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一、定语的定义 定语用来修饰名词,主要是起着描述和限制作用。


A red cap(颜色); a shy boy(心理性格的); a high mountain(形状和比较的含义); a heavy (数量和程度的含义)rain; a difficult(性质和程度的含义) problem.


A boy(男孩)你不知道指的是谁,但如果加上定语,这时指代就比较明确,a boy in red(穿着红色衣服的男孩,范围限定在穿红衣服的)。

The woman(那位妇女)我们也不知道值得是谁,加上修饰语:the woman with a baby in her arm(怀里抱着一个婴儿的那位妇女,范围限定在怀里抱着一个婴儿的)。


(1)形容词作定语: 主要是描述所修饰名词的性质、颜色、大小、状态和特征。

He bought some new books. 他买了一些新书。(状态)


We love our motherland. 我们热爱我们的祖国。


They made some paper flowers.他们制作了一些纸花。(材料)

a waiting room 候车室。(用途)

evening suit 晚礼服。(时间)

the classroom window 教室窗户。(地点)

a grammar book 故事书。(内容)

children education 儿童教育。(类别)

Doctor James 詹姆斯医生/博士。(身份)

A boy friend 男性朋友。(性别)


The boys in the room are in Class Three, Grade One.



The boy to write this letter needs a pen.写这封信的男孩需要一支钢笔。 ( to write this letter 修饰名词boy作后置定语;boy与write形成主谓关系。限定的范围是指要写信的,而不是做其他事情的男孩。)

There is a lot of work to be done.(这里有大量的工作有待完成。to be done修饰work作后置定语;work与 to be done形成被动关系。限定的范围是指要去完成的而不是已经完成的。)

I’ll save some money to buy a computer.我将存钱买电脑。(此句中的不定式就不是作定语。因为some money 与to buy a computer没有形成主谓或者被动关系。)


The smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother.那个微笑的男孩需要一支他妈妈买的钢笔。

( smiling 修饰名词boy作前置定语,形成主谓关系。限定范围是指正在微笑的,而不是正在哭泣的男孩。)

The man standing by the windows is our teacher. (standing by the windows 是后置定语,standing 和所修饰的man形成主谓关系)


The pen bought by her is made in China.她买的笔是中国产的(bought by her 修饰名词pen作后置定语;bought by her 与pen形成被动关系,并且bought这个行为动作已经发生。)

(7)定语从句作定语:定语从句具有很强的限定作用。在英语中,定语从句通常位于它所修饰的词(组)之后。被定语从句修饰的词(组)叫做先行词,引导定语从句的词称为关系词(关系代词和关系副词两类),关系词指代先行词并在关系从句中充当一定的成分。 例如:

The boy who is reading needs the pen which you bought yesterday.那个在阅读的男孩需要你昨天买的钢笔。(who is reading 修饰名词boy作后置定语;which you bought yesterday修饰名词pen。限定的意义在于:是在看书的男孩而不是在看电视的男孩;是你昨天买的而不是你前天买的或者也不是汤姆昨天买的。)


前置定语 放在修饰的名词前,一般是单个的单词

A famous American university.

An interesting little red French oil painting.



He gave me a basket full of eggs. 他给我一个装满鸡蛋的篮子。


There is nothing important in today"s newspaper. 今天报纸上没有什么重要的东西。


The people here are very friendly. 这里的人很友好。

四、定语的顺序:如果名词前有多个形容词作定语,就依照这个顺序摆放:其形容词遵循的词序为:限观形龄色国材,指:限定词(一般指数量);外观(美丽等);形状(大小,高矮,肥瘦);年龄;颜色;国籍;材料;用途。如: →1限定词 2 外观 3形状 4年龄 5颜色 6国籍 7材料 8用途

An interesting little red French oil painting.



Voyages of people from England play an important part in (谓语)spreading the English language.


Voyages of people from England (主语)play an important part in spreading the English language.



Voyages of people from England (定语)play an important part in spreading the English language.

(Voyages of people from England应翻译为英国人的航海旅行,限定的意义在于:是英国人的航海旅行,而不是美国人或者法国人的。)




1. This is the museum where I once visited.

2. The pencil with that he is writing is his.

3. This is the house where I lived in last year.

4. The first book which I read was Gone With the Wind.

5. Everything which we saw there was interesting.

6. She heard a terrible noise, that made her swallow her heart.

7. The doctor, who the nurse is talking to him, is leaving for Africa next month.

8. Who is the woman who shook hands with you just now?

9. Do you still remember the days when we spent together?

10. All what is needed is a supply of oil.

11. Is this the book which you"re looking?

12. I don"t like the way which you speak to her.

13. The word "write" has the same pronunciation like the word "right".

14. He was one of the students who was praised by the teacher at the meeting.

15. The child who parents died is called an orphan.

16. The weather turned out to be fine, that was more than we could expect.

17. Is this the museum where you paid a visit to the other day.

18. Which of you can think of a situation which this idiom is often used?

19. He soon spent the money, most of it was earned in a dishonest way.

20. The days when we were together without any worries are gone and I"ll always remember the days when we spent together.


1. where -- that / which 或where 2. that – which 3. in 4. which -- that 或which 5. which -- that 或which 6. that – which 7. him 8. who -- that 9. When--which/that /省去10. what -- that 11. looking后加for 12. which -- that 或in which 后不填 13. like – as 14. was – were 15. who -- whose 16. That--which 17. where -- that / which 或where 18. which – where 19. it – which 20. when -- that / which 或when



Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America,Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All based on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually,these Englishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary.

Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs”,instead of requesting,“Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggests that he is British.




定语从句根据与其先行项的语义关系可以分为限制性定语从句(Restrictive Relative Clause)和非限制性定语从句 (Non-restrictive Relative Clause)。在形式上,限制性定语从句的引导词前不使用逗号,非限制性定语从句的引导词和先行项之间使...

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非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句的区别 一目了然

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