
伤感短句子文案 让人心酸的伤感句子 心疼到窒息!


Im used to your neglect, but I cant ignore you, because Im afraid of losing your world Even if I feel lonely, I wont say Im sad 任何一个人离开你,都并非突然作的决定

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I"m used to your neglect, but I can"t ignore you, because I"m afraid of losing your world. Even if I feel lonely, I won"t say I"m sad.


It"s not a sudden decision for anyone to leave you. People"s hearts are slowly getting cold, leaves are gradually turning yellow, and the story is slowly written to the end. And love, because too many disappointments, becomes no love.


Just because you give too much laughter, no one cares about your sadness and seriousness.


There are regrets in the lyrics of the single cycle.


Reach out and grab, but there is nothing. Even the air runs away in the gap. The feeling of helplessness makes you feel like a desert. but.


In fact, the lost things never really belong to you. There is no need to regret. They are always sincere.


It turns out that too much love will push people further.


I get used to it slowly, and my mood doesn"t fluctuate so much. I cry when I"m wronged. I comfort myself. I don"t need others


Hug yourself when you are tired and coax yourself when you cry. It is impossible to have someone around you all the time to accompany you and spoil you. You should learn to hurt yourself.

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