


录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上第一节共5小题;每小题1 5分,满分7 5分听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中

友情提示:本文共有 23060 个字,阅读大概需要 47 分钟。



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分7.5分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.答案是C

1.(1.5分)Why did the woman go to Mallorca?

A. To teach Spanish.

B. To look for a job.

C. To see a friend.


2.(1.5分)What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Take him to hospital.

B. Go to a class with him.

C. Submit a report for him.


3.(1.5分)Who will look after the children?

A. Jennifer.

B. Suzy.

C. Marie.


4.(1.5分)What are the speakers going to do?

A. Drive home.

B. Go shopping.

C. Eat out.


5.(1.5分)What are the speakers talking about?

A. How to fry fish.

B. How to make coffee.

C. How to remove a bad smell.




(1)When does Gomez watch a football game on TV?

A. When he fails to get a ticket.

B. When the stadium is crowded.

C. When his friends are too busy.

(2)How much did Gomez pay for the football game last time?






(1)What did Alex do in the afternoon?

A. He had a walk.

B. He went hunting.

C. He planted trees.

(2)What did Alex bring back?

A. Flowers.

B. Leaves.

C. Books.

(3)What was Bob doing when Alex saw him?

A. Fishing.

B. Taking pictures.

C. Swimming.



(1)What did David do on his most recent holiday?

A. He had a boat trip.

B. He took a balloon flight.

C. He climbed a mountain.

(2)What is on David"s list?

A. Gifts he needed to buy.

B. Things he wished to do.

C. Dates he had to remember.

(3)Where does the woman suggest David go for his next holiday?

A. Australia.

B. California.

C. The Amazon.



(1)Why did Sarah make the phone call?

A. To ask a favor.

B. To pass on a message.

C. To make an appointment.

(2)Where is Sarah now?

A. In Brighton.

B. At her home.

C. At the Shelton Hotel.

(3)What time is Michael leaving his place tomorrow morning?

A. At 7:40.

B. At 8:00.

C. At 8:20.

(4)What is the probable relationship between John and Sarah?

A. Neighbors.

B. Fellow workers.

C. Husband and wife.



(1)What do most people think is very important in spoken communication?

A. Pronunciation.

B. Vocabulary.

C. Grammar.

(2)Why should you listen to experts according to the speaker?

A. To develop your reading fluency.

B. To improve your note﹣taking skills.

C. To find out your mispronunciations.

(3)What is the speaker"s last suggestion?

A. Spell out the difficult words.

B. Check the words in a dictionary.

C. Practice reading the words aloud.


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分25.0分)第一节(共3小题;每小题2.5分,满分25.0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

11.(7.5分)Leslie Nielsen"s childhood was a difficult one,but he had one particular shining star in his life ﹣ his uncle,who was a well﹣known actor.The admiration and respect his uncle earned inspired Nielsen to make a career(职业),

he moved forward,gaining a scholarship to the Neighborhood Playhouse and making his first television appearance a few years later in 1948.However,successful actor would still be an uphill battle for another eight years until he landed a number of film roles that finally got him noticed.

But even then,what he had wasn"t quite what he wanted.Nielsen always felt he should be doing comedy but his good looks and distinguished voice kept him busy in dramatic roles.It wasn"t until 1980 ﹣ 32 years into his career ﹣ that he landed the role it would seem he was made for in Airplane!

That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly.

Did Nielsen then feel content in his career?Yes and no.He was thrilled to be doing the comedy that he always felt he should do,but even during his last few years,he always had a sense of curiosity,never retired.

Leslie Nielsen"s devotion to acting is wonderfully inspiring.He built a hugely successful career with little more than plain old hard work and determination.He showed us that even a single desire,never given up on,can make for a remarkable life.

(1)Why did Nielsen want to be an actor?C

A.He enjoyed watching movies.

B.He was eager to earn money.

C.He wanted to be like his uncle.

D.He felt he was good at acting.

(2)What do we know about Nielsen in the second half of his career?D

A.He directed some high quality movies.

B.He avoided taking on new challenges.

C.He focused on playing dramatic roles.

D.He became a successful comedy actor.

(3)What does Nielsen"s career story tell us?D

A.Art is long,life is short.

B.He who laughs last laughs longest.

C.It"s never too late to learn.

D.Where there"s a will there"s a way.

