
适用于夜深人静时发孤独文案 个性又高级 适合发圈



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I like pure wine, and my mouth still smiles!


What are you still thinking? Why are you hesitating? There is only one year left. You don"t have to be choosy, because you have my persistence.


Indifferent heart, scarred, pale, screaming, but feeling heartbroken, don"t think, don"t insist. Who is sin and who is tears. Lonely in the song, lonely in the phoenix dance, far away from the celebration in the stream, and the peach blossoms wither everywhere. I cry, you laugh. Affectionate always angered by ruthlessness!


Later, there were many other people around you. I curled up like a cat and watched your life, but you smiled and reminded me that you were so kind to me before we were estranged.


Either you can"t keep up with me, or I walked too fast and accidentally left you behind.


There are some things that we can"t understand when we are young, but when we understand, we are no longer young.


Sometimes I can"t feel anything, but once I lose it, it"s like losing everything.


Don"t wait until autumn to say that the spring breeze has blown; Don"t wait until you are separated, just say you have loved.


If I become transparent, I will let you see my deep thoughts and true sadness, traces of crying and laughing, and past happiness and sadness. If I lose my eyes, when a piano piece plays for me in the dark world, I will still burst into tears at that moment, although I can only relive your appearance in my memory.


Have you ever been sad when I shed tears for you?

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