


3 chat tt n 闲谈,聊天I had a chat with John 我和约翰聊了会儿天

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1. character [krkt(r)] n. (书、剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色

What does your character do?


2. approach [prt] v. 走进,靠近

He didn"t approach the front door at once.


3. chat [tt] n. 闲谈,聊天

I had a chat with John.


4. focus [fks] v. (把……)集中(于)

The discussion focused on three main problems.


The sun is gradually sinking below the horizon.


5. assume [sjum] v. 假定,假设,认为

I assumed that he had gone for a stroll.


6. respect [rspekt] v. 尊敬,敬重

I want him to respect me as a career woman.


7. studio [stjudi] n. (音乐)录音室

She"smuch happier performing live than in a recording studio.


8. court [kt] n. 法院,法庭

The Government is anxious to keep the whole case out of court.


9. ignore [ɡn(r)] v. 忽视,不理

I tried to tell her but she ignored me.


10. professional [prfenl] adj. 职业的,专业的

His professional career started at Liverpool University..


11. talent [tlnt] n. 天赋,才能

He"s got lots of talent.


12. option [pn] n. 选择,可选择的东西

This is by far the best option.


13. generation [denren] n. 一代(人)

He is the best singer in our generation.


14. gap [ɡp] n. 差距,差别

The gap tells us how much work we need to do.


15. currently [krntli] adv. 现时,当前

It currently supports only image files.


16. regularly [reɡjlli] adv. 经常

You should gargle the throat regularly.


17. responsible [rspnsbl] adj. (对事故、错误、罪行等) 负有责任的,应承担责任的

He still felt responsible for her death.


18. memory [memri] n. 记忆,回忆

He had a good memory for faces.


19. nowadays [nadez] adv. 现今,现时

He never tells me anything nowadays.


20. skin [skn] n. 皮肤

His skin is clear and smooth.


21. jogging [dɡ] n. 慢跑锻炼

It isn"t the walking and jogging that got his weight down.


22. slim [slm] adj. 苗条的,修长的

The young woman was tall and slim.


23. nation [nen] n. 国家

How could this happen in our nation?


24. aim [em] v. 力求达到

He is aiming for the 100 metres world record.


25. issue [u; sju] (尤指社会或政治方面的)议题;争论的问题

For many people, this can be an issue.


26. theme [θim] n. 主题

I love the content and the theme of the site.


27. observe [bzv] v. 庆祝,过(节日、生日等)

Can you say something about how the Chinese observe the Mid-Autumn Festival?


28. range [ren(d)] n. 一系列

A wide range of colours and patterns are available.


29. event [vent] n. 活动(指演出、体育比赛、聚会等)

The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer.


30. apologise [""pldaz] v. 道歉

I"m afraid that you"ll have to apologise for what you"ve done.


31. stress [stres] n. 重音,重读

He stressed the word of “unity”.


That article stressed the same problem.


32. impact [mpkt] n. 作用,影响

The book made much impact.


33. strength [streθ] n. 强烈程度

He was surprised at the strength of his own feeling.


34. admire [d"ma] v. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕

I admired her when I first met her and I still think she"s marvellous.


35. judge [dd] v. 认为,判断

It is hard to judge this case.


36. settle [setl] v. 和解,结束(争论)

settle for 勉强接受,将就

England will have to settle for third or fourth place.


37. feature ["fit(r)] (报纸或杂志的)特写

We are delighted to see the Sunday Times running a long feature on breast cancer.


38. typically [tpkli] adv. 一般,通常

He is typically American.


39. individual [ndvdul] 独特的,与众不同的(一般含褒义)

Each individual boy in the class has his own personalities.


40. style [stal] n. 风格

She has a style of her own in everything.


41. extra [ekstr] ad. 额外的,另外的

I stayed out an extra half hour.


42. detail [ditel] n. 细节,细微之处

The details of the plan are still being worked out.


43. contain [knten] v. 包含,含有

The bag contained a Christmas card.


44. summary [smri] n. 总结,概要

Below is a summary of what we talked about and learned from one another.


45. powerful [pafl] adj. 强有力的,有影响(感染)力的

You"re a powerful man — people will listen to you.


46. series [sriz] n. 系列比赛

The students have put forward a series of questions.


47. in the lead 领先

America is in the lead on data access.


48. onto ["nt] prep. 到……上,向……上,朝……上

Drive onto the motorway.


49. track [trk] n. 跑道

The cyclist went at full sail along the track.


50. media ["midi] n. 新闻媒体,传媒

The media have a lot of power today.


