
优质的伤感小短句 现实有意义 适合失落时发圈!


Dont rely too much on one person, because even the shadow will leave in the dark 总觉得自己心态很好

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Don"t rely too much on one person, because even the shadow will leave in the dark.


I always feel that I have a good state of mind. People and things around me won"t involve my emotions too much. No matter how difficult it is, I think as long as I keep working hard, I can get through the difficulties. Only for children, I feel that all my mood swings, happiness, disappointment, sadness, sadness and fear will be caused by him and can"t be controlled. Tired!


Without naive ambition, the most beautiful flower always laughs and cries.


You deserve everything now, and you can"t blame anyone! You disappoint me too much.


Even if life is barren, empty, devastated and riddled with holes. I also want to open a mysterious flower. This is an obsession, a belief. When facing reality, it takes courage to bear it. After disappointment, you can still heal by yourself even if you tear the scar and fester. Who can resist this difficult growth?


Many people have been disappointed in love because they have so much expectation for it that when they lose it, they seem to be at a loss. At the same time, they will have to spend all their days without thinking about it.


Once there was a smile in my life, but it finally dissipated like fog. That smile became a fast-flowing river, which was deeply buried and hidden in my heart, and I couldn"t swim across it. The sound of that river became my desperate song every night.


You may experience many disappointments in your life. However, what I can"t stand most is that, in the face of cruel reality, intimate relationship gradually becomes cool thin. Once close to each other, but now they are drifting away. At first, I wanted to dig my heart, but now, I am looking for an arrow. In the past, I smiled sweetly, but today"s thoughts are bleak.


Don"t care too much about what others think of you, the earth is still stepping on your feet.


Have something to say, don"t wait for the other person to understand, because the other person is not you, and you don"t know what you want. The last thing is sadness and disappointment, especially feelings.


Maybe love is not nostalgia, not passion, but years, which has become a part of life.


Ready to go at any time. I"m ready to spend the rest of my life with you, and I"m always ready to let you go.

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