
看完惊醒自己的温馨励志句子 值得收藏 送给努力的你


我是小鸟,你的心是树梢,我怀着深情寻找你,希望你的心靠岸I am a bird, your heart is a tree, I look for you with deep feeling, I

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I am a bird, your heart is a tree, I look for you with deep feeling, I hope your heart to shore

爱你千万不要动摇。 有你在的生活真的很棒。 甜蜜的幸福永远降临,直到我和你一起变老

Never waver in your love. Life is great with you in it. Sweet happiness will come forever, until I grow old with you


May I become a climbing tree, with a strong arm, for you to hold up the paradise of happiness


Into the falling leaves, with gentle and beautiful language, such as a lifetime happy home for you, love you forever.


Outside the window, the cold wind blowing, I miss people.


If you don"t look all day, you will care about the weather all day.


Runny nose? That"s me worrying about you.


Text me back, don"t break my heart!


Legend of happiness is a beautiful glass ball, broken scattered in all corners of the world


Some pick up more, some pick up less, but no one can have everything.


I picked up the point to you, wish you than I happiness!


Happy tears, happy intoxicated


Love is young. You can"t know it until you know it


When there is no home, I envy home. When THERE is a home, I am always tired

有时候人生没意思,有时候感情很悲伤。 只是祝福我能和你牵手一辈子!

Sometimes life is boring, sometimes the feelings are very sad. Just wish I can hold hands with you for a lifetime!

我知道你心里有我。 在这个世界上,我为拥有你的爱而感到自豪和自豪

I know you have me in your heart. In this world, I am proud and proud to have your love

满足了,我也像你爱我一样爱你。 这些我都知道。

Satisfied, I love you as much as you love me. I know all that.

在那之后,我终于学会了如何去爱。 很遗憾,你早就离开了,消失在人山人海之后,在泪水中,我终于明白了有些人一旦失去,就会消失以前,我的梦想是我们相爱,但后来我实现了这个梦想

After that, I finally learned how to love. It is a pity that you left long ago, disappeared in the sea of people, in tears, I finally understand that some people once lost, will disappear before, my dream was that we fell in love, but then I realized this dream


Now, my dream is that we will continue to love each other forever!


Are you willing or not?

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