
朋友圈感人的心灵鸡汤句子 句句感化人心 值得放在心中!



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Time can not only make people love and hate to be shocked, but also make people not sad and unhappy, not surprising. Coming and going, I am safe. After years of training, the influence of fireworks, the ups and downs of the world, we should have our own attitude towards life, that is, life is only once, do not let ourselves down.

二、有时候,我们喜欢一首歌,不是因为歌唱的有多好听,而是因为歌词写得像自己。音乐这东西,开心时入耳,伤心时入心,快乐的时候,你听的是音乐,难过的时候,你开始懂得了歌词,爱一首歌,常常是因为某句歌词,但真正动人的不是那句歌词,而是在你生命中那些关于这首歌的故事。Sometimes, we like a song, not because of how good it is, but because the lyrics are written like ourselves. Music, when you are happy, when you are sad, when you are happy, when you listen to music, when you are sad, you begin to understand the lyrics, love a song, often because of a lyric, but the real touching is not that lyric, but the stories about this song in your life.


When you run, the scenery is changing, and the things you chase are also changing. Every fork road, every hillside and valley, every sudden storm, is exercise, whether it is sweating or tears, love, we are growing.

四、喜欢一个人,就是在一起很开心;爱一个人,就是即使不开心,也想在一起。他们每个人都有自己的信念,坚定的做着自己想做的事。一群勇敢的人。Like a person, is happy together; love a person, even if not happy, also want to be together. Each of them has his own beliefs and is determined to do what he wants to do. A group of brave people.

五、他们有着我们没有的东西,做着我们想做的事。而我们也碰巧也有着他们想要,也得不到的。所以我发现:他们有的为数不多的东西,却是我们现在最需要的。目标、勇气、坚持、自己人生中不可背叛的信念。They have things we don"t have and do what we want to do. And we happen to have what they want and can"t get. So I found that they have a few things that we need most now. Goals, courage, perseverance, beliefs that can not be betrayed in one"s life.

六、爱情,如果不落实到穿衣、吃饭、数钱、睡觉这些实实在在的生活里去,是不容易天长地久的。真正的爱情,往往就体现在生活中所有的细枝末节之上。Love will not last forever unless it is realized in the real life of clothing, eating, counting money and sleeping. True love is often embodied in all the details of life.

七、人越年长,便会逐渐对身边的人越来越淡然。青春的锦绣与贵重,就在于它的天真与无瑕,在于它的可遇而不可求,在于它的永不重回。这个世界唯一不变的就是变化,任何事情,想到了就要去做,永远不要去等待和拖延。The older a person is, the more indifferent he will become to the people around him. The beauty and value of youth lie in its innocence and flawless, in its accessibility and unattainability, and in its never-return. The only thing that remains unchanged in this world is change. Anything that comes to mind must be done. Never wait and procrastinate.

八、幸福就像金字塔,有很多层。越往上幸福就越少,得到幸福也相对越难;越在底层幸福就越多,越容易感受到幸福。被人误解很正常,哪怕是你最亲的人。不要总盼着别人跟你想到一起,毕竟心不同,想法就不一样。出现矛盾时,不妨一笑而过,相信时间是最好的磨合剂。Happiness is like a pyramid, with many layers. The higher happiness is, the less happiness is, the harder it is to get it; the more happiness is at the bottom, the easier it is to feel happiness. It"s normal to be misunderstood, even if it"s your closest relative. Don"t always expect others to think with you. After all, different hearts make different ideas. When contradictions arise, you may as well laugh away, believing that time is the best mixing agent.

九、不愿入睡,因为梦里的你毕竟不是你。每一个让我感到失望的人,在他们身上我都曾寄予过很大的期望。没伞的挨着有伞的人走,靠得再近也躲不过雨,反淋得更湿。倒不如躲得远远的,就是无伞也有雨过天晴的时候。即使不靠近,也能拥有属于自己的阳光天地。Don"t want to fall asleep, because you are not you after all. Everyone who disappointed me had high expectations for them. People without umbrellas walk next to people with umbrellas. They can"t get close enough to escape the rain and get wetter. It"s better to hide away, even when there is no umbrella or when it rains or clears. Even if they are not close, they can have their own sunshine world.

