
一句简单而治愈的小句子 分享快乐 治愈伤感伤心


More injuries, enough pain, the heart will not hurt, just because of numbness; Late at night, in the dark night, it is al

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No one can relieve your pain, so don"t let others take away your happiness.


More injuries, enough pain, the heart will not hurt, just because of numbness; Late at night, in the dark night, it is always the self who secretly wipes away the tears from the corners of the eyes.


Your happiness is well known, but my mess is nowhere to hide.


It says it misses you very much. ` My shadow and I both miss you."


You will never see my loneliest time, because I am loneliest only when you are not around me.


If you don"t understand, you can"t succeed if you try hard. If you don"t understand tolerance, you can"t be happy if you change your lover. If you don"t know how to cherish it, it will be difficult to change objects for a long time. I don"t know how to appreciate it, and I can"t describe it by changing my eyes. If you don"t know how to act, you can"t dream without being smart. If you don"t know how to cooperate, no matter how hard you work, you won"t succeed. If you don"t know how to accumulate, you can"t get rich if you earn money. If you don"t understand satisfaction, you can"t be happy even if you are rich. If you don"t know how to preserve your health, you can"t live long after re-treatment.


It seems that I am a careless person, but in fact my feelings are delicate and sensitive. A bad tone and a word will make me sad. A woman"s disappointment with a man is accumulated in this way. When a woman leaves a man, it is the superposition of disappointment again and again.


If he loves you, how can he not find time? Since there is no time, just release him. When you release him, you also release yourself.


You say you love me, but you forget that you are still holding other people"s hands.


There is nothing wrong with liking someone, but the mistake lies in liking someone who doesn"t like himself.


Cold night, waning moon, cold autumn deceives, while drunken lying on the ice bed sleeps late. Enthusiastic cold wind breaks water in the furnace, and it is rare to see small ripples in Langyuan.


Singing love songs shallowly, dispirited and sad, forgetting to be afraid and wandering, staying alone, feeling cold and chilling, leaving words and feeling dead.


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