
温馨的情绪短句 温柔而文雅 治愈不安!


Want to be your pillow book arms cat lover 我没有遇到什么不开心的事,只是在一种莫名的情绪里,高兴不起来

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Want to be your pillow book arms cat lover.


I did not encounter what unhappy things, just in a inexplicable mood, not happy.


Maybe I am not able to forget you completely, at least I know how to leave properly.


I would like to be a fish, let you braised, boiled and steamed, and then lie in your gentle stomach.


All the nights I"ve been up for you are cold, and all the sheep I counted are gone.


Moth said to the lamp, I want to say to you again, before desperate, I know the end.


Pursuit and desire, there is happiness, there is depression and disappointment.Through frustration and disappointment, we learn to cherish.

你说你想过得更好证明他离开你是错的 可是 他根本不在意你过得好不好。

You said you wanted a better life to prove that he was wrong to leave you but he didn"t care if you had a better life.


"Why are you messing with my stuff?" "What am I messing with you?" "My heart."


You are not allowed to love him, the world only I can!

如果你要离开 请断了这根牵连的线 我会把手放开。

If you"re leaving please break this thread and I"ll let go.


If I wasn"t here, would you like another girl?!

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  1. 康复中医宠物医院2024-01-02 12:50康复中医宠物医院[山西省网友]
  2. Giraffe2023-12-20 19:56Giraffe[广西网友]
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