


You always think that I have a big fish pond and a brother who cant finish talking In fact, all day long I only play

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You always think that I have a big fish pond and a brother who can"t finish talking. In fact, all day long I only play games and stare blankly at your dialog box. When can you also have a crush on my little fool?


I want to drink a little wine. Then I wear a little skirt. On a windy night, I feel wobbly. I jump into your arms.


I hope all the stories between our eyes can come to the end.


People always say I miss you instead of saying I like you to the person they like. Not saying I miss you to the person I want to see, but saying I want to have a meal together.


"I wish you were by my side," this sentence is not to blame you. But this moment, I miss you more than usual.

我喜欢一个人 ,只想和他有个好的结局, 仅此而已。

I like a person who only wants a good ending with him, that"s all.


I want to be with you, watching you laugh, having dinner together, watching the sunset, blowing the evening breeze. I like you very much, but I can"t even do it at the beginning.

原来喜欢一个人很久以后 ,不论失望攒了多少, 扬言说要放弃了多久 ,都无法阻止那掩饰不住的喜欢。

It turns out that no matter how much disappointment you have accumulated after a long time of liking someone, you can"t stop the love you can"t hide, no matter how long you threaten to give up.

我看什么都像你 ,我看月亮像你 ,看星星也像你 ,那些白亮透澈 ,温柔冷清的光 ,它们都让我想起你。

I look at everything like you. I look at the moon like you, look at the stars like you, and look at your white, clear, gentle and cold light. They all remind me of you.


This time I escaped the novelty and wanted to keep going with you, but you have been perfunctory and wasting my feelings.




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