51. obviously ["bvisli] adv. 明显地,显而易见地

He was obviously drunk.


52. despite [dspat] prep. 尽管,虽然

Despite old age, she is still learning to drive.


53. throughout [θruat] prep. 在整个期间,自始至终

The disease spread throughout the country.


54. entire [nta(r)] adj. 全部的,整个的

He had spent his entire life in China as a doctor.


55. positive [pztv] adj. 好的,积极的

Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life.


56. athlete [θlit] n. 运动员,田径运动员

She planned to become a professional athlete.


57. medal [medl] n. 奖牌,勋章

She won the individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics.


58. somehow [somehow] adv. 用某种方法,不知怎的

He was nervous somehow.


59. indeed [ndid] adv. 当然,确实(用于强调陈述或回答)

It was indeed a strange and unusual time.



1. A table and two chairs at front centre. Grandfather and father, seated at the table, are playing

chess. 前面中心位置有一张桌子和两把椅子。祖父和父亲坐在桌旁,正在下棋。

seat 使……坐下;可容纳……人,是及物动词,因此表示“就座,坐下”,常用过去分词或be seated。

2. Oh look, here comes my boy. 哦,看,我的儿子来了。

here comes my boy该句使用了完全倒装,当句首是here, there, now, then 等副词,谓语动

词是be, go, come 等且主语是名词时,句子要用完全倒装。即Here/There/Now/Then + 谓

语+ 主语(名词).

Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

There goes the bell. 铃响了。

Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。

3. approach the house 走近房子

approach the problem/matter处理问题

an approach to (doing) sth. (做)某事的方法

4. You know you can always turn to your dad for a chat. 你知道的,你总是可以找你爸爸聊天


1) turn to求助于;转向;翻到。to是介词。

turn to sb. for help 向某人寻求帮助 You can turn to the police for help. 你可以找警察帮忙。

turn to sb for advice 向某人求教 For English, you can ask Li Hua for advice. 对于英语,你可


turn to the left 向左转

turn to Page 45 翻到45页

2) chat聊天,闲谈,have a chat 聊天

have a chat with sb about sth 与某人闲聊某事

I had a long chat with her. 我和她闲聊了很久。

5. I’ve decided not to go to university. I want to focus on my band and have a career in music

when I leave school. 我决定不去上大学了。高中毕业后,我想专注我的乐队,从事音乐事业。

1) have decided 是现在完成时态,表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或

结果,其构成是:have/had + done.

2) focus on 集中于

focus one’s attention/mind on…把某人的注意力集中于……

Focus on one task until it’s done, then move to the next. 集中精力对付一个任务,直到它完成才去做下一个任务。

3) a career in …在……领域的职业

George was going on to a career in teaching and television, where I hoped he would be happier.


6. But in the end, you just advised me to think carefully. 但最后,你只是建议我仔细考虑一下。

advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事

In fact, I would advise them not to do that. 实际上,我建议他们不要那么做。

7. Yes, and you have found the career that suits your talents. I’m so prond of you. Your son is

prond of you, too. 是的,你找到了适合你才能的事业。我为你感到骄傲。你儿子也为你骄


have a talent for …有……才能,有……天赋

All the football players on the playground cheered loudly, saying that I had a talent for football. 操场上

be prond of 以……为骄傲,

take pride in 以……为自豪,


8. Why don’t you also take my advice and think carefully before jumping in with both feet? 你为


take/follow one’s advice 听从某人的意见

He followed the doctor’s advice and gave up smoking. 他听从医生的劝告戒烟了。

jump in with both feet 不假思索地匆匆投入;全心全意地从事

If you want to learn this business, you"re gonna have to jump in with both feet. 如果你想学习


Why don’t you do sth? 你为什么不做某事?该句式是很常见的表示提建议的句型,相当于

“Why not do sth?”。

Why don’t we go together? 我们为什么不一起去呢?

Why not call her? 为什么不给她打电话?