【解答】(1)C.细节理解题。根据原文第一段"Leslie Nielsen"s childhood was a difficult one,但他一生中有一颗特别耀眼的明星﹣﹣﹣他叔叔。"可知尼尔森想当演员是想成为他叔叔一样

(2)D.细节理解题。根据原文第二段"That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly.那部电影使他进入了他职业生涯的下半段,即使电影评论家们对电影的评价不高。"可知Nielsen职业生涯的后半段是成为一个成功的喜剧演员

(3)D.推理判断题。根据原文最后一段He showed us that even a single desire,can make for a remarkable life.他向我们展示了即使是一个从未放弃过的愿望。可知尼尔森的职业生涯故事告诉我们有志者事竟成

12.(10分)We live in a town with three beaches.There are two parks less than 10 minutes" walk from home where neighbourhood children gather to play.However,what my children want to do after school is pick up a screen ﹣ any screen ﹣ and stare at it for hours.

They are not alone.Today"s children spend an average of four and a half hours a day looking at screens,split between watching television and using the Internet.

In the past few years,an increasing number of people and organisations have begun coming up with plans to counter this trend.A couple of years ago,film﹣maker David Bond realised that his children,were attached to screens to the point where he was able to say "chocolate" into his three﹣year﹣old son"s ear without getting a response.

He realised that something needed to change,and,appointed himself "marketing director for Nature".He documented his journey as he set about treating nature as a brand to be marketed to young people.The result was Project Wild Thing,a film which charts the birth of the Wild Network a group of organisations with the common goal of getting children out into nature.

"Just five more minutes outdoors can make a difference," David Bond says. "There is a lot of really interesting evidence which seems to be suggesting that if children are inspired up to the age of seven,then being outdoors will be a habit for life." His own children have got into the habit of playing outside now:"We just send them out into the garden and tell them not to come back in for a while."

Summer is upon us.There is an amazing world out there,and it needs our children as much as they need it.Let us get them out and let them play.

(1)What is the problem with the author"s children?D

A.They often annoy the neighbours.

B.They are tired of doing their homework.

C.They have no friends to play with.

D.They stay in front of screens for too long.

(2)How did David Bond advocate his idea?A

A.By making a documentary film.

B.By organizing outdoor activities.

C.By advertising in London media.

D.By creating a network of friends.

(3)Which of the following can replace the underlined word "charts" in paragraph 2?A





(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?C

A.Let Children Have Fun

B.Young Children Need More Free Time

C.Market Nature to Children

D.David Bond:A Role Model for Children

【解答】(1)D.细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句 ,what children to after is up a — any — and at for ,然而。由此可知。故选D.

(2)A.推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后两句 Project Wild Thing,a film which charts the birth of the Wild Network,a group of organisations with the common goal of getting children out into nature.可知,因为他开始将自然视为一个品牌。最后的成果是《野生动物计划》(Project Wild Thing),这是一群组织的共同目标。由此可知 David Bond 是通过拍摄一部纪录片来倡导他的理念

(3)A.词义猜测题。根据第二段最后两句 documented journey he about nature a brand be to people.The was Wild ,a film charts birth the Network,a of with common of children into ,David ,于是电影《野生动物计划》(Project Thing)诞生了 which ,即 charts birth the Network,该电影也记录(record)了因 的行为而形成的组织 Wild 的诞生。A.records记录;C.delays推迟。故正确答案为A。

(4)C.标题归纳题。本文通过作者的亲身案例,而不愿出去玩。并引用 Bond ,而不是一直上网,"向儿童推销自然" 一词呼应了文中 Bond ,即文章第二段倒数第二句 documented journey he about nature a brand be to people.同时,故C项正确

13.(7.5分)If you ever get the impression that your dog can "tell" whether you look content or annoyed,you may be onto something.Dogs may indeed be able to distinguish between happy and angry human faces,according to a new study.

Researchers trained a group of 11 dogs to distinguish between images(图像)of the same person making either a happy or an angry face.During the training stage,each dog was shown only the upper half or the lower half of the person"s face.

The researchers then tested the dogs" ability to distinguish between human facial expressions by showing them the other half of the person"s face or images totally different from the ones used in training.The researchers found that the dogs were able to pick the angry or happy face by touching a picture of it with their noses more often than one would expect by random chance.

The study showed the animals had figured out how to apply what they learned about human faces during training to new faces in the testing stage. "We can rule out that the dogs simply distinguish between the pictures based on a simple cue,such as the sight of teeth," said study author Corsin Muller. "Instead,and the same rule applies to an angry mouth having the same meaning as angry eyes."

