pleasure of the heart, happiness is the satisfaction of the heart. Don"t quarrel with other people, don"t quarrel with fate, regardless of heart, always happy; spare one"s heart, as origin, as circumstances, always satisfied.

You are easy-going, happy is his heart, others care, he is depressed.

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