9. If you were in a similar situation to the son, what would you do? 如果你处在和这个儿子相似




语形式:would/could/might/should + 动词原形。


1) 表示与现在事实相反的情况,其句型为“ if+ 主语 + 动词的过去式( be 动词用 were ),主语 +would / could / might / should + 动词原形”。如:

If the weather were fine, we would go to Shanghai. 如果天气好,我们就去上海。(事实上天气不好)

If they had time, they would / could / might go with me. 如果他们有时间,他们就会(可能)和我一起去。

2) 表示与过去事实相反的情况。其句型为“ if + 主语 + 动词的过去完成式,主语 +would

/ could / should / might + have + 动词的过去分词”。如:

If I had taken his advice, I shouldn’t / wouldn’t / couldn"t have made such a mistake. 如果


3) 表示与将来事实可能相反的假设和结果,其句型为“ if + 主语 + 动词的过去式 /

should + 动词原形 / were to +动词原形,主语 +would / could / might / should + 动词原


The glass would break if you dropped it. 杯子摔下来会打破的。(事实上没有摔下来)

If it should rain, the crops would / could / might be saved. 假如天下雨,庄稼就一定(有


If dad were here, he would know what to do. 如果爸爸在这儿,他会知道怎么做的。

10. Who’s responsible? 谁的责任?

be responsible for 对……负责

be responsible for (doing) sth 对(做)某事负责

be responsible to sb 对某人负责

Many first-time parents nervously try to warm their children off touching dirt, which might be

responsible for the spread of disease. 很多新手父母紧张兮兮地努力警告孩子们不要触摸


11. Great to hear from you! 很高兴收到你的来信!

hear from 收到某人的来信

I hear from him every week. 我每周都收到他的来信。

hear of/about 听说关于……

We were all pained to hear of his death. 听到他的死讯,我们都很痛苦。

12. In his thirties, he was quite thin and pale, and he had red, bushy hair. Nowdays, he’s well-built

and tanned. 他三十几岁时,身体瘦削,脸色发白,一头浓密的红发。如今,他身材魁梧,


in one’s+数字基数词复数,意为“在某人多少岁时”。

in his fifties在他五十几岁时

in one’s thirties 在某人三十多岁时

well-built adj. 体格健壮的,结实的,这是合成形容词,是“副词+过去分词”形式。

13. I think they are kind of cute too, right? Can’t wait to see you back in school! 我觉得它们也


kind of有点

can’t wait to do sth迫不及待的要做某事= can’t wait for doing sth.

I can’t wait to tell her the good news. 我迫不及待地要告诉她这个好消息。

I can hardly wait to see him again. 我迫不及待地想再次见到他。

On our way to the house, it was raining so hard that we couldn’t help wondering how long it would take to get there. 在我们去那所房子的路上,雨下得很大,我们禁不住想知道要多久才能到那里。

14. It aims to deepen people’s understanding of issues that are related to families. 它旨在加深人


aim to do sth 旨在做某事

be aimed at doing sth 旨在做某事


be related to 与……有关

This is quite important, because it is directly related to your commitment. 这一点非常重要,


15. With a different theme each year, the day is observed with a wide range of events that are

organised at local, national and international levels. 每年都有不同的主题,在地方、国家和


a range of 一系列

a wide range of 各种各样的……

As a result, humans developed a range of character types that still exists today. 结果,人类形成了一系列至今仍然存在的性格类型。

that 引导定语从句,修饰events。

16. apologise道歉,apologise to sb for (doing) sth 因(做了)某事而向某人道歉

The manager apologised to Judy for not arranging for someone to meet her at the airport. 经理因为没有安排人去机场接朱迪而向她道了歉。

17. I wish she had come! 我真希望她来!

该句中I wish后接宾语从句,从句用虚拟语气,这里用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反




1) 与现在事实相反,从句谓语动词用过去式(be动词用were)。如:

I wish I knew how to program the new computer. 我希望我知道如何给这台新电脑编程序。

2) 与过去事实相反,从句谓语动词用“had+ 过去分词”。如:

I wish you had come to our New Year’s party. 我真希望你来参加我们的新年晚会。

3) 与将来事实相反,从句谓语动词用“would/could/might/should + 动词原形”。如:

I wish he would try again. 我希望他再试一次。

18. take some time off 休息一段时间

make up for 弥补

19. Placing stress on particular words can have a big impact on the meaning and strength of

apologise. For example, saying “I am sorry” has more of an impact than “I’m sorry”. 强调特

定的词语会对道歉的诚意和力度产生很大的作用。例如:说“I am sorry” 比“I’m sorry” 有


place stress on 强调……

have an impact/effect on 对……有影响

Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact on college admissions and practical life

skills. 戈登说,HUNCH项目对大学录取和实际生活技能有影响。

for example 例如

“more of a/an + 单数可数名词”这是比较特殊的一种表达方式,原形是“much of a/an + 单

数可数名词”,此类还有little of, nothing of 等。of所有格表达的是部分和整体的关系,

说明of后面名词的“程度有多大”,若是百分之百,就不需要这些词组了。much of理解


20. admire sb for …因……而钦佩某人

I admired him for being so confident at his age. 我钦佩他这般年纪就如此自信。

21. judging by/from 根据……判断

judging from one’s accent从口音判断

Judging from the number of the cars only a small number of people have attended the meeting.