十、有一些教训没办法教,只有自己经历过才会懂。在每一个地方想你 自己一个人的时候 你更是成了思想的主角 这样的你让我羡慕There are some lessons that can"t be taught, and they can only be understood if they have experienced them. When you think of yourself everywhere, you become the protagonist of your thoughts. You make me envy you.

十一、下雨了我给你撑伞,不喜欢我了我给你找新欢,你先快乐,我的事情以后再说;很多事情已经回不去,渐渐蓄起的长头发,慢慢成熟的妆容,很多青涩都在你走后渐渐失去,我失去的不是你,我失去的是我所有的青春和纯真,对不起,我爱你,我们也回不去了。Rain I give you an umbrella, do not like me, I give you a new love, you first happy, my things later; many things have not gone back, gradually grow up long hair, slowly mature makeup, many green and astringent are gradually lost after you go, I lost not you, I lost all my youth and innocence, I am sorry, I love you, we can not go back.

十二、人,生在这个世上,是我们无法决定的,但是,既来之,则安之,生来了,就不后悔。或许,人生充满苦难与荆棘,但人生同样也有许多美好与精彩。试着欣赏这个世界,好好享受生活。Man, born in this world, we can not decide, but, since it comes, it is safe, born, there is no regret. Perhaps, life is full of suffering and thorns, but life also has many beautiful and wonderful. Try to enjoy the world and enjoy life.

十三、 如果想快乐的生活,就要学会一切随缘,做平常事,做平凡人,保持健康的心态,保持平衡的心理,如果我们能以这种最美好的心情来对待每一天,那每一天都会充满阳光,洋溢着希望。If we want to live a happy life, we must learn to follow the fate, do ordinary things, do ordinary people, maintain a healthy mentality, maintain a balanced mentality. If we can treat every day with this best mood, every day will be full of sunshine and full of hope.

十四、 一切都会过去,明天各人又将各奔前程。生命无所谓长短,无所谓欢乐哀愁,无所谓爱恨得失。一切都要过去,像那些花,那些流水。回家的路上幸好有你,世上最美的情感,不是感觉“你有多好”,而是感念于“你对我有多好”;世上最牢固的感情不是“我爱你”,而是“我习惯了有你”。

Everything will pass, and tomorrow everyone will go their own way. Life is not about length, joy and sorrow, gain and loss of love and hate. Everything is going to pass, like those flowers, those running water. Fortunately, on the way home, you are the most beautiful emotion in the world, not feeling "how good you are", but thinking of "how good you are to me"; the strongest feeling in the world is not "I love you", but "I am used to having you".

十五、合适的鞋,只有脚知道;合适的人,只有心知道。走千条路,只一条适合;遇万般人,得一人足够。 身材不好就去锻炼,没钱就努力去赚。别把窘境迁怒于别人,唯一可以抱怨的,只有不够努力的自己。The right shoe, only the foot knows; the right person, only the heart knows. There is only one way to go, and one person is enough to meet all kinds of people. Exercise when you are in bad shape, and try to earn when you have no money. Don"t turn your embarrassment on others. The only thing you can complain about is yourself who doesn"t work hard enough.

十六、成熟是一个很痛的词,它不一定会得到,却一定会失去,有时候你可以看得很淡然,有时候你又执着得有些不堪。时间在变,人也在变,有些事,不管我们如何努力,回不去就是回不去。Maturity is a very painful word, it will not necessarily get, but will lose, sometimes you can see very indifferently, and sometimes you are persistent a little awkward. Time is changing, people are changing, and there are some things, no matter how hard we try, we can"t go back.

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