
给你带来温暖的英文句子 你会喜欢的


The four happiest things in life: someone believes you, someone loves you, someone helps you, someone understands you 2 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界

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The four happiest things in life: someone believes you, someone loves you, someone helps you, someone understands you.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world.


Slowly getting better is the best gift for yourself.


Don"t point to the sky and say there is no sun because of a cloud. As long as you have the confidence to deal with problems, life is full of sunshine.


In your goodness, there are your blessings.


Love is the best thing in the world. Even if it hurts your heart, smile and forget it. Then start the next journey.


The happiest thing is that there is a smile on your face in a crowded crowd.


Two parallel lines also meet one day.


Life only needs us to keep our heart to realize, and you can get what you want little by little.


There is a feeling that will never lose to time.


Three meals a day, four seasons, wish you love and love your people around!


Wait, it"s going to get better and better.


If life deceives you, don"t be sad, don"t be anxious! You need to be calm on a blue day: believe it, a happy day will come.

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