"With our study,we think we can now confidently conclude that at least some dogs can distinguish human facial expressions," Muller told Live Science.

At this point,it is not clear why dogs seem to be equipped with the ability to recognize different facial expressions in humans. "To us,the most likely explanation appears to be that the basis lies in their living with humans," and this exposure has provided them with many chances to learn to distinguish between them,Muller said.

(1)The new study focused on whether dogs can .

A.distinguish shapes

B.make sense of human faces

C.feel happy or angry

D.communicate with each other

(2)What can we learn about the study from paragraph 2?C

A.Researchers tested the dogs in random order.

B.Diverse methods were adopted during training.

C.Pictures used in the two stages were different.

D.The dogs were photographed before the test.

(3)What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.A suggestion for future studies.

B.A possible reason for the study findings.

C.A major limitation of the study.

D.An explanation of the research method.

【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据原文第二段"The researchers then tested the dogs" ability to distinguish between human facial expressions by showing them the other half of the person"s face or images totally different from the ones used in training.然后。"可知这项新的研究集中在狗是否会理解人的面孔 shapes区分形状 sense human ;C.feel or ;D.communicate each 。故选B.

(2)C.细节理解题。根据原文第二段"The researchers then tested the dogs" ability to distinguish between human facial expressions by showing them the other half of the person"s face or images totally different from the ones used in training.然后。"可知我们能从第二段中了解到两个阶段使用的图片是不同的

(3)B.段落大意题。根据原文最后一段"At this point,尚不清楚为什么狗似乎具备识别人类不同面部表情的能力。故选B.



You"ve got mail…and it"s a postcard

Paulo Magalhaes,a 34﹣year﹣old Portuguese computer engineer,loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome"s Colosseum.Or Africa"s Victoria Falls.Or China"s Great Wall. (1)G

"I often send postcards to family and friends." he says to China Daily,"but you can imagine that after a while,you never receive as many as you send(2)A" Seeking other like﹣minded souls,however,Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place:online.Many would say the Internet is a place for people who have given up on the traditional postal service(直觉)paid off.

Today his hobby has developed into the website postcrossing.com,a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago.(3)E Running the website has almost turned into a full﹣time job.

Language is certainly a barrier for many people.For postcrossing to work worldwide,a common communication language is needed so that everyone can understand each other.As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese,the concept doesn"t work if one doesn"t understand it.(4)FSo a common language is required and in postcrossing that"s English since it"s widely spoken.

"Many people in China have limited exposure to English.(5) That said,we know of many postcrossing members,including Chinese," Paulo says.

A.And that"s totally fine.

B.That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it.

C.He likes to think of sending postcards as a family﹣friendly hobby.

D.Many love to make a connection with someone from across the world.

E.On August 5,the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 31 million.

F.Similarly,if you speak only Chinese,receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away.

G.In short,he loves postcards,and the excitement of getting a hand﹣written note from someone far away.

【解答】(1)G.推理判断题。根据上文"Paulo Magalhaes,loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome"s Colosseum.Or Africa"s Victoria Falls.Or China"s Great Wall."可知 Paulo Magalhaes 喜欢打开邮箱收到照片的事实,他喜欢明信片,承接上文。故选G.

(2)A.细节理解题。根据上文中"but you can imagine that after a while,and you realize that not everyone is into it."和下文"Seeking other like﹣minded souls,Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place:online."可知,并意识到并不是每个人都喜欢这样,而是转而在网上寻找其他志同道合的人,承上启下。故选A.

(3)E.推理判断题。根据上文"Today his hobby has developed into the website postcrossing.com,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago."可知 Paulo Magalhaes 创建的网站所取得的成就,会员互赠的明信片数量达到3100万张",符合语境

(4)F.推理判断题。根据上文"As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese,此处在描述语言障碍,如果你只会说中文,承接上文。故选F.

(5)B.推理判断题。根据上文"Many people in China have limited exposure to English."可知,其导致的结果便是他们使用 postcrossing 会比较困难,承接上文。故选B.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

15.(30分)My mother is 92.Unless I have to be out of town,each week I take my mother to do her(1)D and visit the doctor,providing(2)C and transportation.During the week,however,she likes to go to a nearby store to(3)D some small things she needs.

