
细腻有意义的情感小句子 煽情贴心 深沉有意义!


曹禺Long bosom friend, can not doubt;Do not doubt, to long acquaintance works我并不痴情,可我回守侯你一生;我不是弱智,但我会傻傻的

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Long bosom friend, can not doubt;Do not doubt, to long acquaintance.- works


I am not spoony, but I will wait for your life;I am not retarded, but I will love you foolishly -- forever!


Youth is a non-stop farewell, but also a non-stop reunion.


Dare not boast around who, afraid of his sudden away from me embarrassed.


Say they all left, is want in oneself most lonely time, let them all come back one by one.


When you give, don"t expect anything in return.Otherwise a heart always concerned about the results, but more difficult to harvest.


Not, will never be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, do not need to pursue the good back, do not have to take into account the death of love.There"s nothing wrong with being in heaven alone.


With care and you talk, with understanding and you talk, with protection and you move forward, with true love and you romantic, with a lifetime and you accompany, with a lifetime and you lingering.


I"m sorry I didn"t live up to your expectations.


When we are old, I hope TO be able to kiss your gums forever.


The left hand is engraved with me, the right hand is written with you, the heart is full of love, when our palms meet, heart and soul, all people will see: I love you.


Every thought has a purpose. Time is a wise old man.

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