


2 Love is supposed to lift you up, not hold you down It is supposed to push you forward, not hold you back 爱应该是把你抬起来,而不是把你压下去

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1.Step outside of your comfort zone. Never stop learning. Never stop growing.走出舒适区,不要停止学习,不要停止成长。

2.Love is supposed to lift you up, not hold you down. It is supposed to push you forward, not hold you back. 爱应该是把你抬起来,而不是把你压下去。它应该推动你前进,而不是阻碍你前进。

3.Enjoy life today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never promised.享受今天的生活吧,因为昨天已经过去,明天永远不会被承诺。

4.It"s hard to beat a person who never gives up. Choose to be that person today.要打败一个永不放弃的人是很难的。今天就选择成为那个人吧。

5.Beautiful souls are shaped by ugly experiences. 美丽的灵魂是由丑陋的经历塑造的。

6.The way you think determines the way you feel, and the way you feel influences the way you act.你思考的方式决定了你的感觉,你的感觉影响了你的行为方式。

7.Life is not a puzzle to be solved. Life is a masterpiece that you create. 生活不是一个有待解决的难题,生活是你创造的杰作。

8.Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present, and fear the future. 对于那些忘记过去,忽视现在,害怕未来的人来说,生命是非常短暂和焦虑的。

9.No matter how bad life is going, when I"m chilling with my friends, everything"s good.不管生活有多糟糕,当我和朋友们在一起的时候,一切都很好。

10.Never ignore someone who cares for you, because someday you"ll realize you"ve lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones.永远不要忽视关心你的人,因为有一天你会意识到你在忙着收集石头的时候丢失了一颗钻石。


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