Last week she walked up to the store,but when she went to pay for her groceries,she was(4)Aabout three dollars.The only(5) to pay for the groceries was to take off the(6) she could do without:a bottle of rubbing alcohol(医用酒精)and a bar off soup.By taking off these,she was able to(7)D the new total to the amount of cash she had with her.

At this store,people(8)Cand then go off to the side to(9)D their own groceries.My mother was putting her groceries into shopping bags when a(10)Acame up to her and said,"Here are the things that you (11)D." handing her the rubbing alcohol and the(12) .

My mother,who is never speechless,was speechless.She(13)A for the woman"s name and address so that she could(14)Aher.The woman told her it was her(15)C.

My mother was so(16)C by her gesture that she decided to go back to the store and give the cashier(收银员)a five﹣dollar bill to keep on hand(17)Athe same happened to someone else if they didn"t have enough(18) for all of their groceries.

So,whoever you are,thank you for the random act of(19)C that not only helped my mother out,but(20)A too.

【解答】(1)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.exercise ;B.housework ;C.cooking ;D.shopping 。根据文章第一段最后一句she to to a store ...some things needs.可知。故选D.

(2)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.reward ,奖励 药物,陪伴 庇护 Unless I to out town week I my to her visit doctor ...and ,除非"我"出城。可推知。故选C.

(3)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.return返回;C.order命令;D.buy购买 she to to a store some things needs ,此处指"我"的妈妈喜欢去附近的商店购买(buy)一些她需要的小物品

(4)A.考查形容词及语境理解。A.short短缺;B.cautious谨慎的;C.wrong错误的,忧虑 taking these was to new to amount cash had her.可知,那么她就能够将新的总额……为她随身携带的现金数量,此处是她缺(short)了大约几美元

(5)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.aim目的;C.advice建议。根据句中的 only pay her was take the could without ,此处指她为杂货付款的唯一方法(way)就是拿掉她本可以不买的东西

(6)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.weight重量;C.mask面具。根据后文 a of alcohol a bar soap. ,设空处应为"拿走她不用的东西(things)"

(7)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.raise提高;C.bring带来。根据上文 was about dollars. ,此处通过拿走这些。这里指的是转变为她所有的现金数量。故选D.

(8)C.考查动词词组及语境理解。A.show ;B.call ;C.check ;D.sit 。根据后文and go to side ,应是结账(check 。故选C.

(9)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.store贮藏;C.deliver交付。根据上文At store check "在这家商店。故选D.

(10)A.考查名词及语境理解。A.stranger陌生人;C.friend朋友。根据下文She(13)____ the name address可知,当"我"妈妈正在把她买的东西放进购物袋里。故选A.

(11)D.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.looked ;B.talked ;C.threw ;D.put 。结合文章第二段倒数第一句By off ,she able ...the total the of she with ,因此此处应当是在说这是你放回去(put 。故选D.

(12)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.receipt收据;C.cash现金。结合文章第二段倒数第一句By off ,she able ...the total the of she with ,因此此处应当是在说递给她医用酒精和肥皂(soap)

(13)A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.ask ,索要 for等待 for照顾 for寻找,她……那女人的姓名和地址。此处应当是指她向那位女士要她的姓名和地址。故选A.


(15)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.luck运气;C.gift礼物。结合下文中 mother so her that decided go to store give cashier five﹣dollar 可知前后形成对应。故选C.

(16)C.考查形容词及语境理解。A.surprised惊讶的;C.touched触动的。结合句意,她决定回到店里,……别人没有足够的……买(他想买的)所有杂货时。此处应当是指母亲被那位女士的善行所触动了 符合文意

(17)A.考查固定搭配及语境理解。A.in ;B.even ;C.as ;D.so 。结合句意,她决定回到店里,……别人没有足够的……买(他想买的)所有杂货时。此处应当是指以防别人也出现母亲这样的情况 case 。故选A.



(20)A.考查固定搭配及语境理解。A.made day让她很开心 her ;C.caught eye吸引她的目光,met demand满足她的需求,所以,谢谢你随意的……举动,也……,不仅深深地触动了她,因此那位女士的善举应当是也让母亲开心 her 。故选A.


16.(15分)It doesn"t impress like George Washington"s plantation on the Potomac,but Lincoln"s home in downtown Springfield,Illinois,(1)has proved(prove)irresistible to visitors since it opened to the public.