22. settle down (在某地)安居下来;(使某人)安静下来

settle down in their new home 在他们的新家安顿下来

settle the children down 使孩子们安静下来

23. in detail 详细地

In order to deliver a clear presentation, I slowly explained the traditonal procedure of making

tea in detail. 为了表达清楚,我慢慢地、详细地讲解了传统的泡茶流程。

24. The middle part contains the “meat” of the story, with the ending being a summary, a powerful

quote or even a surprise for the reader. 中间部分包含着故事的“主要部分”,结尾就是一个


in summary总之

In summary, this was a disappointing performance. 总的来说,这场演出令人失望。

with the ending being…是with复合结构,the ending是宾语,being a summary …for the


“with + 宾语 + 宾补”在句中常作状语,表示时间、原因、方式、条件或伴随等。具


with + 宾语 + 现在分词(主动或正在进行)

with + 宾语 +过去分词(被动或已经完成)

with + 宾语 + 动词不定式(尚未发生)

with + 宾语 + 形容词/副词/介词短语

例句:I can’t work with all that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法工作。

With his hair cut, he looked much younger. 他理了发,看上去年轻多了。

With so much work to do, I can’t go on holiday. 有这么多工作要做,我不能去度。

He often sleeps with the windows open. 他经常开着窗户睡觉。

He left the room with the light on. 他开着灯离开了房间。

The teacher came in with a book in his hand. 老师手里拿着一本书走了进来。

25. “Obviously, when your older brother is doing it, you think it’s a cool thing to,” says Jonny. “很


Obviously, this is going to take some time. 很明显,这要花点儿时间。

They are obviously not coming. 他们显然不回来了。

It is obvious that… 显然……

It seems obvious that these have made humankind the most powerful animal on earth. 很明显,这些使人类成为地球上最强大的动物。

26. Despite arguments over “stupid thing” now and then, Alistair agrees that having a brother is an

advantage. 尽管他们常常为“一些蠢事”争论不休,阿里斯泰尔还是认为有个兄弟是一种


despite,相当于in spite of,尽管,虽然。其后接名词、代词或动名词,不能引导从句,但可以用despite/in spite of the fact that引导从句。

She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring. 尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得很好。

27. Throughout my entire life, I’ve had my brother trying to beat me at everything I do. It has been

an enormously positive force. 在我的整个一生中,我的弟弟一直试图在我做的每件事上打


throughout 可以指时间,相当于all through;也可以指空间,相当于all over。

throughout my entire life 我的整个一生=all through my entire life

throughtout the year 全年 = all through the year

throughout the country = all over the country 全国

28. As I was looking at it, the lovely memory of that day came back to me. 看到它,我想起了那



come back to(记忆)返回到

29. But somehow they ended up burnt. 但不知为何,它们最后被烧焦了。

end up 结束,其后常接形容词、现在分词等作状语,如:

Driverless cars may end up being a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own, says

Ryan Calo at Stanford University, California. 加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学的瑞恩·卡洛说,


30. I was about to throw everything away when my mother came in. To my surprise, …我正要把所有东西都扔掉,这时妈妈进来了。令我惊奇的是……

throw away 扔掉,丢弃

1) to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是

“to one’s + 表示情感的名词”表示“令某人……的是”,也可写作“to the + 表示情感的名词 + of sb”。可用于这一结构的名词还有joy, delight, sorrow, regret, relief, disappointment等。

To everyone’s surprise, the ball went into the net. 令每个人吃惊的是,球进网了。

2) sb be about to do …when …某人正要做……这时……,when在此做并列连词,引出一个

突然发生的动作,when相当于 and then或and at that time。be about to do可单独使用,



Sb. was on the point of doing...when… 某人正要做…….这时……

Sb was doing…when… 某人正在做……这时…….

Sb had just done...when… 某人刚做完……这时……

We were just about to leave when Jerry arrived. 我们正要离开的时候,杰里倒了。

31. 复习动词时态

1) 一般现在时

①表示经常发生或习惯性的动作或状态。常与表示频率的时间状语连用,如usually, often,

always, sometimes, never, every day, once a week等。

He always goes to work by subway. 他总是乘地铁去上班。


Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。

Pride goes before a fall. 骄傲使人失败。


The plane takes off at4pm.飞机下午4点起飞。

When does the school begin? 学校什么时侯开学?


