
用英文诗句来表白 快来学一下


为这,我已在佛前求了五百年,求他让我们结一段尘缘How to let you meet me in my most beautiful moment For this, I have been beggi


Enter my lovesickness gate, know my lovesickness, long love, long love, short love, infinite pole


This situation can be recalled, but at that time it was already clear.


There is no place to eliminate this feeling, only to frown, but also to the heart


The clothes are getting wider and I will never regret it. I am haggard for Yi Xiao


If the two love each other for a long time, how could it be in the morning and night


How to let you meet me in my most beautiful moment. For this, I have been begging for five hundred years in front of the Buddha, begging him to let us get along with each other


When we meet each other, we fight for it as if we don"t see it. If we have feelings, we will be ruthless.


If you are not old, you will never be able to live. The heart is like a double net, with thousands of knots


The body has no colorful phoenix wings, the heart has a touch


Today and tonight, see this nice person

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