
适用于夜深人静时发的孤独文案 个性又高级 似艳阳般暖心!


To admit his greatness is to admit his foolishness 欲知世上刀兵劫,但听屠门夜半声

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To admit his greatness is to admit his foolishness.


If you want to know the carnage of the world, listen to the midnight sound.Don"t just blame yourself for being sick and suffering. Look at how many living beings have been killed by your sword.


Have you ever wondered if you don"t have any friends?


The raindrops hanging on the leaves are the tears of angels, my heart.


I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you sleep under the light shedding through your window.


Move on, all right? Let yourself go.


God is fair because he treats everyone unfairly.


"Aren"t you my sweetheart?"


Also jun pearl double tears down, hate not to meet not married.


Always think water is the story of the mountain, the sea is the story of the sail, the sky is the story of the cloud, you are my story, but I do not know whether I am your story.


Tears, can not help but also have to endure;Suffering, pharynx also pharynx;Wrong edge, can not put also have to put.


You"re busy. When are you going to marry me?

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