Beautifully restored(修复)to its 1860 appearance,the house was Abraham and Mary Lincoln"s home for 17 years.In 1844 they bought it(2)for﹩1,200 and some land from Charles Dresser,who performed their(3)marriage(marry)ceremony in 1842.

When the house was built,it was much(4)smaller(small)than it is today.Mary"s niece wrote,"The little home(5)was painted(paint)white.It was sweet and fresh.Mary loved it.She was extremely pretty,and her house was a reflection of(6)herself (she),everything in good taste and in perfect order.

Although Mary loved flowers,(7)neithershe nor her husband was known as a gardener.A long﹣time neighbor said they never planted trees and only kept a garden for one year.Mary"s sister,Frances Todd Wallace,often came over(8)to plant (plant)flowers in the front yard.

(9)The Lincolns enlarged the house to a full two stories in 1856 to meet the needs of their growing family.Three of the four Lincoln sons were born here.After Lincoln was elected President of the US in 1861,they rented the house and(10)sold (sell)most of their furniture.

【解答】(1)has proved.考查动词时态。句意:它不像乔治华盛顿在波托马克河畔的种植园那样给人留下深刻印象,自从向公众开放以来。分析句子可知,时间状语为since opened the ,句子用现在完成时 home downtown ,Illinois为单数形式


(3)marriage.考查名词。句意:这座房子漂亮地恢复了1860年的样子,1844年他们从查尔斯德莱塞手里花了1200美元买下了它。分析句子可知 的宾语,故填ceremony.


(5)was painted.考查动词时态及语态。句意:小房子被漆成了白色,此处在讲述过去发生的事情,主语little ,且主语为单数形式



(8)to plant.考查动词不定式。句意:玛丽的妹妹弗朗西丝托德华莱士经常来前院种花,此处用动词不定式表目的



第四部分 写作(共两节,满分15分)第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)







【解答】An Art Exhibition Held in Our School

To show students" artistic achievements and promote campus culture,our school successfully organized an student art exhibition yesterday.【高分句型一】

After our headmaster made a short speech at 8:00 a.m,we began to appreciate a variety of works finished by some students in our school,photography,paper cutting and so on. (展览时间,not only wasI ,but also I wasmoved bytheirlove and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture.【高分句型二】(个人感受)

Itogether withmy schoolmates hopesome othersimilar activities will be held once again.(推荐观展)

第二节 读后续写(满分25分)


My dad,George,only had an eighth grade education.A quiet man,he didn"t understand my world of school activities.From age 14worked.And his dad,Albert,took the money my dad earned and used it to pay family expenses.

I didn"t really understand his world either:He was a livestock trucker,and I thought that I would surpass(超过)anything he had accomplished by the time I walked across the stage at high school graduation.

Summers in the mid﹣70s were spent at home shooting baskets,hitting a baseball,or throwing a footballfuture as a quarterback on a football team.In poor weather,I read about sports or practiced my trombone(长号).

The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys that a neighboring farmer hired to work in his field.He explained our basic task,the tractor fired up and we were off,riding down the field looking for weeds to spray with chemicals.

After a short way,but we soon learned to identify different grasses like cockleburs,lamb"s﹣quarters,foxtails,the pretty purple thistle.It was tiring work,but I looked forward to the pay,even though I wasn"t sure how much it would amount to.

At home,my dad said,"A job"s a big step to growing up.I"m glad you will be contributing to the household." My dad"s words made me realize that my earnings might not be mine to do with as I wished.

My labors lasted about two weeks,and the farmer said there might be more work,but I wasn"t interested.I decided it was not fair that I had to contribute my money.






【解答】The pay day arrived at last.I was glad that I finally got the payment afterworkinghard for two weeks.While walking back home with an excited mind,I conceived many plans about how to dispose of it.I needed a new football because the old one we played had already worn out.I intended to purchase my favorite chocolates.

Upon approaching the housedadand mom standing beside the old truck,looking sadly.It seemed as if something unpleasant happened. 【高分句型一】"How much do we still need to pay for a new truck,but we just had two hundred left."(描写发稿酬后作者对这些钱的使用计划

I understood immediately what my parents were worried about.Really,the truck my dad drove often broke down on the way,Irealizedwhat I should do.Stepping forward,I said,here is what I received for my work.I think it would help you a little." A little surprised at what I said,before I went to bedfarmerthe next day that I would continue my work,after all Igrew up.(描写作者明白父母的担忧,主动把挣得钱给了父母买卡车)


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