Jenny loves music. 珍妮喜欢音乐。

She lives in a small apartment. 她住在一套小公寓里。

⑤一些表示心理意识的动词,如know, understand, member等,无进行时,只能用一般现


I still remember the frightening experience on the island. 我仍然记得在那个岛上的可怕经



I’ll think about it when I write my report. 我写报告时会对此予以考虑的。

2) 现在进行时

①表示说话时正在进行的动作。常与now, right now, at present, at the moment等时间状语及

look, listen等标志词连用。

We are waiting for the subway at the moment. 我们现在正在等地铁。

Listen! Somebody is singing. 听!有人在唱歌。


these days, this week等。

How are you getting on with your classmates these days. 这些天你和同班同学相处得如


We are studying French this semester. 我们这学期学习法语。

③某些非延续性动词可以用现在进行时表示即将发生的动作。常用的这类动词有come, go,

leave, arrive,star, finish, die等。这时句中一般有表示将来的时间状语。

They are leaving by train tonight. 他们今晚坐火车走。

We are starting work at eight o’ clock next month. 下个月我们将八点开始上班。

④表达特定的感情色彩。现在进行时常与 always, continually, constantly, forever等表示频



She is always scolding her children. 她总是训斥自己的孩子。(不满)

She always scolds her children. 她总是训斥自己的孩子。(事实)

He is constantly doing good work at school. 他在学校总是成绩优秀。(赞扬)

He does good work at school. 他在学校成绩优秀。(事实)

3) 现在完成时

①表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与already, just, yet, before, recently, so

far, ever, never, once等连用。

They have already learned two languages. 他们已经学会了两种语言。

He hasn’t made a remark on the structure yet. 他尚未对该结构发表评论。


so far, up to now, for a long time, for years, since 2010, in the past/last five years, these days


Tom and Mary have been friends for years. 汤姆和玛丽是多年的朋友。

He has lived in London since 2000. 自从2000年以来他就住在伦敦。


I’ll go to the party as soon as I have finished my homework. 我一完成作业就去参加聚会。

I will not believe you unless I have seen it with my own eyes. 除非亲眼看到,否则我是不


④在“This/It is the first/second…time that...”句式中,that从句用现在完成时。

It’s the first time that I have come to Harvard University. 这是我第一次来哈佛大学。

4) 一般过去时


He offered his seat to an old man. 他把他的座位让给了一位老人。

I had a nice encounter with that girl last week. 上周我与那个女孩有一次美丽的邂逅。


When I was a teenager, I played table tennis almost every day. 我十几岁时,几乎每天都打



They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him. 他们说如果听到关于


5) 一般将来时


tomorrow, next week, in the future, in a few days等时间状语连用。

I shall leave for London tomorrow. 我明天要去伦敦。

A simple test will show if this is real gold. 一个简单的测试将会证明这是不是真金。


(1) be going to do结构


What are you going to do during the summer holiday? 暑假你打算做什么?

Look at the dark clouds! It is going to rai. 瞧那些乌云!就要下雨了。

(2) be about to do结构


Be quiet! The lecture is about to start. 安静!讲座马上就要开始了。

(3) be to do结构


We are to meet at the school gate. 我们约好在校门口见。


英语考试 经常因为语法失分 有什么好办法能够改正吗

英语考试 经常因为语法失分 有什么好办法能够改正吗


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2023-09-01 #经典句子

学习从句时 遇到的各种问题。(最全收集一)

学习从句时 遇到的各种问题。(最全收集一)


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主语 表语 宾语等从句 你真学会了吗?一句话让你搞定所有从句

主语 表语 宾语等从句 你真学会了吗?一句话让你搞定所有从句

...more.”(好简单,可以脱口而出。)T: “请问你用的是什么从句?”S: “宾语从句。”T: “很好,请将你的宾语从句转化为表语从句。”(进入小学英语模式句型转换训练开始)S: “啊?表语从句?这怎么转化?”T: “好,那请翻...

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细说名词性从句 深层理解各个类型结构的名词性从句有什么特点


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在定语从句中还有一个非常特殊的引导词 大家知道吗

在定语从句中还有一个非常特殊的引导词 大家知道吗

...看例子。She is such a girl as is loved by every one. as引导的定语从句修饰girl且在这个定语从句中作主语,发出is loved这个谓语。The problem was sohard an issue as nearly few of us could think about a way to solve.as引导的定语从句修饰issue且在这个定语从...

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