
那些可以让人开心的逗趣句子 搞笑幽默 发朋友圈很赞


The older you get, the more you realize that todays adults arent easy except for hair loss, weight gain, and crash 没关系,

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The older you get, the more you realize that today"s adults aren"t easy except for hair loss, weight gain, and crash.


It doesn"t matter, you are so comfortable mix eat to die, I think one day you will also meet that don"t have a car, don"t have a house, don"t want you that girl.


In fact, most of the women in the world who stay indoors for a long time are simply poor. If they have money, who would like to stay at home for a holiday?


Now some people, others are off alone, he is more severe, his hair loss!


Maybe if you do get into a relationship, you"ll soon realize how great it is to be alone.


I think lying awake at night is such a waste of time. If only you could look at your phone for an hour of tossing and turning.


The world is so big, I want to have a look, originally I also want to learn others sold the house to go out to walk smartly once, but I suddenly found that I did not have a house.


Today"s young people are using six-digit passwords to protect their two-digit bank balances.


There is a strange instinct in this world that when people are pressed, they can inspire their potential, such as running, but only one thing seems to be unable to do under the condition of being pressed, that is, the high number problem!


It doesn"t matter, you stay up so quietly, remember to stay up tomorrow, promise me, so boil yourself into the Mediterranean, and then light the eyes of everyone.


About love this kind of thing, those ugly people need a routine, and those good-looking people just a "in"!


A word of caution: Be nice to your partner. After all, they have the best eyes in the world.


When I was young, I always thought, when I grow up, should I buy a house or buy more sets? When I grew up, I found that I really thought too much.






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